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章节: 观周
书名: 孔子家语
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前-438年  至  公元后901年
视频: 观周_孔子家语
音频: 观周_孔子家语

  • New Sinology Title:
    Watch language of home of week _ Confucius

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    Confucius home language

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    Jing Shu of the austral Confucius Zheng says: " Gu Zhi of rich of my Long old Dan today, those who connect Die is former, the of bright morality, my also, today . " says: " Zheng recieves orders. " satisfy character to say at Mr Zuo : " I get Xian Chenzhi lot, the after of person of cloud Confucius Long also, Wu Song, father of its Zu Fu why, only then have and award fair, reach taking an examination of father assist to wear Wu Xuan, beneficial of 3 lives Pi respectful. Reason its vessel Zuo says: "One life and , again life and , 3 lives and Fu, abide and go, bully of Yi Mo Yu Gan, Zuo at be, congee at be, with Zuo its mouth, its respectful also, be like this. " " good Ji has talk: " the after of Long person, if not world, has Ming Jun surely and Zuo person Yan, confucius is little and good Die , its is in. " official says: " you need of , today week of Confucius Zuo , Yin first Wang Zhi Zuo is made, take an examination of the place of Die , this big also, gentleman He with multiplying Zuo , of official Zha Ning . " fair say: " Zheng . " Ning Confucius Zuo is multiplied, 2 Ya of Zuo , its Shi Yu. All of Jing Shu Ning comes, Die Wu Laodan, Yu at Qu great, the place of outskirt company, take an examination of Ming Tangzhi , of examine face degree. At it is to sigh to say like that: " I knows Zhou Gongzhi Long today therefore, Ning Zhou Zhi so Wang Ye. " reach go, father sends say: " my Long rich Zuo person send a person with Zuo , benevolence person send a person with character, my Zuo cannot rich Zuo , and Fu benevolence person Ta , Zha sends child with character. Every today person, Long bright deep examine and close at the dead, person of good Zhu Zhu person also; Zuo of rich Zuo Zuo and danger its body, the of good person person also; in order to have personal person child person, with official of person of personal person. " Confucius says: " piously worship teaching. " from turn over Zuo , honour. The Zuo of Zuo square child, 3000 Yan of San .
    Confucius Yin bright hall, see 4 Zuo city wall Shun Zhirong having , the elephant of Ji of the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty, and the that has of be apt to each, the Zha Yan of Ning . Again Zhou Gongxiang is become king, the Zuo axe that hold in the arms, south the Yan with face Zheng Hou, confucius wanders and look, Zheng person say: " this week is filled also. Husband bright Zuo so examine form, is ancient person know so today, person advocate not how is Wu Ji of Yao Zuo put so, and ignore idle so in peril, it is is had no reach forefathers with goes at and be about to beg also, Zuo not be puzzled. "
    Confucius Yin week, enter then too Zu Houji's , before hall right Zuo , have Jin Renyan, 3 Jin its mouth, and Zuo its back says: " ancient careful word person also, of Buddhist monastic discipline. is wordy, wordy much . is eventful, eventful suffer from more. Install to need Buddhist monastic discipline, regret of place travel. Not Zheng why , Zuo of its Dai . Not why is Zheng killed, its Dai is big. Do not sigh not Long , person of divine wait. Blaze blaze not , sorching if why. Trickling sluggishly not stop up, Jian Jiang He. Jin Jin not Jian , or the Li that become Jin . Fine long hair end does not letter, axe stalks or branch. Zha can Shen Zhi, fu Zhigen also. The mouth is why , the Zuo of Dai also. Liang Zhe does not get his to die, good person encounter its surely. Bao abhor is master, civilian complain its to go up, gentleman tells the world cannot go up also, below reason. Of person knowing Bao cannot first also, of reason after. respectful Shen De, make of person admire. is female hold below, person not of Zuo . Person all Zuo those, my defends this. Person all or, my not move from one place to another. hides my wisdom, do not show person ability, my Zuo honour tall, the person nots I am killed, Zha can at this. Jiang Hai Zuo is left, Zuo Wu Baichuan, with its low also. Yin of weather channel , and can servent, of Buddhist monastic discipline! " Confucius already Zhu is gentle also, Zuo Zheng child says: " of Lilliputian Zhu , this character and in, affection and letter. Yu says: "Jing of Jing, be like Ning deep , on thin ice. " travel body is such, does Zuo suffer from with buccal Zuo ? " Confucius Yao old Dan and Yan, say: " very the Wu Jin Zuo of the path goes also, I compares talk, now appoint the Jun Erfu of world of of Zuo in an attempt to suffers also, Zuo of path Wu Jin goes also. " father says: " husband Zha person flow at Zuo , Long person at Zuo , such both, path can not forget also. "
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