人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远 苟不教 性乃迁
教之道 贵以专 昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼
窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬 养不教 父之过
教不严 师之惰 子不学 非所宜 幼不学 老何为
玉不琢 不成器 人不学 不知义 为人子 方少时
亲师友 习礼仪 香九龄 能温席 孝于亲 所当执
融四岁 能让梨 弟于长 宜先知 首孝弟 次见闻
知某数 识某文 一而十 十而百 百而千 千而万
三才者 天地人 三光者 日月星 三纲者 君臣义
父子亲 夫妇顺 曰春夏 曰秋冬 此四时 运不穷
曰南北 曰西东 此四方 应乎中 曰水火 木金土
此五行 本乎数 十干者 甲至癸 十二支 子至亥
曰黄道 日所躔 曰赤道 当中权 赤道下 温暖极
我中华 在东北 寒燠均 霜露改 右高原 左大海
曰江河 曰淮济 此四渎 水之纪 曰岱华 嵩恒衡
此五岳 山之名 古九州 今改制 称行省 三十五
曰士农 曰工商 此四民 国之良 地所生 有草木
此植物 遍水陆 有虫鱼 有鸟兽 此动物 能飞走
稻粱菽 麦黍稷 此六谷 人所食 马牛羊 鸡犬豕
此六畜 人所饲 曰喜怒 曰哀惧 爱恶欲 七情具
曰仁义 礼智信 此五常 不容紊 青赤黄 及白黑
此五色 目所识 酸苦甘 及辛咸 此五味 口所含
膻焦香 及腥朽 此五臭 鼻所嗅 宫商角 及徵羽
此五音 耳所取 匏土革 木石金 与丝竹 乃八音
曰平上 曰去入 此四声 宜调协 九族者 序宗亲
高曾祖 父而身 身而子 子而孙 自子孙 至曾玄
五伦者 始夫妇 父子先 君臣后 此兄弟 及朋友
当顺序 勿违背 有伯叔 有舅甥 婿妇翁 三党名
凡训蒙 须讲究 详训诂 名句读 礼乐射 御书数
古六艺 今不具 惟书学 人共遵 既识字 讲说文
有古文 大小篆 隶草继 不可乱 若广学 惧其繁
但略说 能知源 为学者 必有初 小学终 至四书
论语者 二十篇 群弟子 记善言 孟子者 七篇止
辩王霸 说仁义 中庸者 子思笔 中不偏 庸不易
大学者 乃曾子 自修齐 至治平 此二篇 在礼记
今单行 本元晦 四书通 孝经熟 如六经 始可读
六经者 统儒术 文作周 孔子述 易诗书 礼春秋
乐经亡 余可求 有连山 有归藏 有周易 三易详
有典谟 有训诰 有誓命 书之奥 有国风 有雅颂
号四诗 当讽诵 周礼者 著六官 仪礼者 十七篇
大小戴 集礼记 述圣言 礼法备 王迹息 春秋作
寓褒贬 别善恶 三传者 有公羊 有左氏 有谷梁
尔雅者 善辩言 求经训 此莫先 古圣著 先贤传
注疏备 十三经 左传外 有国语 合群经 数十五
经既明 方读子 撮其要 记其事 古九流 多亡佚
取五种 修文质 五子者 有荀杨 文中子 及老庄
经子通 读诸史 考世系 知终始 自羲农 至黄帝
号三皇 在上世 尧舜兴 禅尊位 号唐虞 为二帝
夏有禹 商有汤 周文武 称三王 夏传子 家天下
四百载 迁夏社 汤伐夏 国号商 六百载 至纣亡
周武王 始诛纣 八百载 最长久 周共和 始纪年
历宣幽 遂东迁 周道衰 王纲坠 逞干戈 尚游说
始春秋 终战国 五霸强 七雄出 嬴秦氏 始兼并
传二世 楚汉争 高祖兴 汉业建 至孝平 王莽篡
光武兴 为东汉 四百年 终于献 魏蜀吴 争汉鼎
号三国 迄两晋 宋齐继 梁陈承 为南朝 都金陵
北元魏 分东西 宇文周 与高齐 迨至隋 一土宇
不再传 失统绪 唐高祖 起义师 除隋乱 创国基
二十传 三百载 梁灭之 国乃改 梁唐晋 及汉周
称五代 皆有由 赵宋兴 受周禅 十八传 南北混
辽与金 皆夷裔 元灭之 绝宋世 莅中国 兼戎狄
九十年 返沙碛 太祖兴 称大明 纪洪武 都金陵
迨成祖 迁宛平 十六世 至崇祯 权阉肆 流寇起
自成入 神器毁 清太祖 兴辽东 金之后 受明封
至世祖 乃大同 十二世 清祚终 凡正史 廿四部
益以清 成廿五 史虽繁 读有次 史记一 汉书二
后汉三 国志四 此四史 最精致 先四史 兼证经
参通鉴 约而精 历代事 全在兹 载治乱 知兴衰
读史者 考实录 通古今 若亲目 汉贾董 及许郑
皆经师 能述圣 宋周程 张朱陆 明王氏 皆道学
屈原赋 本风人 逮邹枚 暨卿云 韩与柳 并文雄
李若杜 为诗宗 凡学者 宜兼通 翼圣教 振民风
口而诵 心而惟 朝于斯 夕于斯 昔仲尼 师项橐
古圣贤 尚勤学 赵中令 读鲁论 彼既仕 学且勤
披蒲编 削竹简 彼无书 且知勉 头悬梁 锥刺股
彼不教 自勤苦 如囊萤 如映雪 家虽贫 学不辍
如负薪 如挂角 身虽劳 犹苦卓 苏明允 二十七
始发愤 读书籍 彼既老 犹悔迟 尔小生 宜早思
若荀卿 年五十 游稷下 习儒业 彼既成 众称异
尔小生 宜立志 莹八岁 能咏诗 泌七岁 能赋棋
彼颖悟 人称奇 尔幼学 当效之 蔡文姬 能辨琴
谢道韫 能咏吟 彼女子 且聪敏 尔男子 当自警
唐刘晏 方七岁 举神童 作正字 彼虽幼 身已仕
尔幼学 勉而致 犬守夜 鸡司晨 苟不学 曷为人
蚕吐丝 蜂酿蜜 人不学 不如物 幼习业 壮致身
上匡国 下利民 扬名声 显父母 光于前 裕于后
人遗子 金满嬴 我教子 惟一经 勤有功 戏无益
戒之哉 宜勉力
University of _ of 3 words classics New Sinology Chapter: 3 words classics New Sinology BookName: University New Sinology Catalog: Classics department New Sinology Content: Person at the beginning of Quality this be apt to Sexual close Xi Xiangyuan Careless does not teach The gender is change Taught course Expensive with only Mother of former times the first month Choose adjacent is in Child do not learn Break machine reed Antrum swallow hill Have justice square Teach 5 child Renown all raise Raise do not teach Of father over- Teach lax The indolent of division Child do not learn Be not an appropriate Young do not learn Laohe is Jade not carve Won't do implement The person does not learn Do not know justice Humanness child Fang Shaoshi Kiss a teacher and friend Xi Liyi Sweet 9 age Can lukewarm banquet Filial piety at kissing Be become hold Be in harmony is 4 years old Can let pear Younger brother at growing Appropriate prophet Shou Xiaodi Second information Know some number Know some language One and 10 10 and 100 100 and 1 million and 10 thousand 3 ability person Person of heaven and earth 3 light person Life star 3 key link person Jun Chenyi Father and son is close The couple is suitable Say Chun Xia Say Qiu Dong This the four seasons Carry is not poor Say north and south Say on the west east This all directions Should in Say extreme misery Mu Jintu This the five elements This several The 10 person that work Jia Zhigui 12 Child to the last of the twelve Earthly Branches Say ecliptic Day place Chan Say equatorial Counterpoise in the center Below equator Extremely warm My China Northeastern Cold Yu all frost dew changes Right highland Zun Dahai Say Jiang He Say aid of the Huaihe River This 4 show disrespect or contempt The discipline of water Say Heng Heng of fleabane of China of another name for Taishan Mountain This the Five Mountains The name of hill Ancient a poetic name of China Change today make weigh a province 35 Say person farming Say industrial and commercial This 4 civilian Fine ground place of the country is strange Have the wood This plant All over terraqueous Have bug fish Have birds and beasts This animal Can fly away Beans of rice a fine strain of millet Wheat millet millet This 6 cereal Person place is fed Equestrian flocks and herds Gallinaceous dog pigs This domestic animals Person place raise Say happy event is angry Say sad dread Love is evil desire The seven emotional factors is provided Say Ren Yi Ceremony wisdom is believed This 5 constant Not allow confused Qing Chi is yellow Reach Bai Hei These 5 kinds Eye institute knows acerbity bitter pleasant Reach Xin Xian This the five flavors Buccal place is contained Jiao Xiang of the smell of mutton Reach decayed of raw meat or fish This 5 smelly Nose place smell Palace business part Reach feather of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale This is pentatonic Ear place is taken Pao earth change Mu Shijin With traditional stringed and woodwind instrument It is 8 sound Say smooth on Say go This the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics Appropriate is moved assist 9 a group of things with common features person Foreword an administrative unit in Xizang is close Tall great-grandfather Father and personally Personally and child Child and grandson From descendants To Ceng Xuan 5 human relations person Only then couple Father and son first After Jun Chen This brother Reach a friend When order Do not violate Have Bai Shu Have mother's brother sister's son Husband Fu old man 3 parties name Fan Xunmeng The beard is exquisite Detailed explanations of words in ancient books Renown the period and the comma The ceremony is happy shoot Drive book is counted Gu Liuyi Do not provide today Alone book learns Person in all abide by Already literacy Tell say civil Have prose written in classic literary style Size seal Careless afterwards of be subordinate to Cannot random If wide learn Dread its are numerous But glance Can know a cause For the scholar Have surely first Elementary school eventually To the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) The analects of confucius person 20 Group child Remember word of be apt to Mencius person 7 stop Argue king bully Say Ren Yi Middle person Child think of a pen In impartiality Commonplace is not easy Old learned man It is Ceng Zi Self-educated neat To treat smooth These 2 In The Book of Rites Today one-way Ben Yuanhui The four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) is connected Filial piety classics is ripe Be like 6 classics Only then readable 6 classics person All scholar art Wen Zunzhou Confucius is narrated Yi Shishu Ceremony age Happy classics dies Yu Ke is begged Have Lian Shan Have put in Tibet 's charge Have Zhouyi 3 easy detailed Allusion plans Have example imperial mandate Have oath lot Of the book abstruse Wind having a state Have elegant song Date 4 poems Should read with intonation and expression Zhou Li person Write 6 officials Gift gift person Seventeen Size is worn Collect The Book of Rites Narrate holy character Ceremony law has Wang Ji ceases Age is made Contain commends Fasten good and evil The 3 person that pass Have ram Have different family name Have Gu Liang Er is elegant person Fluency character Demand classics standard This Mo Xian Gu Sheng is written The wise man is passed Notes and commentaries fully 13 classics Outside Zun Chuan Have mandarin Be gregarious classics Tens of 5 Classics already bright Just read child Gather its want Mark its issue Gu Jiuliu Die more comfort Take 5 kinds Xiu Wenzhi 5 child person Have Xun Yang Article neutron Reach Laozhuang Classics child Read all history Take an examination of lineage Know eventually only then From Xi farming To Huang Di Date 3 emperor Going up world Yao and Shun is promoted Buddhist honour Date the Tang Dynasty suppositions For 2 emperor Xia Youyu Business has boiling water Zhou Wenwu Weigh 3 king Xia Chuanzi Domestic the world 400 carry Change summer company Soup strike summer Dynasty title business 600 carry Die to name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant Week fierce king Only then kill name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant 800 carry The longest Zhou Gong and Only then a way of counting the years All previous announce is deep and remote Then east change Zhou Daocui Wang Gang drops Show off arms Shang You says Only then age Eventually the Warring States 5 bully strong 7 hero go out Ying Qin Only then annex Pass 2 ages Chu Han is contended for Great-great-grandfather is promoted Chinese course of study is built Make the same score to filial piety Seize of king rank grass Guang Wuxing For the Eastern Han Dynasty 400 years Display eventually Wei Shu Contend for Han Ding Date the Three Kingdoms Reach two advance Song Qi afterwards Bridge Chen Cheng For the Southern Dynasties Dou Jinling North yuan the Kingdom of Wei Cent thing Yu Wenzhou With Gao Qi Wait till to the Sui Dynasty One earth eaves Pass no longer Break all order in sequence or arrangement Tang Gaozu Have an army fighting a just war Divide chaos of the Sui Dynasty Achieve national radical 20 pass 300 carry Bridge destroys The country changes therefore Advance of bridge the Tang Dynasty Ji Hanzhou Weigh the Five Dynasties All have by Zhao Songxing Suffer week of buddhist 18 pass North and south is mixed Distant and gold All smooth descendants Yuan those who destroy Absolutely Song Shi Arrive China Hold Rong Di concurrently 90 years Return sanded moraine Too Zu Xing Say big bright Ji Hongwu Dou Jinling Wait till ancestor Change Wan Ping 16 worlds To the Chongzhen Emperor Quan Yansi Roving bandits rises Become oneself God implement destroy Qing Taizu Promote distant east After Jin Zhi Suffer bright To the world ancestor It is Great Harmony 12 worlds Qing Zun eventually Every official history 24 Beneficial with Qing Dynasty Into 25 History although numerous Read have second History write down one Chinese book 2 The later Han dynasty 3 Country annals 4 This 4 history The most delicate First 4 history Hold card classics concurrently Join an ancient bronze mirror Make an appointment with and essence of life Past dynasties thing Be in completely at present Carry treat chaos Know to promote decline Read history person Take an examination of memoir Connect Gu Jin If kiss eye Chinese Gu Dong Reach Xu Zheng All classics division Can narrate emperor Cheng of week of the Song Dynasty Zhang Zhu land Bright king family name All moralistic Bend former ode This wind person Capture Zou Mei And Qing Yun Han Yuliu And Wen Xiong Li Re prevent For Shi Zong Every scholar Appropriate holds concurrently Alar emperor teachs Brace up folkway Mouth and Song Heart and alone Toward Yu Si Evening Yu Si Xi Zhongni Division Xiang Tuo Gu Shengxian Shang Qin learns Zhao Zhongling Read rash theory Those already be an official Learn and diligent Wrap around cattail is made up Cut bamboo slip Those does not have a book And know strive to do what is beyond one's power Head hang oneself from a beam Awl is pricked Those does not teach Suffer from frequently oneself Be like bursa firebug If mirror snow The home although deficient Learn not to stop If lose salary If hang horn The body although fatigue Still suffer from eminent Su Mingyun 27 Only then make a determined effort Read a book Those already old You Huichi Er is small unripe Appropriate is thought of early Be like Xun Qing Year 50 Below You Ji Course of study of scholar of be used to Those is become already Numerous weigh different Er is small unripe Appropriate aspire Jade-like stone 8 years old Can chant a poem Secrete is 7 years old Can endow with a chess Those bright Person is strange Er young learn When effect Cai Wenji Can differentiate musical instrument Xie Daoyun Can chant chant Those woman Ju Congmin Er man When from alarm Tang Liuyan Square 7 years old Lift prodigy Make correct a wrongly written character or misspelt word Those although young Personally already be an official Er young learn Exert oneself and send Canine keep watch at night Gallinaceous department morning Gou Buxue How is a person Silkworm spin Bee brews honey The person does not learn Be inferior to content Young custom line of business Strong send a body The country is saved on Issue benefit civilian Famous sound Show parents Smooth at before Abundant after The person offers as a gift child Jin Man a surname My godchild Alone once Diligent have rendered great service Play is profitless Of Buddhist monastic discipline Force of appropriate exert oneself |
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