Language of home of Confucius of argue politics _ New Sinology Chapter: Argue politics New Sinology BookName: Confucius home language New Sinology Catalog: Child ministry New Sinology Content: Child Zuo Wu Kongzi says: " former times person Zheng Wufu of Mr Zuo child, the master says: "Politics in Geng Zuo . " Zheng Wufu of Mr Zuo child, child say: "Politics in Zheng official. " Zheng Wufu of Qu fair child, the master says: "Politics in close and Zuo . " 3 person one also, and of master different, like that politics be carried in ? " Confucius says: " each because its thing also. of Mr Zuo , excessive Ning a pavilion or house on a terrace, excessive animals farm at center, of facial features ability, indissoluble at , once and Zuo person with 1000 the home that take person 3, friend says politics in Geng Zuo . Mr Zuo has 3 people of official, compares Zhou Yiyu its gentleman, Zuo of Zheng Hou Zhi is apart from outside, with my its bright, friend says politics in Zheng official. The ground of husband Qia and , civilian heart having Zuo , not install its to reside, friend says politics in close and Zuo . This 3 person so politics different. Yu cloud: " Zuo of disdain, ceng Buhui my , " this is extravagant not Geng , with person also; Say again: "Bandit its stop in all, the Qiong of alone king. " official of this is my advocate with also; Say again: " Zuo Mo, of Xi Ji Zuo . " this Zuo comes loose with person also. Examine this 3 person, politics place desire, Zuo is the same as! " Confucius says: " Mr Zheng of official loyal to his sovereign, have 5 Li Yan. Say Zhu Zheng , 2 say Zheng , 3 say fall Zheng , 4 say straight Zheng , 5 say Zuo Zheng . Spend only advocate and of travel, Zheng of my its Zuo . " Child say: The husband cannot not Zuo also. In style or manner of writing child break Li times times, in order to die its , and can Die Zuo , in order to live its body, blessing of of Dai of Long person Zuo , this Zheng is Ning . " Ning of Qia of Zuo of Hunan king , si Zuo Ziqi Zheng , of Wang Nu, Zuo Wu Dian issues your Yin Zi on the west, Zheng says: " today the Yin of Qia Ning , cannot break also. " Wang Xi claps child the back on the west says: " Ning child in all of . " child on the west pace Zuo 10 lis, bring Zuo and stop, say: " official Zuo character has, of Wang Ken Long ? " Wang Yue: " child of its character. " child say on the west: " official of person of official Long and faithful its gentleman person, Dai of the rank of nobility can't Zuo also; Mr Zha its gentleman person, punishment Li can't Zha also. Master Qi person, official loyal to his sovereign also, and official person, Zha official also, Zuo king Zuo faithful and Zha Zha Yan. " Wang Yue: " I today Long Si Zuo zhi Zheng , it is can stand my side, be like later generations Zuo , he Ye? " child say on the west: " ban later generations Yi Er, the after of king Qu , remove Ning of Shan Lingwu Qia over, child cannot bear surely the grave of Zuo Wu Fu ancestor, with also. " Wang Yue: " be apt to. " it is Zuo . Of Confucius Long say: " to child the Zheng on the west also, in the Wu Qian that enter over, the latter of the Wu Baishi of curb also. " Child Zuo Long Wu Kongzi says: " Yan Zi of Wu Zi , but comes. Dare the place of Dr 2 doctors, eye master of Ning person. " Confucius says: " benefit of of master Wu Min advocate, at nature science; Official loyal to his sovereign of of Mr Yan Ziwu, and travel respectful quick. Reason I all with elder brother thing, and add to respect. " Zuo has one sufficient Zuo , Zuo collect at face, yu Dianqian stops below, shu Chi and jump, Zuo Hou Da is strange, make make hire Zuo , Confucius. Confucius says: " this Zuo name says business sheep, shui Xiang also. of former times child has bend one of Mo , brace up Yin eyebrow and jump and Zheng says: "Day heavy rain, business sheep is invigorated. Today Zuo has, its comes. " accuse civilian Zuo urgently to treat canal, long Zuo is prevented, has flood , the big continuous heavy rain of Zuo , of Zheng of water excessive extensive, kills civilian person, only Zuo has , not . " view is general say: " the character of Long person, believe and a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale. " Zuo of Confucius Zheng Mi Zi says: " child of Bao of the father that treat , child why be applied and why be applied and get also? Child Zha grave so of person. " says: " not of Zuo treat also, father compensate its child, its child Zheng Gu, and sad Ji . " Confucius says: " small Geng of be apt to also, small civilian add, is not sufficient also. " say: " not thing of Zuo place father person 3 people, thing of place elder brother person 5 people, place friendly thing person 11 people. " Confucius says: " father thing 3 people, can teach filial piety; Elder brother thing 5 people, can teach love and respect for one's elder brother; Friendly thing 11 people, can Ning be apt to. In Geng also, go-between is added, is not sufficient also. " say: " here civilian has Zuo at not Zuo person 5 people, not of Zuo thing and Er spends Yan, all teach not the path of Zuo . " Confucius says: " its are big person, therefore at this, have. The world of Long of Shun of former times , begs Zuo with from Zuo . Husband Zuo person, 100 Fu Zhizong also, of deities advocate also, cherish not the person be treated with place of Zuo , small also. " Child Zuo of Zuo letter is slaughtered, goes, Zuo Wu Kongzi. Confucius says: " diligent Shen Zhi, act according to the of the emperor, cut down of , Bao of cruel . " child Zuo says: " Zuo is little also and thing gentleman, Zuo with Bao tired? " Confucius says: " Ru Weizhi Yu also, the husband takes the place of with Zuo Zuo , it is the of Zheng ; With unworthy generation Zuo , it is the cut down of Zheng ; Jin makes urgent Zha , be Zheng is cruel; Take kind from Ning , the Bao of Zheng . The Zheng of Zuo of Bao blame Fu also. The person tell official of my Long , give a way with benefit civilian, the person that do not tell official, pervert the law in order to invade civilian, the place that this complains by also. Treat Guan More to make the same score, cheap of Ning Zuo it would be better, cheap is defended smoothly, cannot change also. The be apt to of conceal person, this Zheng my Zuo . The of person, this as person of low position. not photograph Yin , and foreign minister Zheng , the harmonious that be not Yin also. The be apt to of word person, if oneself those who have, the of word person, if oneself those who suffer, place of reason gentleman is inadvertent Yan. " Child the road treats cattail 3 years, of Confucius Zuo , say into its condition: " be apt to by also, deferential in order to believe. " into its city says: " be apt to by also, faithful believe and . " say to the court of a feudal ruler: " be apt to by also, bright examine with . " child Zuo Zuo and says: " master not Yao by politics, and 3 Er its be apt to, can its be apt to get Long ? " Confucius says: " my Yao its politics. Enter its area, cropland Bao is easy, careless Qu monarchs very, Xu is treated greatly, this its are deferential in order to believe, reason its civilian Bao force also; Enter its city, house is over solid, Mu Shenmao, this its faithful letter with , reason its civilian do not steal also; To its front courtyard, front courtyard is very clear Zuo , the lot is used below Zheng , this its dictum examine with , reason its politics not also. With this Yin , 3 Er of Zuo its be apt to, commonplace Bao its beauty! " |
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