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  • New Sinology Title:
    assist is fair (10 years, 12 years) _ Zun Chuan

    New Sinology Chapter:
    assist is fair (10 years, 12 years)

    New Sinology BookName:
    Zun Chuan

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

      ◇ assist is fair 10 years
    [classics] 10 years spring, consortium advance Hou, Song Gong, Wei Hou, Cao Bai, Ju child, Zhu child, Teng Zi, Xue Bai, a surname uncle, small Zhu child, Qi Shizi is met solely Wu Yu . Summer, in May armour midday, destroy then force in relief. Fair come to be met oneself. The Song Dynasty of cut down of handsome division of always of a surname of Hunan childe chastity, Zheng. The Qin Dynasty of advance division cut down. Autumn, ju person cut down I east low. Consortium advance Hou, Song Gong, Wei Hou, Cao Bai, Ju child, Zhu child, Qi Shizi light, Teng Zi, Xue Bai, a surname uncle, small Zhu child cut down Zheng. Winter, pilfer kills always of hair of Zheng childe blame, childe, a surname. Defend Zheng tiger is firm. Handsome division of Hunan childe chastity saves Zheng. Fair to from cut down Zheng.
    [pass] 10 years spring, meeting at , meeting Wu Zishou dream also. The last of the ten Heavenly Stems is ugly in March, neat Gao Houxiang is big child smooth with be being met first vassal Yu Zhong leaves, irreverent. Person village says: Gao Zixiang is big child in order to meet vassal, the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state it is to defend, and all irreverent, abandon the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state also, its will be unavoidable!
    Midday of Xia Siyue the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, meeting at .
    Cease of advance a surname, person ask cut down to force in relief, and the Xiang Quyan that seal the Song Dynasty. A surname Kui says: The town is small and solid, get the better of not fierce, not get the better of to laugh. Solid is asked. Third the third of the twelve Earthly Branches, surround, not gram. A man-drawn carriage used in ancient times of father of Jin of official the Qin Dynasty of family name of the first month is like battle again. Force in relief person opens the door, vassal person door Yan. Prefectural door is sent, Zuo person Ge picks out in order to go out person. Surname Ta cover builds cart annulus and Meng Zhi thinks with armour scull, zun Zhizhi, right unplug halberd, in order to become covey. Meng Xian child say: " poem " alleged and strong the person that be like a tiger also. Master county cloth, jin father ascends, reach battlements and absolutely. Team criterion of the county, the Su Erfu person that go up 3. Master demit Yan is retreated therefore, take its to break in order to give into Yu Jun 3 days.
    Vassal division is long at forcing in relief, a surname cease, person say at a surname Kui please: Shui Lao will fall, dread cannot return, return after victory please. Know Bai Nu, those who cast with machine, stem from meantime, say: Female accuse after that into 2 things beyond. More than life fearing chaos, with not female violate. Female already diligent Jun Erxing is vassal, so that,pull handsome an old fellow like me this, do not have Wu Shou already, and desire Yi Yu blame, say: It is solid return after victory, be overcome otherwise. Yu Ying is old also, can important task? 7 days of cannot, surely Er take! In May Geng Yin, a surname cease, person Shuai Cu is attacked force in relief, bear arrowy stone inscription in person. Armour midday, destroy. The book says to destroy then force in relief, character is met oneself also. With with Xiang Qu, say to Qu demit: Gentleman if still disgrace town strokes Song Guo, and in order to force sunshine opens few gentleman, group I are installed, of its He Kuangru? If grant me only, it is I are promoted vassal with self-given also, its why blame big Yan? Dare ask in order to die. Grant therefore Song Gong.
    Songgong enjoys advance Hou Yu Chuqiu, please with " Sang Lin " . Demit of a surname Kui . A surname cease, person say: Vassal the Song Dynasty, rash, then attend a ceremony. Rash have Die happy, guest hold a memorial ceremony for uses. Song Yi " Sang Lin " enjoy gentleman, not Yi Ke? Dance, division is inscribed with summer of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast, advance Hou dread and retreat at the room. Go an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast, soldier is enjoyed and return. Reach move harmony, disease. Predict, sang Lin sees. A surname cease, person be about to go straight towards the Yan that ask pray. A surname Kui cannot, say: My demit ceremony, those criterion with. Still have ghosts and gods, at those together with. Jin Hou has, in order to force Yang Zi returns, show Yu Wu a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, calling exterminate captive. Force in relief is surnamed also. Make the Shi Xuanji inside week a group of things with common features heir, accept all suddenly people, ceremony also.
    Division returns, meng Xian child it is with father of Jin of the Qin Dynasty right. Give birth to Qin Pici, thing intermediate Buddhist nun.
    In June, the Song Dynasty of cut down of ear of Hunan ascus, Zheng Zi, shi Yuzi not. Geng Wu, surround the Song Dynasty, men Yutong door.
    The Qin Dynasty of cut down of Kui of advance a surname, sign up for its to invade also.
    Wei Hou saves the Song Dynasty, shi Yuxiang is arrogant. Zheng Zi exhibits: Need cut down is defended, otherwise, be not with Hunan also. Displease Yu Jin, displease Yu Chu again, will the country be like why? Child Si says: The country is ill! Child exhibit: Displease at 2 big countries, die surely. Doesn't disease still heal at dying? All doctors all think like that. Handsome division of ear of reason Zheng emperor is invaded defend, chu Ling also. Grandson Wen Zibo chases after, the Yu Dingjiang that show sign. Ginger family name asks You. Say: Million is like Shan Ling, have husband go out for a battle, and funeral its are male. Ginger family name says: Funeral of the person that ask for is male, the benefit of drive bandit also. The doctor pursues! Defend a person to chase after, grandson Huang Er of Kuai Huo Zheng at canine grave.
    Qiu Qiyue, cut down of ear of Hunan ascus, Zheng Zi I despise on the west. Still, surround desolate, in August third the third of the twelve Earthly Branches, of the gram. In September, child ear invades Song Bei to despise. Meng Xian child say: Zhengji has calamity! Division contest already very. still can't bear contest, besides Zheng? Have calamity, its are in office person!
    Ju world is vassal occupied also, reason cut down I east low.
    Zheng of vassal cut down. Neat Cui reed makes big child smooth first as to division, reason is chief at Teng. Personal the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches, master Yu Niu head.
    First, child Si and Wei Zhi have contend for, remove from office the division with vassal drive its car. Wei Zhi is obtained, contend for to it again. Child Si curb Wei stops: Er car, incivility also. Not then make display. First, child Si is cropland Xu, department family name, block family name, Hou up, child division family name all funeral Tian Yan, reason 5 a group of things with common features get together group not the person of show off, the apprentice because of childe in order to stage an armed rebellion. Then child Si is become country, child the country is minister, child ear is department sky, child aperture is department apprentice. Celestial bodies of wintry October the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, wei Zhi, Si Chen, Hou Jin, block female father up, child Shi Pu is handsome thief in order to enter, morning is attacked be in office at on the west Gong Zhichao, kill child Si, child country, child ear, palace of disaster Zheng Bai Yiru north. Child Kong Zhizhi, reason is not dead. The book says pilfer, character does not have doctor Yan.
    Child pilfer is heard on the west, not admonish and piece, cadaver and chase thief, pilfer is entered at boreal palace, return therefore give nail. Official concubine escapes more, implement with much funeral. Child produce hear pilfer, the person that it is the door, pi group department, shut v/arc government repository, careful shut Tibet, be over fielding, go out after that into the row, arms car seventeen by, cadaver and attack pilfer at boreal palace. Child Xi handsome compatriots aids, kill Wei Zhi, child Shi Pu, pilfer is numerous all die. Hou Jin goes straight towards advance. Block female father, Si Chen, Wei Pian, department up to go straight towards the Song Dynasty together.
    Child aperture is become country, to carry a book, with foreword, hold court monarchs. All doctor, department, Men Zifu is suitable, will put to death. Child produce stop, burn a book for it please. Child aperture cannot, say: For the book in order to decide a country, numerous angry and those who burn, it is numerous for politics also, country not also difficult? Child produce: It is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses, be about to become hard only, close 2 bring a country hard, the path of danger also. Be inferior to burning a book in order to install numerous, child get place desire, numerous Yi Dean, not Yi Ke? Do not be about to have only, make numerous begin calamity, child surely from. Burn a book therefore at the storehouse besides the door, numerous decide after that.
    Vassal Shi Chenghu is firm and of defend. Jin Shicheng Wu and make, of defend of crimson of person triangular bream, the Kingdom of Wei. The book says prison of defend Zheng tiger, the ground that be not Zheng also, character will put in Yan 's charge. Zheng Jijin is smooth. Hunan ascus saves Zheng. In November, vassal division returns Zheng Erna, as to Yang Ling, hunan division is not retreated. Know Wu Zi to be about to retreat, say: Today I escape Hunan, chu Bijiao, arrogant criterion but with battle. Luan Yue: Escape Hunan, jin Zhichi also. Close vassal with beneficial shame, be inferior to dead! My general is entered alone. Shi Suijin. Personal the last of the twelve Earthly Branches, with Hunan Shi Gaying army. Child Jiao Yue: Vassal have already embark on a journey, surely not battle. From will retreat, not from also retreat. Retreat, hunan surrounds me surely. Still will retreat also. Be inferior to from Hunan, also with retreating. Night experience clever, with Hunan person alliance. Division of Zheng of cut down of goldenrain tree desire, a surname Kui cannot, say: I am solid cannot drive Hunan, cannot shelter again Zheng, zheng He blame? Be inferior to sending complain Yan and return. Today cut down its division, hunan saves surely, battle and cannot, to vassal laugh. Gram cannot life, be inferior to returning also! Ding Wei, vassal division is returned, the north that invade Zheng despises and return. Hunan person also is returned.
    Chen Sheng of king father's younger brother is contended for with uncle area politics. Wang Youbai carriages, chen Sheng of king father's younger brother is angry and run away. Reach a river, of Wang Fu, kill history crafty in order to say Yan. Do not enter, be in then. Jin Hou makes person smooth royal family, wang Shu and Yan of uncle area bring a case to court. Wang Shuzhi slaughters the doctor defect birds with Baiyu to sit jail Yu Wangting, person listen. Wang Shuzhi slaughters: The person of antrum of boudoir of door of a bamboo or wicker fence and all its get on hill, its are a hard job to go up! Defect birds says: Former times makes the same score Wang Dong change, my 7 surnames from king, animal sacrifice is provided with equipment. Of Wang Lai, and the alliance of favor Zuo Mao, say: Age age does not have neglect one's duty. Be like antrum of boudoir of door of a bamboo or wicker fence, can its come east bottom? And does Wang He bilk Yan? Today the photograph from Wangshu also, politics become with bribe, and punishment puts Yu Chong. Force of Guan Zhi division, deeply its are rich, can I have antrum of boudoir of door of a bamboo or wicker fence? Only big country pursues! Fall and do not have straight, what is meant by? Fan Xuan child say: The emperor place is right, of few Jun Yiyou. Place, yi Zunzhi. Make Wang Shushi closes with uncle area should, wang Shushi cannot lift his to engrave. Wang Shu goes straight towards advance. Not book, do not accuse also. Chan Jing is fair for Qing Shi, with photograph royal family.
    ◇ assist is fair 11 years
    [classics] 10 have a year of Chun Wangzheng month, make the army. Xia Siyue, 4 Bo Jiao, not from, therefore not outskirt. The handsome division that Zheng Gongsun sheds invades the Song Dynasty. Consortium advance Hou, Song Gong, Wei Hou, Cao Bai, Qi Shizi light, Ju child, Zhu child, Teng Zi, Xue Bai, a surname uncle, small Zhu child cut down Zheng. Qiu Qiyue oneself not, affined at Bo city north. Fair to from cut down Zheng. The Song Dynasty of cut down of Chu Zi, Zheng uncle. Consortium advance Hou, Song Gong, Wei Hou, Cao Bai, Qi Shizi light, Ju child, Zhu child, Teng Zi, Xue Bai, a surname uncle, small Zhu child cut down Zheng, fish of meeting Yu Xiao. Fair come to be met oneself. Hunan hold clouds of Zheng pedestrian fine. Winter, advance of cut down of person of the Qin Dynasty.
    [pass] 11 years spring, season Wu Zi will make the army, accuse Mu Zi of grandson of father's younger brother to say: It is the army please, each are asked for its army. Mu Zi says: Politics will reach child, child surely cannot. Wu Zigu asks, mu Zi says: Alliance ining that case all? Hong of Zhu Xi you alliance, zu of all 5 father thoroughfare.
    The first month of the lunar year, make the army, 3 divide fair room and have each firstly. 3 child each destroy its to multiply. The person that Li makes its are multiplied, with the person that its battle city is entered, without proof; The person that do not enter, times proof. Family name of the first month makes be me partly, if child be like younger brother. Family name of grandson of father's younger brother makes be me, otherwise, do not abandon.
    Zheng Ren has the friend of advance, Hunan, all doctors say: Not from advance, country a few die. Hunan weak Yu Jin, jin Buwu disease also. Advance disease, hunan will monarch. Why be and make advance division deadly at me, chu Fu dare enemy, can originally after that with also. Child exhibit: As evil as Song Wei, vassal come surely, I from alliance. Hunan division comes, I from, criterion Jin Nu very. Advance can come suddenly, hunan general cannot, I is solid and advance. The doctor says, make the department of border Yi evil Yu Song. Song Xiangqu invades Zheng, obtain greatly. Child exhibit: Master and cut down Song Ke. Be like the Song Dynasty of my cut down, vassal cut down I need disease, I is Yan of take orders from, and accuse Yu Chu. Hunan division comes, I to it alliance, and division of heavy Lu advance, be avoided therefore. Summer, zheng Zi is exhibited invade the Song Dynasty.
    April, zheng of vassal cut down. Personal the last of the twelve Earthly Branches, xiang Quxian of Qi Dazi light, the Song Dynasty as to Zheng, door of door Yu Dong. Its not, Kui of advance a surname as to on the west outskirt, invade east old make. Wei Sunlin father invades its north to despise. In June, vassal meeting Yu Beilin, master at to, right still, second Yu Suo, surround Zheng. Watch door of arms Yu Na, on the west aid at aid Sui. Zheng person dread, go into therefore.
    Qiu Qiyue, affined at Bo. Fan Xuan child say: Inadvertent, break surely vassal. Vassal path is our and do not have, can you have two? It is alliance, carry a book to say: Every I am affined, wu Yun year, not stop up benefit, not protect evil, not leave Te, save calamity, compensate disaster is random, with likes and dislikes, award royal family. Or at present life, alliance of Si Shen department, renown Shan Mingchuan, group god group offer sacrifices to, first Wang Xian is fair, 7 surnames of 12 countries ancestor, of bright god Ji, in order to break its civilian, gang life dies family name, bo its country.
    Yu Qin of brigade of Hunan ascus beg, handsome Shi Congchu of Zhan of Dr Qin You child, will with cut down Zheng. Of Zheng Bai Ni. Third child, cut down the Song Dynasty.
    In September, vassal all division with Zheng of answer cut down. Zheng Ren makes fine clouds, big Zai Shiru Hunan, accuse will take Yu Jin, say: Gu the reason with the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, cannot conceive gentleman. If gentleman can peaceful with jade objects and silk fabrics advance, do not in that case Wu Zhen in order to photograph power, of Gu wish also. Hunan person hold, the book says pedestrian, character makes person also. Vassal Shi Guanbing at Zhengdongmen, zheng Ren makes prince uncle parallel goes into. Jia Qu, jin Zhaowu enters alliance Zheng Bai. Wintry October fourth the last of the twelve Earthly Branches, zheng Zi exhibits alliance advance Hou. December the third of the twelve Earthly Branches of the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, fish of meeting Yu Xiao. Geng Chen, condone Zheng convict, all ceremony and those who return. Accept denounce is awaited, ban foray. Jin Hou makes Man of father's younger brother is accused at vassal. Zang Sun Ge is opposite envoy: Every I am affined, xiaoguo is guilty, big country is sent denounce, careless has with Jie hand, bright not condone excuses. Few gentleman hears a lot. Jin Hou of Zheng Ren Lu is touched with division Kui, division, division Juan, wide car, Zuo car pures 15 by, equipment of armour and weaponry, every arms car 100 by, song Zhong Ersi, reach its Zuo huge rock, female happy 28.
    Jin Hou grants Wei Jiang partly with Le Zhi, say: Child person teaching few and Zhu Rong surname, with Zhu Hua. 8 years in, 9 close vassal, be like happy the sum, without place not humorous. Please with child Le Zhi. Decline says: Husband and Rong Di, guo Zhifu also; 8 years in, 9 close vassal, vassal without Te, jun Zhiling also, 23 child fatigue also, of official He Li is there Yan? Curb official wishs Jun Anji is happy and think of its eventually also! " poem " say: Happy a gentleman, the state of hall the emperor. Happy a gentleman, fu Luyou is the same as. luxuriant left and right sides, also be handsome from. The husband is happy with An De, justice with be in, ceremony with going, letter with defending, benevolence with Li Zhi, after that can Dian Bangguo, tong Fulu, come far person, alleged happy also. " book " say: Be prepared for danger in times of safety. Think of have equipment, precautions averts perils, dare with this compasses. Fair say: Child religion, dare not bear life. Curb is small child, the sovereign is not had army in order to wait for, cannot aid river. The husband is admired, national allusion also, hide in alliance government office, cannot abandon also, child its suffer! Wei Jiang then only then those who have inscriptions is happy, ceremony also.
    Advance of cut down of handsome division of chief connecting with the boxing skill of Qin Shu long Bao, be the concubine in order to save Zheng. Bao Xian enters advance ground, of drive of person triangular bream, little Qin Shi and not equipment. Ren midday, fierce aid from complementary family name, make division of cut down advance with Bao. Oneself is ugly, zhan Yuli of the Qin Dynasty, advance, reason of easy the Qin Dynasty also.
    ◇ assist is fair 12 years
    [classics] 10 have 2 years spring Wang Eryue, ju person cut down I east low, surround a stage. Handsome division of season grandson constellation saves a stage, enter a surname then. Summer, jin Hou makes person triangular bream will hire. Qiu Jiuyue, wu Zi multiplies soldier. Winter, handsome division of Hunan childe chastity invades the Song Dynasty. Fair be like advance.
    [pass] 12 years spring, ju person cut down I east low, surround a stage. Season Wu Zi saves a stage, enter a surname then, take its bell to feel fair dish.
    Summer, advance person triangular bream will hire, and do obeisance to division.
    Autumn, soldier of Wu Zishou dream. Face at Zhou Miao, ceremony also. The funeral with vassal every, different surname is faced at outside, yu Zongmiao of of the same surname, yu Zumiao of of the same clan, agnate at Mi temple. Zhu Ji of hereat Lu Wei, face at Zhou Miao. Face the temple at Zhougong for Xing, every, Jiang, cogongrass, sacrificial meat, hold a memorial ceremony for.
    Winter, hunan ascus, Qin Shu grows the Song Dynasty of the cut down that do not have the ground, shi Yuyang bridge, take Zheng Ye in order to sign up for Jin Zhi.
    The Yu Qi after clever Wang Qiu. Qi Hou asks to comfort Huan Zi, huan Zi is opposite: First the ceremony demit of king has, after the emperor is begged at vassal, vassal to saying: Connubial place is strange be like and person. Of concubine Fu child be like and person. Without female and have sister and aunt sister, say: Defend some first daughter of fair involuntary discharge of urine is like and person. Neat Hou Xu faints, king make be gone against in shade.
    Fair be like advance, toward, and the disgrace that does obeisance to person triangular bream, ceremony also.
    A surname of the Qin Dynasty is attributed to Hunan. Sima Zigeng hires Hunan Yu Qin, could there be for the madam, ceremony also.
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