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  “也”是语已及助句之辞,文籍备有之矣。河北经\ 传②,悉略此字。其间字有不可得无者。至如“伯也执殳”,“於旅也语”,“回也屡空”心,“风,风也,教也”,及《诗传》云“不戢,我也;不傩,傩也”,“不多,多也”如斯之类,傥削此文,颇成废阙。《诗》言:“青青子衿”,《传》曰:“青衿,青领也,学子之服。”按古者斜领下连於衿,故谓领为衿,孙炎、郭璞注《尔雅》,曹大家注《列女传》,并云:“衿,交领也。”邺下《诗》本既无“也”字,群儒固谬说云:“青衿、青领,是衣两处之名,皆以青为饰。”用释“青青”二字,其失大矣。又有俗学,闻经、传中时须“也”字,辄以意加之,每不得所,益成可笑。

  • New Sinology Title:
    Model of home of colour family name (17-20) _ 6 sheath or bow case

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    Model of home of colour family name (17-20)

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    6 sheath or bow case

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    Child ministry

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    Book card piece the seventeenth
    Great-grandfather " 6 sheath or bow case " , one day old, the ground old, person old, of Yun Diao old. " the analects of confucius " say: "Wei Ling is fair ask old Wu Kongzi. " " Zun Chuan " : "For Yu Lizhi old. " common is made more originally " mound " by the car multiplies " car " . Team of case Zhu Chen, make old, Zheng Zhi " old " . Husband travel Chen Zhiyi, take Wu Chen to list ear, this " Hexateuch " for make use of also. " dark green " , " elegant " reach recent wordbook, nix written or mispronounced character, only of Wang Xi " elementary school chapter " alone " mound " by make " car " . Even if answer common goes, unfavorable chase after change " 6 sheath or bow case " , " the analects of confucius " , " Zun Chuan " also.
    "Also " be language already reached aid sentence demit, of article book stock. Heibei classics \ passes ② , all slightly this word. Meantime word has cannot get the person that not have. Be like,come " uncle also hold an ancient weapon made of bamboo " , "Wu Lv also language " , "Time also repeatedly empty " heart, "Wind, wind also, teach also " , reach " the poem is passed " the cloud " not Ji, I also; Not exorcise, exorcise also " , "Not much, much also " be like Si Zhi kind, tang cuts this article, become quite useless fault. " poem " character: "Green Qing Zijin " , " pass " say: "Qing Jin, blueness is gotten also, of the student take. " by ancient person inclined get Lian Wujin, friend says get for Jin, sun Yan, Guo Pu is noted " Er is elegant " , cao Dajia is noted " row daughter is passed " , and the cloud: "Jin, hand in get also. " below Ye " poem " do not have already originally " also " word, group Confucianism solid erroneous says the cloud: "Qing Jin, blueness is gotten, it is the garment the name of two place, all be with blueness adorn. " with commentate " Qing Qing " 2 words, its are broken big. Again common learns, hear classics, in passing when beard " also " word, always with meaning together with, every do not get place, beneficial becomes absurdity.
    " book of the later Han dynasty " : "Cruel official Fan Ye is day water viceregal, cool city does it the song says: ' peaceful dangerous place seeing breed, do not join temple of government office of look forward to, " and Changjiang Delta book " acupuncture point " all make by accident " 6 " , bachelor follow, confuse and do not sleep. Live in caves of husband tiger leopard, of the thing relatively person, so the class exceeds the cloud: "Not explore dangerous place, an Dehu child? " should talk its rather 67 Ye?
    The guest has difficult host to say: "Today classical, child all call blame, " say civil " place character, child all the cloud is, confucius of Xu Shensheng ining that case? " host claps hands yock, those who answer say: "Today classical, all Confucius script Ye? " the guest says: "Today " say civil " , all make careful script? " answer: "Xu Shen check with 6 article, be linked together with the part, cannot be used by accident, become aware by accident. Confucius is put its justice and no matter its article also. Xian Rushang must change civil from meaning, write what is more,the rather that circulate Deng? Be like surely " Zun Chuan " stop Ge Weiwu, it is lack anyway, bug is a legendary venomous insect, the last of the twelve Earthly Branches has and so on of 2 6 bodies, later generations does not get always to change oneself also, an Gan with " say civil " school its dispute? And Yu also not only with " say civil " be is also, its have cite classics, with today good person, not dare from. Similar " Feng Chanshu " say: ' guide one bine 6 spic at retinue, the animal that sacrifice double solution touchs in all, this guides example choose, smooth Wu Zhaoyun: ' blame apprentice has comfort to raise guide the fatigue of choose, be also. And " say civil " the cloud: ' is standing grain name. ' bring " Feng Chanshu " for card; Just as well should have He Mingdao oneself, blame is similar be used also. ' standing grain one bine 6 spic at retinue, ' existing writings? Even if is similar talent low clumsy, it is this language by force, fall sentence when the cloud ' the animal that Lin dual role touchs in all, ' do not get the cloud to a beast of uniform color for sacrifice also. I is tasted laugh at Xu Chunru, do not amount to the body of the article, such and his like, be not worth trust, take its to be a book in the main, concealed draw together has byelaw, analyse poor parent, zheng Xuan notes a book, often bring think card; If do not believe its to say, dim do not know 1.1 picture, have He Yiyan. Have He Yiyan..
    Phonic demit piece the 18th
    Southern natural environment and soft, its sound Qing Dynasty is lifted and cut visit, break in superficial, its demit is much more vulgally; Northward mountains and rivers-land is deep, its sound heavy chaotic and change blunt, its pledge is straight, its demit much archaism. Like that coronet gentleman, south is actor; Lilliputian nativing village, north is more. Be taken easily and talk to it, necromancer ofs or by the concubine south, several character but argue; Lie between wall and hear its set phrase, northward the government and the public, divide hard all day. And south catch Wu Yue, captive of boreal miscellaneous exterminate, all have deep disadvantage, cannot provide theory...
    "Just " person, the man's good name. Ancient books much make use of is " father " word, boreal person breathes out without one person then for " just " person, also not analogy. Provide intermediate, Fan Zengzhi number only, must read ear according to the word.
    "Unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease " person, uncertain word. " Zun Chuan " say: "Do not know a day abandon Lu Xie? Is curb Lu Jun guilty at evil of ghosts and gods? " " village " the cloud: "Tian Xie? Ground evil? " " Chinese book " the cloud: "Be unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease? Blame evil? " and so on is also. And boreal person breathes out namely for " also " , also be by accident. Difficult person say: "" copulative " the cloud: ' heaven and earth, " easy " portal evil? ' is this uncertain demit again? " answer: "He Wei not Er, on first mark asks, heart of lower part row the ear with folding. Heart of lower part row the ear with folding..
    The ancients cloud: "Fat meat and fine grain is rectified hard. " it is arrogant excessive with its self-sufficient, cannot overcome encourage also. I sees emir relatives of a king or emperor on the side of his mother or wife, language is much more frame-up, also by inside catch cheap to protect teach, ...
    Miscellaneous art piece the 19th
    Really cursive mark, small beard is advertent. Cloud of Changjiang Delta adage: "Correspondence book is scanty, appearance of a thousand li also " common of Cheng Jinsong Yu, of thing of get along with, reason is not had helter-skelter person. I young bear door course of study, add sexual love to weigh, what see calligraphy also much, and time enjoying exercise comes quite, then cannot beautiful person, fine by the reason that do not have cent also. However this art had not needed spirit. The husband is artful person fatigue and wisdom person care, often be person place work, more become aware for tired. Give up of involuntary discharge of urine of Wei Zhong general, have greatly with also.
    Wang Yi is little tasteful ability person, xiao San celebrity, all over the world knows its book only, break up with can from my also. Xiao Ziyun every sigh: "I is written " Qi Shu " , strap into one allusion, article great justice, call oneself considerable, get a name with handwriting only, yi Yi thing also. " Tsinghua of stomach of Wang Bao ground, scholarship Chou Min, hind although enter,close, also by courteous reception, still be versed in with the book, between < of rugged an upright stone tablet, the battle of painstaking pen inkstone, taste compunction to say: "I does not know in case book, can you come now unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease? " watch with this, careful not with book consider oneself. Although, the person of numerous, with can the book unplugs the person that pull out is much. Reason " the method is different do not be seek " also.
    Since dissipation of cabinet of secret of bridge family name, I sees 2 king true grass is much, 10 are tasted in the home, house, Ruan makes square hidden from view knowing contented Zhu Shu of wine of hold a memorial ceremony for of city, desolate, there's no one who doesn't or isn't gets the system of Xi, reason is the origin of the book. Place of desolate integrity in one's old age changes,
    Since Jin Song, much can book person, reason meantime common, give catch still, all ministries cloth slip-case for a book, model considerable, not without common word, blame for big damage. To Liang Tian between inspect, si Feng did not change. The end of Great Harmony, bluff is replaced cause, xiao Ziyun changes easy style, shao hill king issues for enforcement bogus word, the government and the public amiables and compliant like that, think model type, picture tiger won'ts do, many injury is defeated. To for one word, see several a little bit only, or absurd consider, chase transfer. Thereafter graveyard book, cannot look slightly. The Yu that the Northern Dynasties disturbances, book slash superficial, try to always only word-formation, numerous clumsy very south Wu Jiang, therefore with " 100 " " read aloud " for " care " , "Character " " instead " for " change " , "Not " " with " for " stop " , "Chase after " " come " for " return " , " " more " " unripe " for " revive " , "First " " person " for " old " , such blame one, all over full classics. Only be subordinate to of Wu Jie of work of Yao Yuan sign, take care elementary school, of division of have a youthful look person numerous, end of berth Yu Qi, secretary write out, virtuous at much former days.
    Changjiang Delta natives village have " the ode that draw a book " , it is Tao Yin to reside place of child forest Taoism priest to be. Its person not very literacy, it is course criterion gently, ask rare division, send a letter after the flesh, have a youthful look very by accident also.
    Draw the labour of draw, also had better, since ancient times Mingshi, much or can. I is tasted hand of Liang Yuan emperor draws cicada sparrow white circular fan and Ma Tu, also reach hard also. Fierce intense prince slants can photo, sit distinguished guest guest, along with appropriate add details to a painting, become several people namely, in order to ask Tong Ru, all know a full name. Xiao Ben, Liu Xiaoxian, Liu is clever, and literature already outside, answer beautiful this law. Play read Gu Jin, special Ke Baoai. If the official was not connected,show, every by state-private make make, also be firm service. Hunan of one's previous experience of prefectural Gu Shiduan east kingdom needs man, jail of punishment of the government office austral the town is after join the army, have child say front courtyard, chao Zhongshu abandons a person on the west, father and son has musical instrument, book art, especially fine painting, constant by yuan place of the Supreme Being makes, every conceive be ashamed hate. Peng city Liu Yue, of bursa child also, be an official rides government office canal to write down to fast, county of smooth family name makes, scholarship is fast person, and picture unsurpassed. Sui Wuling king enters Sichuan after, fall to be defeated firmly, draw a river temple wall for Liu Hujun then, as miscellaneous as all fine place. To make 3 virtuous not Xiao Hua, course of study of straight carry element, see this humiliation?
    The benefit of Gu arrow, with power the world, first Wang Suo in order to show De Zexian, also the urgent task of aid body also. Changjiang Delta calls to often be shot of the world, think " arms shoot " , coronet Confucian scholar, do not review more this. Do not have " rich is shot " , weak Gong Changjian, of Shi Wuzhun, bow with hands clasped to let rise fall, in order to salute Yan, defence enemy is bad, the beneficial that do not have place, after be separated by war, this art dies then. Heibei article person, rate dawn " arms shoot " , be not straight arrowroot Hong Yijian, already Jie Zhuibing, 39 banquets collect, constant Mirong is granted. Although, want small birds, cut crafty animal, do not wish your generation does it.
    Also be mathematically 6 art want a job. Since ancient times Confucianism person the path that talk a day. Mensurable all previous person, of Zhi Xuetong. Can hold concurrently like that bright, not OK and professional. This learns Changjiang Delta different is little, only of essence of Fanyang ancestor constant, to Nakang viceregal. Heibei is much later this art.
    Thing of cure Fang Zhi, take extremely clever difficult, do not persuade you ever with consider oneself also. Small antidote sex, xiaohe and close, house home be able to help sb to deal with an emergency, yi Weisheng thing, zhong Kanze of Huang Fumi, abundant its person also.
    " ceremony " say: "Gentleman without reason not a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of thorough musical instrument. " Mingshi of since time immemorial, much place is liked. At the beginning of Ji Yu Liang, descendants of clothes and hat, the person that do not know musical instrument, date faults somewhat. Great Harmony with end, si Feng pauses. However this tone sound is refined, have deep taste! This age is misinterpret, although change Yu Gu, still enough free expression also. Cannot make have praise only, see battle merit is expensive, sit under place, in order to take the disgrace of incomplete cup cold broil. Dai An path still meets with, besides you people!
    Make eventually piece the 20th
    The dead, constant cent of the person, cannot avoid also. I year 19, the home that be worth bridge disturbances, meantime and naked sword associate with person, also invariable generation, xing Chengyu blessing, come Wu Jin. The ancients cloud: "50 do not be die young. " I already 60 Yu, reason heart calm, do not be with the last days of life read aloud. Have the difficulty of the ethos first, constant doubt covers like that, liao Shusu is conceived, think your commandment.
    Xianjun first the madam still all did not build Ye old hill, brigade bury Jiang Lingdong Guo. Cheng Shengmo, already opened demand raise, desire battalion change dimple, meng Zhao grants silver 102, already baked bricks at ground of north of Yangzhou little suburb. Be worth Ben Chaolun to do not have, flow from such. Tens of year, absolutely Wu Hai looks. Today although mix one, strong and pervasive fragrance of family financial situation is poor, does He You do this to act according to battalion endowment to expend? And raise corrupt destroy, without answer involuntary discharge of urine, still be issued wet, not was succeed in one's scheme. The blame oneself is self-condemned, heart of be linked together engraves pith.
    The bury of Confucius is close also, the cloud: "Ancient person grave and not graveyard, the person of grave thing north and south also, cannot know in order to not also. " at it is Feng Zhichong 4 feet. Gentleman ining that case answer world trade, also have do not defend graveyard when, besides place of the time that it is a thing forces also. I bridles today brigade, be like cloud drift personally, unexpectedly sealed He Xiang is my bury ground, should enrage the ear that buries absolutely only. Ru Caoyi in order to conduct course of study famous for Wu, cannot visit the area that love decayed, in order to take annihilation also.
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