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章节: 王制篇第九
书名: 荀子
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前-260年  至  公元后823年
视频: 王制篇第九_荀子
音频: 王制篇第九_荀子


  • New Sinology Title:
    King make a Xun Zi of the 9th _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    King make piece the 9th

    New Sinology BookName:
    Xun Zi

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    Be excuse me politics? Say: Sagely prep before second and lift, stop prep before is needed and cannot abandon, yuan evil prep before teachs and put to death, middle prep before politics and change. Cent is uncertain also, have clear Miao. Although the descendants of scholar-bureaucrat of princes and dukes also, cannot belong to ceremony justice, the person of be the concubine that returns. Although of or by the concubine the person's descendants also, accumulate literature, going personally, can belong to ceremony justice, the dear photograph scholar-bureaucrat that returns. Reason evil character, evil says, evil thing, evil can, escape turns over side civilian, duty and teach, need and wait for, of exert oneself admire in order to celebrate, of punish with penalty. Bring duty criterion domestic animal, disturbed duty is abandoned. 5 disease, close on and raise, material and of the thing, the official is applied and of back and belly, hold Fu concurrently not to have involuntary discharge of urine. When just be being turned over all right person do not have condone to death. The husband is call day heart, be Wang Zhe politics also.

    The large fraction of hold court: Wait for with the person that be apt to comes with the ceremony, wait for with the person that not to be pooh-poohed comes with punishment. Both part, criterion virtuous unworthy not miscellaneous, dispute is not random. Virtuous unworthy not miscellaneous, criterion Ying Jie comes, dispute is not random, criterion the country is treated. If, fame day is heard, the world wishs, strict enforcement of orders and prohibitions, wang Zhe's thing finishs.
    Every listens: Majesty fierce severe, and person of bad by way of, next Wei fear and do not kiss, shut and not exhaust. If, criterion the important matter dangers relax, bagatelle dangers then. Connect with demodulation, person of good by way of, and coagulate without place stop, criterion evil character comes, of the attempt say sharp edge case. If, hear an important matter irritated, be hurt again also. Reason law and do not discuss, criterion the person that the place of the law does not come is abandoned surely. Duty and be illogical, criterion the place of duty not as good as person surely team. Reason law and discuss, duty and, seek without concealed, without be apt to of involuntary discharge of urine, and 100 things had been not had, be not gentleman Mo Neng. Reason is fair person, listen judge also; The person that counteract, audition rope also. The person that its have a way goes with the law, cannot person with kind lift, listen use up also. Slant party and not classics, audition monarch also. Reason has fine way and random person, have, have a man of noble character and random person, reach since ancient times today, have not hear also. Pass: "Treat unripe gentleman, be born in disorder Lilliputian. " this call also.
    Cent all criterion impartiality, is neat criterion not one, numerous do not make together. Have the land one day, and have difference up and down; Bright Wangshi stands, and place is state-owned make. Husband two expensive cannot look issue, of two cheap cannot make, it is day of number also. neat, and desire evil with, content cannot Dan is contended for surely; Contend for need random, chaos is poor. First king is evil its are random also, reason makes ceremony justice in order to divide, make have gentle and simple of the rich and the poor wait, enough photograph holds the person that face concurrently, be raise the world this also. The book says: "Wei Qifei is neat. " this call also.
    Equestrian be astonished carriages, criterion gentleman uneasiness carriages; Be astonished of person of be the concubine politics, criterion gentleman is disturbed. Equestrian be astonished carriages, not be like static; Be astonished of person of be the concubine politics, not be like Hui Zhi. Choose able and virtuous, lift earnest to respect, xing Xiaodi, receive an orphans and widows, filling poverty. So, of or by the concubine the person is installed politics. Person of be the concubine is installed politics, next gentleman is installed. Pass: "Gentleman person, boat also, person of be the concubine person, water also; Water carries a boat, boat of water criterion Fu. " this call also. Reason gentleman person person, be about to install, criterion Mo Reping politics cherish one's fellow citizen; Desire flourish, not be like grand ceremony Jing Shi; Be about to establish a scholarly honour and official rank, not be like Shang Xian to make can. - the political integrity that is person gentleman also. 3 person when, criterion the others there's no one who doesn't or isn't is become. 3 person undeserved, criterion the others although music is become, still will profitless also. Confucius says: "Political integrity is also, bar is also, go up gentleman also; Political integrity is also, nodular a Yan, enter Yan, in gentleman also; Political integrity is not also, although bar is also, I does not have view the others. I does not have view the others..
    The supreme ruler that becomes computation of fair amass wealth by heavy taxation of Hou, heir also, do not take civilian also. Child produce take civilian person also, do not be politics also. The person that be in charge of Zhong Weizheng also, do not repair a ceremony also. King of the person that reason repairs a ceremony, for politics person strong, take civilian person how, amass wealth by heavy taxation person die. Reason king person enrich the people, bully person Fuji, the national rich physician that puts only, rich basket of a conquered nation smalls suitcase, solid v/arc government repository. Basket smalls suitcase rich already, v/arc government repository is solid already, and common people deficient: The husband is call overflow and next leakage. Into can not defend, it is not OK to go out battle, criterion capsize is ruined can stand and wait for also. Reason I get together in order to die, enemy get with strong. Amass wealth by heavy taxation person, the path of body of call together bandit, fertilizer enemy, a conquered nation, danger also,
    Wang Duozhi's person, bully seize with, rapacious ground. The person that deprive person official is vassal, those who seize is as friendly as person vassal, the ground that seize person enemy vassal. Official is vassal person king, friend is vassal person bully, enemy vassal person danger.
    With overmatch: The person's castellan, a battle of the person, and I get the better of with force also, injure a person civilian surely very; Those who injure a person civilian very, criterion of the person civilian surely evil I very; Of the person civilian evil I very, criterion day desire and I am fought. The person's castellan, a battle of the person, and I get the better of with force, hurt me civilian surely very; Hurt me civilian very, criterion me civilian evil I need very; I civilian evil I very, criterion day is about to fight for me. Civilian day of the person is about to fight with me, I civilian day is about to fight for me, it is overmatch loses instead also. The ground comes and civilian go, tired much and work is little, although defend person beneficial, caustic of the person that defend so, be with big person cut instead also. Bosom of vassal there's no one who doesn't or isn't has sex complain, and do not forget its enemy, wait is powerful between, bear powerful our, when this powerful almost also.
    Know powerful person not Wu is strong also, lv with king life, complete its force, coagulate its heart. Force is total vassal cannot lose also, de Ning is vassal cannot cut also, the world does not have king overlord, often get the better of: It is the person that know strong way also.
    Those bully person criterion otherwise: Monarch field, solid granary, reserve, case sincerely collect picks the skill that read material person, celebrate gradually next admire with first, cruel torture is punished with correct. Live or die afterwards absolutely, defend ban infirmly cruel, and without the heart that holds concurrently, vassal close. Xiu Youdi's path, receive in order to respect vassal, vassal those who say. Kiss so person, with not also; Of see, vassal scanty. Say so person, with friend enemy also; Of official see, vassal leave. Reason bright its not the travel of , believe its the path of friend enemy, the world does not have king overlord, often be gotten the better of. It is to know overbearing person also.
    Min Wang is destroyed at 5 countries, post fair disaster Yu Luzhuang, without its reason Yan, be not its to and of Lv with Wang Ye.
    Those Wang Zhe otherwise: Benevolence Miao the world, justice Miao the world, power Miao the world. Benevolence Miao the world, there's no one who doesn't or isn't of friend the world is close also; Justice Miao the world, there's no one who doesn't or isn't of friend the world is expensive also; Power Miao the world, mo Gan of friend the world enemy also. With not enemy power, complementary the course that takes a person, reason not battle and get the better of, be not attacked and get, armour and weaponry not fatigue and the world is taken, it is the person that know kingly way also. Know this 3 person that provide, desire king and king, desire bully and bully, desire strong and strong.
    Wang Zhe's person: Adorn move with the ceremony justice, listen with kind, ming Zhenhao end, act meet an emergency and not poor, the husband is call have former. The person that is Wang Zhe also.
    Of Wang Zhe make: Had not 3 generation, law not 2 hind king; Path cross what 3 generation call to swing, law 2 hind Wang Weizhi is indelicate. The dress has make, palace room has degree, person person know exactly about sth, instrument of hold a memorial ceremony for uses funeral to all have wait for appropriate. The sound, person that be not elegant sound is lifted useless, color, altogether the person that be not old article is lifted breath, instrument is used, criterion Fan Fei is old implement person lift destroy, the husband is call restore ancient ways, be Wang Zhe make also.
    Of Wang Zhe theory: Without heart is not expensive, incompetent not official, without result do not admire, innocent do not punish. Face does not have favour, civilian be born without favour. Shang Xian makes can, and etc do not offer as a gift; Analyse wishs to ban bold, and penalty does not pass. Common people dawn all tells a husband like that to be good at the home, and take admire Yu Chao also; To not be good at deep and remote, and unconscious punishment at showing also. The husband is call final conclusion. Be Wang Zhe theory also.
    Wang Zhe's law: Wait for everythings on earth of ode, government affairs, money, raise so 10 thousand civilian also. Field assorted one, shut city a few and do not ask for, bridge of mountain forest lustre, with when ban send and not duty. and decline politics. The far and near that manages and deliver tribute. Shed property millet rice, without have stop, make return move also, one is like in the four seas. Friend is close person not concealed its can, far person not disease its fatigue, without gentle and serene the country of concealed out-of-the-way, hasten of there's no one who doesn't or isn't makes and of peace and happiness. The husband is humanness division. The law that is Wang Zhe also.
    The North sea has trot along on horseback bark canine Yan, however China is gotten and cultivate makes. Nanhai has change of a shaft of a feather, tine, Ceng Qing, red to do Yan, however China is gotten and of money. The East China Sea has Yan of salt of violet Ji , fish, however China is gotten and of back and belly. The sea has Yan of Mao of leather, article on the west, china is gotten and use however. Reason lustre person is sufficient wood, hill person is sufficient fish, farmer not is cut, not edify and sufficient instrument is used, labour merchant is not agrarian cropland and sufficient beans millet. Reason tiger leopard is fierce, gentleman pares and use like that. The place Fu of friend day, the place of the ground carries, there's no one who doesn't or isn't uses up its beauty, send its to use, go up in order to act the role of able and virtuous, of next with raising common people peace and happiness. The husband is call great mind. The poem says: "The day makes a high mountain, of king barren; Those is made, of Wen Wangkang. " this call also.
    With kind travel is miscellaneous, with group 10 thousand. Only then criterion eventually, eventually criterion only then, the for no reason that is like annulus also, abandoning is and the world in order to decline. Heaven and earth person, unripe only then also; Ceremony justice person, those who treat only then also; Gentleman person, of ceremony justice only then also; Do it, of be linked together, accumulate heavy, had sent person, of gentleman only then also. Friend world gives birth to gentleman, gentleman grain scope of operation; Gentleman person, the ginseng of heaven and earth also, the of everythings on earth also, civilian parents also. Without gentleman, criterion heaven and earth is paid no attention to, ceremony justice does not have all, gentleman division is not had on, father and son is not had below, the husband is call to chaos. Jun Chen, father and son, brother, couple, only then criterion eventually, eventually criterion only then, manage together with heaven and earth, be the same as with all ages long, the husband is call big. Reason funeral hold a memorial ceremony for, face is hired, division force one also; Gentle and simple, kill unripe, with seize one also; Father of official of Jun Jun, official, father, child child, elder brother elder brother, little brother one also; Farming farming, person person, business of industry industry, business one also.
    Extreme misery has energy of life and do not have unripe, the wood has unripe and ignorant, birds and beasts has know and do not have justice, the person has energy of life, have unripe, have know, also and have justice, reason most the world is expensive also. Force is not like an ox, go to not be like a horse, and oxen and hores-beeasts of burden is with, he Ye? Say: Person can group, those cannot group also. Person why can group? Say: Cent. Why can cent go? Say: Justice. Reason justice is mixed with cent, and criterion one, a much power, much force is powerful, get the better of content by force; Room of the Imperial Palace can be gotten and reside also. The four seasons of incident a type of local school in ancient times, cut everythings on earth into parts, hold benefit the world concurrently, without its reason Yan, gotten cent justice also.
    Reason life cannot be not had group, group and contend for without cent, contend for a chaos, leave in disorder, from weak, lose to cannot get the better of content; Room of the Imperial Palace cannot be gotten and reside also, cannot after a short while abandons ceremony justice call also. Can kiss calling filial piety with the thing, the younger brother that can call with thing elder brother, can go up with the thing those who call is suitable, can issue calling gentleman in order to make.
    Gentleman person, be apt to group also. Group path when, criterion everythings on earth all gets its appropriate, domestic animals all gets his to grow, group be born to all get its lot. Reason is raised when growing, criterion domestic animals Yo; Kill when be born, criterion wood breed; When government order, criterion common people one, able and virtuous take.
    Holy Wang Zhi makes also: Wood flourish Hua Zishuo when, criterion axe jin do not enter mountain forest, do not tender its are unripe, incessant its are long also. When pregnant of Zuo of Qiu of turtle of fish of soft-shelled turtle Chinese alligator is fastened, not Gu bane is not entered lustre, do not tender its are unripe, incessant its are long also. Spring ploughing, Xia Yun, autumn harvest, winter hides, 4 person not miss the opportunity, reason food crops is incessant, and common people is superabundant feed also. Corrupt pool deep billabong plain lustre, sincerely meantime is banned, actor of reason fish turtle is much, and common people is superabundant with also. Behead cut down is raised grow not to break meantime, reason mountain forest not child, and common people is superabundant material also.
    Holy Wang Zhi uses also: Go up examine Yu Tian, next faults at the ground, between heaven and earth of equipment of a place of strategic importance, add use everythings on earth over, small and bright, short and long, narrow and wide, deities rich big down to is made an appointment with. Friend says: One with it is the person that it is a person, calling sage.
    Foreword official: Zai Juezhi guest, sacred, noise eats firm number of sacrifice. Situ knows 100, inner and outer city walls, stand implement. Sima Zhishi brigade, armour and weaponry, count by Bai Zhi. Write constitution lot, careful poem business, ban excessive sound, with Shi Shunxiu, make smooth common evil sound not dare chaos is elegant, the Great Master's thing also. Build bank bridge, connect channel Hui, travel water Lao, an Shuizang, with when fill in definitely, year old although fierce drought defeating water, make civilian somewhat weed moxa, the thing of department sky also. Photograph relative superiority or inferiority, inspect fat Qiao, foreword 5 kinds, save farming work, sincerely harbour Tibet, with Shi Shunxiu, make farmer plain force and few can, the issue that studies cropland also. Xiu Huoxian, the shaw that raise hill lustre turtle of the wood, fish, 100 all alone, with when ban hair, make a country sufficient with, and property is castiron, the thing of anxiety division also. In suitable city, calm ancient name for ground allotted to a household curtilage, raise domestic animals, idle is cultivated art, persuade Jiaohua, younger brother of hasten filial piety, with Shi Shunxiu, make common people arranges an order, peace and happiness manages rural area, the thing of countryside division also. Consider 100 project, careful current affairs, differentiate work is hard, still be over benefit, reserve, make carve literary grace dare be not built only at the home, the thing of work division also. Photograph yin and yang, hold Dai sign, get chelonian old divinatory symbols, advocate reject choose 5 predict, know evil spirit of its good or ill luck auspicious, the issue that Yu witch limp beats also. Xiu Caiqing, easy way, sincerely bandits, make the same score room law, with Shi Shunxiu, make guest brigade is installed and money money is connected, the issue that studies city also. bans bold urgently, prevent excessive to divide unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, of join with the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China, make Bao Han in order to change, crafty and evil to be not made, the thing of department bandit also. This politics religion, execute criterion, hold concurrently listen and when of check, spend its contribution, celebrate by its admire, with Shi Shenxiu, make 100 official are avoided, and numerous be the concubine is not stolen, the thing that grave slaughters also. Happy by the ceremony, going personally, wide Jiaohua, beautiful custom, hold Fu concurrently and move one, the issue with public monarch also. Complete morality, send grand tall, qi Wen manages, one the world, brace up fine long hair end, make the world there's no one who doesn't or isn't suitable than from take, the thing of day king also. Reason government affairs is random, criterion the blame that grave slaughters also; The country breaks custom, monarch to pass fairly also; The world is differ, vassal common is turned over, criterion day king is not its person also.
    Provide and king, provide and bully, provide and put, provide and die. The person that use the 10 thousand countries that take, power stand by force also, fame beautiful also, the enemy is bent also, country safety passes judgment also, make with here, die person. King, bully, how to put, in a critical condition, ruined, make with in me, die person. Husband power is strong not enough almost adjacent enemy also, fame not enough county the world also, it is the country fails to become independent also, canal is riddance husband tired? The world coerce at cruel country, and Dang Weiwu place not desire then person, day and colleague of the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty travel together, harmless for Monarch Yao. The place of dispute scholarly honour and official rank also, blame live or die the place fall of safety also. The place of the scholarly honour and official rank, live or die the place fall of safety, be sure to abundant at cheerful the place of bare heart. Sincere the place that with its the country is Wang Zhe also king, with its the country is the place with ruined in a critical condition to also in great danger ruined. The day of abundant, case with indifferent, without slant somewhat, and the thing that is freely, cease like that case arms is not had move, in order to watch the Xiang Cu of husband cruel country also. The case is smooth politics religion, careful rhythm, encourage common people, be is day, and arms the world is strong. Case repair Ren Yi like that, kang grand is tall, execute criterion, choose able and virtuous, raise common people, be is day, and the beauty of fame the world. The person that counterpoise is heavy, arms person strong, fame person beautiful. Husband Yao and Shun person one the world also, cannot add a unit of weight end then.
    The person of tactics capsize is retreated, able and virtuous the person case that knows emperor is entered oneself. Xing Zhengping, common people and, country convention red-letter day, criterion Bing Jincheng originallies, enemy state case from Qu. Wu skill, accumulate property, and do not forget dwell Chi Xue is jumped over also, it is to make group of official common people all go with the system, criterion property accumulating, national case from rich. 3 person body this and the world is taken, case of Mr Bao Guozhi cannot use its army oneself. Why criterion? Those is not had with to also. Those its place and the person that come, surely its civilian also. Its civilian kiss me, be like parents happily, good my fragrant is like irises and orchids, look back bright Qing is like on its, be like enemy Chou; The affection sex of those person also although Zhi of the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty, have agree to be its place is evil, thief its place is good person! Those in order to seize. The person with ancient reason, have the person that take the world with one country, be not past travel also, repair politics its place, the world there's no one who doesn't or isn't wishs, so and can put to death cruel ban bold. Reason Zhou Gongna is asked for and northland is complained, say: "He Du does not come also! " east ask for and the country is complained on the west, say: "After He Du I also! " can what have with be the person that fight and? How be with its country is person king. The day of abundant, how to cease with Jing Bing civilian, fatherly common people, monarch field, solid granary, reserve, an Jin collect picks the skill that read material person, admire Qing Yixian gradually next, cruel torture is punished in case, the person know a thing of choose person, make lead follow in a continuous line also, be with be disgusted with like that cultivate accumulating is decorated, and what content uses is sufficient also. Arms change appliance person, those will be exposed every day destroy the Central Plains that fold; My general decorates, clap of abide, mask at v/arc government repository. Rice of money money millet person, those general every day in dwell late Xue Yue wild, I get together cultivate accumulating today at granary. Talent skill right-hands man of lackey of be good at brave person, those general every day defeat pauses the Yu Chou of exhaust enemy, I will be sent today, reads, the Yu Chaoting of encourage. So, criterion those day is accumulated our, my day is accumulated; Those day accumulates deficient, my day is accumulated rich; Those day accumulates fatigue, my day accumulates comfort. Between Jun Chen fluctuation person, those leaves severe severe Yan disease every day also, my general pauses suddenly Yan dates every day love also, wait for its in order to be our. How be with its country is person bully. Establish body criterion from commission common, the thing goes a reason of abide by commission, gentle and simple of advance and retreat lifts commission person, the person that receive the person common people below needs wide benefit, so person how to put. Establish body criterion light , the thing goes a Juan doubt, gentle and simple of advance and retreat lifts of given to flattery, the person that receive the person common people below is good take trespass, so person in a critical condition. Establish body criterion cruel, the thing goes a capsize, gentle and simple of advance and retreat cites deep and remote sinister and crafty reason, the person that receive the person common people below, good use its all one's strength, and slow its contribution, good use its book collect, and forget its this Wu, so person ruined. - - this 5 person that wait, cannot not good at choose also, king, bully, how to put, in a critical condition, ruined also. Choose of be apt to person make a person, not good at choose person the person makes. Of choose of be apt to person king, of not good at choose person die. Of husband Wang Zhe with the person that die, make a person make with the person also, it is its are photograph county also Yi Yuan.
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