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章节: 卷二·女子
书名: 幼学琼林
类目: 国学启蒙
写作年代: 约公元前79年  至  公元后635年
视频: 卷二·女子_幼学琼林
音频: 卷二·女子_幼学琼林


  • New Sinology Title:
    Roll _ of 2 · woman young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Roll 2 · woman

    New Sinology BookName:
    Young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Catalog:
    The country learns illuminative

    New Sinology Content:

    Man report male firm, the woman matchs female suitable. Virtuous hind say female in Yao and Shun, intense daughter says female in the husband. Say boudoir is beautiful, say kind and gentle Yuan, all say virtuous female; Say Kun model, say exemplarying heart, beautiful beautiful woman. Fu advocate in make a present of, boil controls dietary name; Woman mothering, of mothering coming home call. What is meant by 3 from, from father from the husband from child; What is meant by 4 heart, fu of character of Fu heart Fu is versed in Fu is allowed.

    Home Zhou Mu Yi, too Wang Youzhou ginger, king Ji Youtai pregnant, civil Wang Youtai Si; 3 acting a conquered nation, xia Jie is fond of with younger sister, business name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant with Da already, week is quiet in order to honour Si. Lan Hui is qualitative, catkin just, all feminine beauty praise; Heart of ice and snow, bai Zhou is held, the clear sound of all widow. Female appearance enchantingly beautiful, calling stunner; Fu look is coquettish, solid but bend city.
    Pace of Pan the wife of a prince a lotus, willow of fine of fine of small pretty waist. Zhang Lihua gives off light but ancient bronze mirror, show of Wu Jiang celestial being is lubricious but eat. Fragrant of beautiful beautiful gas if orchid, breathe out forms sweet mist; Too true tear is red at blood, when drop more knot Gong Bing. Meng Guang muscularity, stone joint of bones can be propped up; Flying swallow body is light, on the palm but dance.
    If orange red,come encompass submit a written statement to a higher authority and help father, lu risks blade and defend aunt, this female filial piety person; Kan mother cut is sent with Yan Bin, village goody kills chicken and thank a guest, this female virtuous person; Han Jiuying fears a thief dirty and cast oneself at dirty, chen Zhong wife fears heart of fall from the sky and Yu Ya of peaceful fall from the sky, this female intense person; Wang Ning wife is pulled, break an arm to cast the ground; Annals of oath of Cao Ling daughter, bring a knife to cut bazoo, this female division person; Cao Dajia add is over " Chinese " cloth slip-case for a book, existing writings of pen of Xu Huifei aid, this female ability person; Wear bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of female experienced skirt bamboo, cloth of skirt of chaste tree hairpin, this female deficient person; The hair of bald the wife of a prince of willow family name, guo absolutely the husband's heir, this female be jealous of person; Gu Nv steals Han Shou Zhixiang, of the neat female temple that send jacket destroy, this female excessive person. Blind imitation with ludicrous effection and odious, the depict that do not have salt with embarrassed, this female ugly person.
    Since ancient times chastity excessive each different, life beautiful is ugly not neat. Hereat strange a term applied to a kindhearted person, 9 child mother, turtledove dish a bitter edible plant, call of Fu condition more change but Wei; Qian Shuzi, red, without sense of honor, call the hooter different name of whorehouse. This solid not rank crowd, laugh what Yi Ke adds with rich.
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