The five chief forms of punishment in ancient China sees sign of _ Confucius home New Sinology Chapter: Solution of the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China New Sinology BookName: Confucius home language New Sinology Catalog: Child ministry New Sinology Content: Wu Kongzi of Ran You says: " ancient person 3 emperor 5 emperor need not the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China, letter? " Confucius says: " the Yu of Long person is prevented, its do not make Zuo also, make the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China and need not, so comes treat also. Bao of Fu of evil, the person that absurd of law of blown away by wind goes, unripe at inadequacy, inadequacy is born to be spent at , spends small person steal Bao , big person wastefuling blown away by wind, each do not know Geng . It is above has a system, civilian knows what to stop, civilian know what to stop, does not make. Reason Zuo has Bao of evil Zuo , the that absurd of law of blown away by wind goes, and defect Xing Zhimin. Disobedient person unripe at heartless, heartless person give birth to the Die at hold a memorial ceremony for bright, the Die of hold a memorial ceremony for teachs benevolence so also, can teach benevolence , think of sb with respect is sacred, indissoluble person child the path of Zuo Zuo , the Die of hold a memorial ceremony for bright, civilian filial piety. Reason Zuo has disobedient , and defect Xing Zhimin. The person that go up is unripe at not Li , Li so Zuo Zuo , bright honour low also, Zuo Zuo has , honour low is orderly, civilian there's no one who doesn't or isn't honour go up and respect Zuo . The Die that face hires person, so bright Li also, Li needs bright civilian do not make, reason Zuo has the on , and defect Xing Zhimin. Zuo Zhu person unripe Wu Xiangling, photograph hill person unripe at Zuo young foreword, and Zuo respects Zhu , the Die of Zuo Zuo wine person, so bright Zuo young foreword, and esteem Zhu also, Zuo young surely foreword, civilian respects Zhu , reason Zuo has the of Zuo Zhu , and defect Xing Zhimin. Excessive person of female of unripe Wu Nan, of of male and female, husband breaks Li , Die hires the person that enjoy so men and women, the Li of Ming Fu also, men and women already , husband already bright, reason Zuo has the of excessive , and defect Xing Zhimin. This 5 person, punishment Li is born, each active Yan. Do not pleased Saijiyuan, and of Zuo Kui with punishment, it is trap of Zheng civilian Yu and of defect. The source of punishment Li , unripe at of be addicted to not Geng , break the person that Die is spent, so the of be addicted to of Die civilian, and bright the path of day of good Zuo , Die is spent already Zuo , 5 teach to repair, and civilian or did not change, shang Biming its code with Shen Guzhi. The person that its make the that absurd of law of evil blown away by wind goes, Zuo makes an amount degree; Have the person that make disobedient , the Die of hold a memorial ceremony for of Zuo ; Have the person that make the on , the Die of Yin of Zuo face; Have the person that make the of Zuo Zhu , the Die of wine of Zuo of Zuo Zuo ; Have the person that make the of excessive , the Die that Zuo marriage hires. The place of 5 emperor changes 3 emperor civilian person such, Zuo has the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China with, not Yi Ke! " Confucius says: " great pain has 5, and below person , blame of the person that go against heaven and earth reachs 5 ages, Zha civil and military person the blame reachs 4 ages, blame of the person that go against person reachs sansei, Zheng ghosts and gods person the blame reachs 2 ages, hand person person blame and its body, friend says great pain has 5, and person falls. " Wu Kongzi of Ran You says: " first king make a way, make punishment do not go up at the doctor, Die does not lay Wu Shu's person, like that Dr commits a crime, not OK infliction, the act of person of be the concubine, can you treat at Die ? " Confucius says: " otherwise, every treats gentleman with Die drive its heart, so the with cheap Geng of also, the doctor with ancient reason, its have sit not cheap Er and retreat those who put person, not of Zheng not cheap Er and retreat put, says Ha a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles not Zuo ; Have sit of of excessive men and women person, not the of of excessive men and women of Zheng , says heavy curtain is not repaired also; Have sit to not go up disloyal person, not of Zheng not go up disloyal, says official Geng was not written; Have sit Li Zuo not the person that holds the post of, not the Li Zuo of Zheng not holds the post of, says next officials not Long ; Have sit the person that do the Ji of , not the Ji of the dry of Zheng , says act not Zha . This 5 person, the doctor has charge surely oneself already, and cannot bear denounce, like that with breathing out also, subsequently the Zheng of , so of ashamed , the blame of hereat doctor, its are in the region of the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China person, Long and Zhu , Kui of Zuo of Bai Guan, Bao water adds , build Zuo and from Zha blame, gentleman does not make have pull of of department Jun and together with also. The person that its have great pain, Long life in do obeisance to again, genuflect and commit suicide, gentleman does not make person is brought and punishment . Say: "Child the side that the doctor takes oneself, I is encountered child have Die , do not go up with punishment doctor and the person that the doctor also does not break its blame, religion make like that also. " the person that place Zheng Die does not lay person of be the concubine, with hurriedly of person of be the concubine its thing and cannot fill Die , reason not of Zuo with Die also. " Ran You genuflect avoids Xi Yue like that: " character is beautiful, beg not Long , retreat and of Yin . " |
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