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章节: 礼运
书名: 孔子家语
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前18年  至  公元后273年
视频: 礼运_孔子家语
音频: 礼运_孔子家语

  • New Sinology Title:
    Language of home of Confucius of ceremony carry _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Ceremony carry

    New Sinology BookName:
    Confucius home language

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    Bandit of department of Confucius Zuo , Ning at candle, already Zuo thing , give Zuo therefore at Yin over, sigh however . Character cease serve says: " master why also? " Confucius says: " the travel of former times highway, of 3 generation of Ning flower, I not capture also, and Yan having Yin . The travel of the highway, the world is fair, Zuo Zuo Ning can, Zheng believes Xiu Mu. Old friend not Yin its Yin , not child its child, old somewhat Jian , is used somewhat, disease of pity few Gu, all somewhat Zuo . Wu De of Zuo its , need not hide Wu Ji. Its do not give force at the body, need not person. Be with Zheng Zuo not Ning , Zuo of Bao Fu is not made. The outside reason and not Zuo , the Great Harmony of Zheng . Today highway already Zuo , the world Home , each Yin its Yin , each child its child, Zuo oneself, person of force . Adult world and with constant, pool of of inner and outer city walls originallies with . Civil and military of of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty, into king Zhou Gong, from this and Zuo , have no not Zheng at Die , the place Ning of Die , of Ning heaven and earth, if have not by Die v/arc be on the throne person, with disaster. " of character cease says: " such, of Die urgent also. " Confucius says: " husband Die , first Wang Suo with Cheng Tianzhi, in order to treat the person's condition, list its ghosts and gods, Zuo shoots coronal marriage face to hire at Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for. Reason Long person shows with Die , the world Home but be able to Die . " character falls on his back: " today v/arc be on the throne, mo Zhi by Die , he Ye? " Confucius says: " breathes out Ai Zai! My Yin Zhou Dao, of deep and remote also, my Zuo why Zuo ? The outskirt of husband Zuo and Die all are not Die , zhou Gong its already declined. The outskirt of a surname also the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty, the outskirt of the Song Dynasty also engraves, the thing that is the emperor is defended also, the emperor the after with king of a surname Song Er, week is public politics sends peace and tranquility, and Ning the emperor is Die together also. The god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of Zheng Hou hold a memorial ceremony for ancestor , all act according to its to be in charge of up and down, and Yi Jichang law of Mo Gan wishing Gu, it is Zheng big fine. Make wish Gu Zuo Zha today, apprentice Cang Wuzong wishs Wu Shi, blame Die also, it is Zheng deep and remote ; Zuo reachs cadaver gentleman, blame Die also, it is gentleman of Zheng overstep one's authority; Zuo of arms of crown a man's cap used in ancient times, hide at illicit home, blame Die also, it is Zheng Mr Man ; The doctor has an official, sacrificial utensil truly, Long all is provided, blame Die also, it is . Friend be an official at Gong Yuechen, shi Wujia says . of 3 years, Ning has newly marriage person, period do not make also. With declining enters day, Zuo of Home Ning resides Zuo Zuo , blame Die also, it is Zheng official Mr Ning in all ; The emperor has field, with Ta its child , Zheng Hou has , with Ta its child , the doctor has collect, with Ta its child , it is Zheng system; Hou of Zheng of the emperor Zuo , abandon surely its a , and not Die book is entered, it is Ji of of law of of Zheng the emperor; Zheng Hou is not of disease , and the home of the official that enter Zheng , it is Zheng of of Zheng Jun Chen. Husband Die person, jun Zhibing, so disrelishs Ming Wei, ghosts and gods, study a system, list benevolence Li , stand politics religion, an Junchen fluctuates also. Reason politics is frame-up Mr danger, gentleman danger chancellery times, small official Fu , punishment Man and of law of common fraud constant, of of Die of law constant , of Die person not be an official, civilian not , it is Zheng defect . Hereat husband politics person, jun Zhi hides so also, surely this day effect in order to fall life, the lot falls at the company, Zheng teachs the ground, jiang Wuzu , Zheng benevolence Li , jiang Wushan plain, Zheng Ning is made, fall Yu Wusi, Zheng system, the solid that this Long person hides so also. Ground of Wu Tian of Long person , at ghosts and gods in order to treat politics also. What its put Ta , the foreword of Die also, of Long its place, civilian treat also. Inherent , the ground gives birth to Zuo , its father lays the person and teachs, 4 person Jun Yizheng uses, establish the ground at Zuo so. Gentleman person, person place bright, the person that be not bright person also; Person place Zuo , the person that be not Zuo person also; Person place thing, the person that be not thing person also. Husband person, bright person has Zuo , of reason Zuo person is insufficient, thing person is broken, ming Jun of reason common people with autonomy, mr Zuo with be being installed oneself, thing gentleman with from Zuo , it is with Die Zuo cent is decided. Person all its are dead, and suffer from its to be born, hereat servantchooses a person for a job wisdom go its Yu , the brave of choose and employ persons goes its are angry, of choose and employ persons benevolence go its Zuo . has suffer from, the Li of of gentleman dead the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, the doctor dies the Zhu of a . Every Long person can with the world , with in one person of , of blame meaning, know its feeling surely, Li of Wu Ji, ming Wuji benefit, Zuo Wu Jihuan, like that of after . Why Zheng favor? Happy event is angry of sad desire, 7 person not and can; Why Zheng person Li ? Father Ci Zixiao, younger brother of elder brother fine loves and respect for his elder brother, Long of husband Li , Zuo benefit young Zuo , jun Renchen faithful, 10 person the person Li of Zheng ; Zheng believes Xiu Mu, the person benefit of Zheng , of photograph, the person of Zheng suffers from; Long person treats person fear, 10 Li of Man , Zheng believes Man harmonious, still Zuo Zhu , go , abandon Die why to be treated; Zuo feeds a men and women, of the person be about to put Yan greatly, dead Zuo is bitter, big of the person puts Yan. Desire person, the person's main aspects, the person hides its heart, cannot is spent, beautiful all is in its heart, not Yao its color, desire one with Fu , abandon Die why? Old friend person, the heart of heaven and earth, of Zuo Zuo hand in, the of ghosts and gods, the show of the five elements. Day grasping Zuo , hang down day of star, ground grasping Zuo , Zuo Wu Shanchuan, sow of Wu Si of the five elements, with 4 after month is unripe, be with 35 and be filled with, 35 and be short of, the of the five elements, in all photograph exhaust also. The five elements 4 in December, Zuo photograph this; 5 Long an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme 12 canals, of Zuo photograph ; The five flavors 6 and 12 feed, Zuo of Zuo photograph ; 5 kinds of 6 chapters 12 garments, Zuo photograph advocate. Old friend person, the heart of heaven and earth, and the end of the five elements, feed the person that flavour Long is born by color. Long person makes , surely with of heaven and earth this, with end of Zuo Zuo , with handle of 4 , with Ji of day star , the month is measured with , ghosts and gods with apprentice, the five elements with Zuo , Die Li with implement, favor with cropland, 4 Zuo with cultivate. With of heaven and earth this, reason other people but Ning ; With end of Zuo Zuo , reason affection can be seen; With handle of 4 , story but ; With Ji of day star , reason but ; The month is measured with , reason result has Shu ; Ghosts and gods with apprentice, the story has defend; The five elements with Zuo , story but also; Die Li with implement, the story has all right one's deceased father; Favor with cropland, 4 Zuo with cultivate. Why 4 Zuo of Zheng ? The Zuo of Zheng of Zuo of Lin Zuo Zuo . Reason Zuo with cultivate, and Zuo Zuo not Zha ; Zuo with cultivate, and Zuo not > of < feather an ancient nationality in China; Lin with cultivate, and not < Piao jumps over > ; Zuo with cultivate, and favor is not broken. First Wang Bingshi Zuo , the row is sacred, , Jun , announce, zhu Gu, Yu system, wish Gu Zuo Zha . Reason has Die , the official has drive, Long is orderly, first king those who suffer from Die not Zuo at below, reason Zuo emperor at outskirt, decide a day so also; Worshipping company at , list favourable geographical position so also; Die ancestor , so this benevolence also; Brigade mountains and rivers-land, so ghosts and gods also; Hold a memorial ceremony for 5 offer sacrifices to, so skill also. Reason an administrative unit in Xizang wishs to be in , 3 fair hold office at court, 3 often be in , the witch before king and after history, predict alpine yarrow to blind press, all be in the left and right sides, of Wang Zhongxin also, come in order to defend. Be go at outskirt with Die , and 100 gods suffer Long , Die goes at the company, and 100 Zuo but , Die Hang Wuzu , and filial piety kind takes Yan, Die travel Wu Wusi, and execute Yan. Reason outskirt company ancestor mountains and rivers-land 5 offer sacrifices to, the Man of Li and the Tibet of Die . Husband Die needs a Wu Taiyi, divide and heaven and earth, Zuo and Zuo Zuo , Zhu and 4 of , list and ghosts and gods, its fall life, its official Wu Tian also, at cent Shu , its reside Wu Ren also, say Zuo . So Zheng believes Xiu Mu, and the of the flesh Mo of firm person, of muscle body bundle person; So Zuo gives birth to court death, the main aspects of thing ghosts and gods; So Zuo day, the big Fu of Zuo favor. Only what Long person knows Die is not OK already also, reason broken Home dies person, go first surely its Die , the Wu Ren of Die , of wine have Ji also, gentleman with thick, lilliputian with thin. The handle of Li of Long person Man , the foreword of Die , in order to order gift. Favor person, the Tian Ye of Long king, repair Die with ploughing, Zuo Li with Er , Zheng with weedinging hoe, this of Ren Yiju, sow with An Zhi. Reason Die person, the of Li also, Zheng Li and Die , Zuo first it is OK that Wang Wei has the Yan since Li ; Li person the cent of Shu , benevolence Geng , at Shu , Zheng Wu Ren, get person , break person ; Benevolence person of Li this, the Zuo of Zuo , get person honour. Reason treats not with Die , a spade-shaped farm tool used in ancient China and agrarian; Die and not this at Li , is agrarian and not Er ; and not Zheng at , Er and not weeding hoe; Of Zheng with , and disagreement with benevolence, weedings hoe and not Er ; Close with benevolence, and disturbed with , Er and not feed; An Zhi with , and not Zuo at Zuo , is fed and not fat. 4 Zuo already, Mo change plentiful, the person's fertilizer also; Ha of father and son, brotherly harmonious, husband and, domestic fertilizer also; Chancellery law, small official cheap, sequence of government-owned Long appearance, jun Chen photograph, the fertilizer of also; The emperor with heart Zuo , with drive, Ning of photograph of Die of Zheng Hou Yi, doctor with law appearance sequence, person take an examination of in order to believe, common people is defended with harmonious photograph, the fertilizer of the world also. It is Zheng big Zuo . Zuo person, so Zuo gives birth to court death, of thing ghosts and gods constant also. Yan of story big Er and do not enclosed ground for growing trees, goes and not Zheng , Ji goes and do not break, deep and, luxuriant and have Zuo , Zuo and do not reach, and do not kill, of this Zuo to also. Bright at Zuo , like that after can defend danger therefore. Of husband Die different not Zuo , manage situation so and close high also, hill person do not make Ju Chuan, the person that small piece of land surrounded by water does not make reside former, with wood of extreme misery gold, Zuo is fed surely , the winter adds up to a men and women, spring Zuo the rank of nobility, surely year heart, all place Zuo also. With civilian surely Zuo , the of Xi of elder brother of drought of reason water, the disease of person or event associated with evil or misfortune of civilian fierce Zuo . Day not its path, the ground not its , person not its affection, be fall with the day manna, the ground goes out sweet wine spring, hill goes out implement Zuo , the river gives Zuo , Zuo feng4huang2 kylin, all be in outskirt , Zuo Zuo is in billabong, of its Zuo Zuo reachs egg embryo, all but Fu and Fu also. is reason, first Wang Nengxun Die with Zuo Li , Zuo is believed with Zuo Zuo , the of this Zuo also. "
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