Talking language of home of solution _ Confucius New Sinology Chapter: Regarding solution New Sinology BookName: Confucius home language New Sinology Catalog: Child ministry New Sinology Content: Confucius is in Zuo , Zuo Hou Chutian, the person that enrol anxiety with an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast not Zuo , the of envoy says: " Xi Xianjun's Tian Ye, an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast in order to enrol a doctor, gong Yizhao person, pi Guan suppositions with enrolling person, official not Yao Pi Guan, reason not dare Zuo , abandon therefore. " of Confucius Long say: " be apt to defend be inferior to defending an official, of gentleman Zuo . " Zuo of cut down of Zuo , season Kang Zi makes Ran Qiu leads left Die , fencing Zuo is right, blame cannot also, do not believe child, Zha 3 engrave and of Zuo , be like, of Bao , enters Zuo Zuo , Zuo Zuo escape, ran useful dagger, reason can enter Yan. Of Confucius Long say: " Li also. " already , ran You of season Zheng says: " child at , of ? Of sexual Zuo ? " says: " of . " season says: " thing Confucius, ? " Ran You says: " namely the Confucius of also. Husband Confucius person, big Long not Yu , of civil and military is used, hold <> concurrently, beg also law of Zuo Long its , not Yu also. " season , fencing Zuo in order to accuse Confucius. Confucius says: " season at be but of Zheng person have can. " He Ji of Zha intermediate is allowed to divide already south, and clear is fair outer, not life also. Decide fair accession, be a life, Zuo says: " first I have Zuo life Yan, say: "Husband Die , the person's also, of the that be not Die in order to stand. " Home old mission 2 official, surely thing Confucius and Die , in order to decide its. " of fair Yu . 2 child Wu Kongzi. Confucius says: " can Xuan Zuo person, gentleman also. Yu cloud, gentleman is it is , meng Xi child but , personal place is ill, with Zha its heir, Zheng of of faint of Yu of elegance place Zheng , with Yan Yi child, it is Zuo also husband. " Xiao Wen Zi is displeased at fair, house relative, public servant not bury, yan of Zuo of Wen Zi . Delay of Zuo of hill Ji Zi, of Zuo relative Long say: " ! Of the master here, swallow mew at act also, not also, why Yan? Gentleman is in again , can? " Wen Ziwu is Jian body not a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of Long musical instrument. Of Confucius Long say: " Ji Zineng with Li person, wen Zineng is self-denying take Li , but Zheng be apt to changes. " Annals of Confucius Yin , Zuo wears Zuo fair, Zuo aegis dies, do not hill and Zuo , aegis of history Zuo Mr . Aegis says: " otherwise. " Shi Yue: " child dear, die not to leave the country, return not Yin Zuo , blame child and Zha . " aegis says: " breathes out! My , from Yu Yi Qi, my Zheng ! " Confucius says: " direct fox, ancient fine history also, law not Zuo . Zuo announce child, ancient fine doctor also, law suffers , cherish also cross the boundary illegally is avoided therefore. " Zuo of Zuo cut down, enter, make child nimble at , the blame of Zuo of person Yan. Child says: " Zuo dies the great mind of week, Bao of Hunan of interpose depend on, city of Zuo hill fraud, be in order to have year accuse. Not life, has the service of Zuo again. Zuo Sui person, print of well H wood, fraud city big , day Zha its Xuan , heart of fraud city, know its hardship, school head at me, with dare result. " person says: " why is reason invaded small? " says: " first the life of king, alone blame is in, each send its to monarch, and former times the emperor one Qi, row together, naturally in order to decline, zhou Zhi is made also. Today Qi of big much , if is invaded small, why to come Yan. " person says: " its Zuo Zuo . " of Confucius Long , Zheng child Zuo says: " annals has, character with full records, civil with full talk, not character Zha knows its keep in mind, the article of character, of travel not Zuo . Zuo uncle enter Zuo , blame article Zuo not result, boy Shen Zai. " Discard of Hunan Zuo king wastefuls, serve of change of right Yin Zi sits, zun Shi leans on photograph Zuo and Zuo , wang Yue: " it is fine history also, child of Yao of be apt to, be can 3 of Zhu 5 allusion, 8 Suo Jiuqiu. " says: " husband fine history person, Zuo of Yin Jun Zhi, Jun Zhishan, and this child with official of Zuo , cannot fine history. " say: " I are Long Yan again, xi Zhoumu king is about to shop its heart, the world of Zuo travel, make all have Zuo Zuo , yan of Zuo Zuo , father of fair Zheng of hold a memorial ceremony for makes Zun clear, in order to stop Wang Xin, king be with almost Wu Wen's official, yan of official Long its Yu , and not know, be like Zuo Yan, its Yan can know. " Wang Yue: " child can? " says: " can, its Yu says: "The of pray clear, sound of type clear heart, think of my king to spend, type is like jade, type is like gold, the force of punishment civilian, and the heart that has drunk Zuo . " " Zuo king is bowed with hands clasped to and enter, Zuo is not fed, does not sleep, day originallies cannot its affection, and at Zuo . Confucius Zhu its records says: " ancient person have keep in mind, of self-denying Die benevolence, believe kind, hunan Zuo king if can so, Zuo of Wu Qian of Zuo period disgrace, child the blame Zun Shi of change, so Zuo also, Er Yu with Zheng , Zuo . " Mu Zi of of father's younger brother, avoid Zuo goes straight towards Zuo , su Wugeng Zong Zhiyi, of few of age an administrative unit in Xizang connects Yan and give birth to an ox, mu Zi returns Zuo , with Zuo of bovine , photograph home, 2 people of of bovine Zhu father's younger brother of , of father's younger brother is sick, the ox is illogical its Zuo , be not fed and die, clear of bastard of of father's younger brother of Niu Sui Zuo and those who stand. Clear child establish government already, its home Bao says: " father's younger brother of Zuo ox Dai , make big , Zuo establishs be the concubine, by its city, in an attempt to abandons a blame, the blame is greatest Yan, surely of fast . " ox of the Zuo that satisfy . Confucius says: " clear of of father's younger brother child not , impossible also. Zhou Ren has Yan Yue: " politics person not Zuo illicit , not Li illicit is complained. " Yu cloud: "Have Yin moral conduct, of 4 Zuo . " clear child have Yan. " Cropland of of Yong Zi of Ning of Xing Hou, of Zuo of father's younger brother manages, the blame is in Yong Zi, yong Zi Ji its Zuo of female Wu Shu, xing Hou of of fraud of Zuo of father's younger brother, yong Ziwu face of Ning of Zuo of father's younger brother of of Xing Hou Nu. Zuo announce child blame Wu Shu to, xiang Yue of father's younger brother: " 3 sit together, apply unripe join to die but also. Yong Zi knows its hardship oneself, and Zuo with buy straight Zuo also, sell its blame of of of Xing Hou one also. Personal and of claim credit due to others faints, Zuo with silent of official , person not avoid Zuo . Summerly says: "Faint silent Zuo , , jiu Tao's punishment also. " of Zha . " it is Shi Xinghou, and cadaver Yong Zishu Zuo at city. Confucius says: " the Zuo of Xianggu of father's younger brother is straight also. Treat to make punishment, not Zuo at Yin , the blame of Zuo of 3 father's younger brother not end, or say Li , but Zheng is straight. Make the same score Qiu Zhi , its Zuo also, with Xiao , not is cruel; of Zuo season, Er its Yu also, with Zuo , not cruel; Xing Hou's , character its Zuo also, with punishment , not Zuo . 3 character and divide 3 , increase 3 profit, of Yin beneficial, by Li also husband. " Zuo has Zuo school, of Zuo school person, the that be not Zha politics, Zuo bright desire Zuo school. Child says: " why also? Madam a very short time is retreated and Zuo Yan, with Zhu the be apt to of politics is denied, its place be apt to person, my go; The person that its are denied, my change. The how that be like also. My Long sincere advice is complained with , not Long stands power complain in case, prevent complain waterproof also, big place makes, person needs much, wufuke is saved also, make as small of , of as I Long Shu . " Confucius Long is character also, say: " I in order to be of Yin , person Zheng child heartless, I is not believed also. " makes the same score Hou Yuping grave of fair Zheng , Zuo Hou reachs alliance, Zuo child the place of Zuo of Zuo bear, say: " Zuo of Zuo of the emperor class is heavy in former days, in order to list honour low, Zuo , zhou Zhi is made also, low and pasture of the person that Zuo is weighed is taken, south Zuo Bai Nan also, and make fair Hou Zhi Zuo , nots Jian also, dare with Zha , from meridian , so that faint. " of person Yu . Confucius says: " child at it is to go also, be with base also. Yu cloud: " gentleman, of state home base. " child , of gentleman at person, and say add up to Zheng Hou and Shu Zuo thing, Die also. " Zuo child has difficulty, Zheng child too father's younger brother says: " I am dead, child surely politics, only heart person can take with civilian, next it would be better is fierce. Husband fire sacrificing oneself for a just cause civilian look and of Wei, reason Zuo dead Yan; Water immerse is weak, civilian be improperly familiar with and of Long , is much deader Yan, reason Zuo . " child soldier, child too of father's younger brother politics, cannot bear fierce and , Zuo sweeps past Bao more. Too of regret of father's younger brother say: " my early masters, surely not as good as this. " of Confucius Long say: " be apt to! Politics civilian slow, wu Meng of slow Ji , fierce civilian , shi Zhi of civilian with , with fierce, fierce with , of fierce photograph, politics be in order to mix. Yu says: "Civilian also stops, qi but comparatively well-off, benefit the in this, with Jian all directions. " Shi Zhi with , not Jun Yu Zuo , with Zheng fine, cruel of type check bandit, not Wei bright, of Ji with fierce also, soft Zuo can Zuo , in order to decide my king, smooth in order to mix also. " say again: " not Fu not Jian , not is not soft, of cloth politics , 100 Dai are to powerful, mix to also. " child the soldier of also, of Confucius Long , give tears to say: " of Gu Zhi Zuo . " Confucius Zuo Zuo , the of Zuo Mount Taishan, person having cries Wu Ye person and sad, master form and of Long say: " this sad be like the person that have again. " make child of Zuo . And say: " dead Wu Hu of former times mother's brother, my husbands die again Yan, today I child die again Yan. " child Zuo says: " why to go? " person says: " tyranny. " child Zuo in order to accuse Confucius. Child say: " of boy Zhu , tyranny is fierce at Bao Hu. " of the Kingdom of Wei child politics, divide the cropland of a surname family name and ovine tongue family name, of a surname , with Zuo Dr Zheng , reach its child into, all with Zuo Ning also. Zuo Xin Yue: " today you are strong at the royal family, I is with Ning you, row Jing Zhizai, not is force. " of Confucius Long say: " Wei Zizhi Ning also, do not break Yin nearly, Zuo does not break Ning , but Zheng is beautiful. " laborious of Zuo of Long its life with faithful. Yu cloud: " always character matchs an order, beg much happiness oneself. " faithful also. Wei Zizhi Ning also, Li its life also. Faithful its Zuo has after at . Zuo Ha child Zuo rouses Zuo , with Zuo Xing Ding, write Fan Xuan child of place punishment. Confucius says: " its die, break its to spend. The place of Shou Tangshu of of husband gets law, with Jian Jin its civilian person also. Dear the doctor defends with foreword, civilian be with can abide by its and defend its , Zuo Zuo does not fault, place Zheng is spent also. Language is common it is the official that orders with making , by law, with the leader of an alliance. Today this spends also, and Xing Ding, Zuo is in vessel, why honour Zuo ? Why of defend also? Foreword of Zuo Zuo , why ? And husband Xuan Zizhi punishment, the San of exterminate also, is made, the how law that be like. " Hunan clear king has difficulty, bo Yue: " evil spirit of river god . " Wang Fu hold a memorial ceremony for, outskirt of Zheng of doctor Zha hold a memorial ceremony for. Wang Yue: " 3 acting lives are offerred sacrifices to, hold a memorial ceremony for does not look more, river stopping Zhang, chu Zhiwang also, of Dai blessing to, not be Zuo , not Er Zuo not heart, blame of of river blame place also. " then not hold a memorial ceremony for. Confucius says: " Hunan clear king knows a highway, its do not break also appropriate. Summerly says: " Jin those Tao Tang, the day that lead the other party constant, in this Ji Fang, break faint talk today, Jin of its Ji , be and die. " " say again: " allow gives Pi to be in Pi , by personal rate constant but. " Xiao Kong Wenzi makes too pain of father's younger brother goes its wife, and with its female wife, disease Zha at the beginning of its wife Di, of establish , Ning article children, be like 2 wife Die . Wen Zinu attacks. Confucius abandons Qu Baiyu's home, wen Zi with respect to Yu Yan. Confucius says: " the thing of Ha a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles, of of Long , the thing of arms armour, not Long also. " retreat and life Zuo and say all right: " wood of Zuo , wooden Zuo can Zuo ? " Wen Zi hurriedly says from what stop: " an enclosure for storing grain also dare Zuo spend its illicit? Also the Zuo of Yu Xiao also. " stops, the that Ran of of season Kang Zi begs, ran Qiu already of , say again: " the surname that the master sows, Zuo Zheng ghosts and gods, and regret, used is famous. " Kang Ziyan at sad fair, greet Confucius to say with : " the person's Wu Ran requests a letter, uses greatly. " Its Ha of of Zuo Zuo is fair, of Confucius Long , 3 days of bath and Zuo face, accuse at sad fair say: " Zuo Mr its gentleman, of Zha cut down. " fair not Yu , 3 Zha , fair say: " Zuo Zuo is weak long, child cut down also, is like why? " says: " Zuo Mr its gentleman, civilian not Ning person half, the Bao with Zuo , add Zuo , can overcome also. " fair say: " child the family name that declare season. " Confucius Zuo , retreat and accuse a person to say: " the after with my Dr , I dare be not accused also. " Child says: " cloud, tall Zong Sannian not character, yan Naiyong, is there Zheng ? " Confucius says: " introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad its otherwise also. Ancient person the emperor dies, world child appoint politics slaughter 3 years at grave, do not have already into , too Yin of armour Long Wu Yi, of fierce Wang Ji, into king Long Wu Zhou fair, its Li one also. " Xiao Huan Zi invades Zuo , encounter Yan, Zuo person multiplies, new Dr Ha , zhong Shu saves Huan Zi at Xi Yiji Bao , huan Zinai is avoided. Xiao person with Yu Xi of father's younger brother of city Zuo intermediate, yu Xi Zuo , the of Zha music , numerous Kui with face, of Yu , is in 3 officials. Child Lu Shi Xiao , Yao its reason, with Yu Confucius. Confucius says: " the city that cherish also is inferior to much Ning , alone implement Ning name, not OK dummy, jun Zhi is managed, the name is believed with going out, letter in order to defend implement, implement in order to hide Die , Die with travel Li , Li in order to lay benefit, benefit with civilian, politics big Geng also. If with dummy, Ning person politics also, politics die, of of Home , cannot stop also. " Bai Zhi of fair father article's mother, Ji Jun indissolubles. Yan of Wen Bai Zheng . Its origin says: " ancient person black Ji of queen Yin Jun , the Jian of Ji of madam together with of fair Hou, qing Zhi child big , life is taken into hold a memorial ceremony for, of row person wife, together with is taken with face, oneself person of be the concubine already fell, each Yi Jifu, company and Zuo thing, and result, Jun of Ji of male and female, fault has monarch, Long Wang Zhi is made also, today my few also, v/arc be on the throne, a very short time scrupulously and respectfully diligent, fears forgetting the of forefathers, has idle , why do its avoid monarch? " of Confucius Long say: " of child annals, the of season family name, but Zheng not Zuo . " Wu Kongzi of fencing Zuo says: " Zuo thing Mr Zuo , politics not , but Zheng faithful, and gentleman of cutting of the feet, does its come Zuo ? " Confucius says: " Gu Zhishi person, has Bao faithful with Zuo , of path removes a body with avoiding. Today Zuo disease child eat the day at excessive , do not measure advocate light and shade, in order to suffer big cutting of the feet, be wisdom be inferior to certain herbaceous plants with big flowers, of certain herbaceous plants with big flowers can Xiao its are sufficient. " Season Kang Zi is about to give law Zuo Yan with one well cropland, make Yu Confucius. Child say: " Qiu Fu Zhu also. " soldier of Ran Yousan says: " child is old, wait for child and row, the He Zizhi that be like not character? " Confucius not and illicit Wu Ran has: " beg, your , ru Fu Long , first king make land, jie Tian Yili, and bottom its Zuo is close; In Zuo in order to enter, and measure its to have; Ren Li with the husband, and Zhu its are old young. At it is old man of disease of Zuo few Gu, of Zuo brigade piece, of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, already. Its closes, tian Yijing gives He Bing, gao of Pi of rice of v/LIT an amphora-like jar is not Zuo , first of Wang Yi sufficient, the travel of gentleman, spend surely at Die , apply take its thick, thing Ning among them, its are thin, if its already, qiu Yi is sufficient. Do not spend at Die , and Zuo risks , cropland of Zuo Zuo , has inadequacy. And child if with going and take as one's model, has Zhougong's allusion to be in. If be about to sin, of Gouhang, why Yu Yan. " Child swim Wu Kongzi says: " character of the master child the benefit of also, can you get Long ? " Confucius says: " benefit is in civilian just. " child You Yue: " the heart of civilian Zheng teachs, does He Chi use benefit? " Confucius says: " master person, the mother of Bao person also, can feed, not can teach also. " child You Yue: " its thing but character? " Confucius says: " child the experience of Zuo winter that takes with place person, it is teachs also. " Sad fair Wu Kongzi says: " 23 doctors all the sovereign makes grand respects Wu Gaonian, he Ye? " Confucius says: " Jun Zhi and this character, of Zuo of of the world, Zuo only Zuo . " fair say: " He Ye? Can its Li get Long ? " Confucius says: " former times person heart of Zuo of family name having anxiety and still Zuo , the rank of nobility of Xia Houshi Zuo and still Zuo , yan Ren Zuo is rich and still Zuo , Yin of Zhou Ren Zuo and still Zuo , week of anxiety summer abundant, of the world fill Wang Ye, have no Zuo year person Yan. Year person below Zuo Wu Tian long, second at thing Yin , hereat imperial court is the same as the rank of nobility and still Zuo , 70 bastinado Wu Chao, gentleman banquet, 80 not Shi Chao, gentleman , and Zuo loving and respect for one's elder brother imperial court; Its go also shoulder and not , not Zuo Zuo , greying person do not hold the post of Wu Daolu with its, and Zuo loving and respect for one's elder brother road; House Zuo is old with Zuo Fu not , does not make weak, Bao is not cruel few, and Zuo loving and respect for one's elder brother city alley; Gu Zhidao, 50 not pasture battle, the Zuo of Zuo birds grand person, and Zuo loving and respect for one's elder brother San huntings; Zuo brigade assorted five, the that be the same as the rank of nobility still Zuo , and Zuo loving and respect for one's elder brother Zuo brigade. Husband Long Wang Zhi teachs, imperial court of Zheng of filial piety , travel Wu Daolu, to Wu Zhou alley, put hunting at San , abide at Zuo brigade, Bao feels with Li , dead and not dare make. " fair say: " be apt to, of Long of the sovereign Zuo , not can become. " Sad fair Wu Kongzi says: " beneficial of of the sovereign Long is bodeful, the letter has? " Confucius says: " bodeful have 5, and beneficial not Ning Yan. Husband person from beneficial, of the body bodeful; is old and take young, of the home bodeful; Zuo and allow to unworthy, of bodeful; The old man does not teach, young person not , of common bodeful; Conceal of Long person bend over, I person of arrogate to oneself, the world is bodeful. Bodeful have 5, beneficial not Ning Yan. " of Confucius Zuo season, of season slaughter Zheng to say: " gentleman makes beg false Wu Tian, special of Ning ? " season not character. Confucius says: " the gentleman of my Long takes Wu Chen Zheng take, the Zuo of Zheng of Ning Wu Chen, I take the holiday of Wu Jun Zheng , the of Zheng of Ning Wu Jun. " season color realizes like that: " my Zha not Zuo this Li . " satisfy a lot its slaughter: " from today already , gentleman Youquzhi, everything does not get character holiday also. " |
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