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  • New Sinology Title:
    Roll the effect _ of 4 modest heart Fan Sixun

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Roll the effect of 4 modest heart

    New Sinology BookName:
    Fan Sixun

    New Sinology Catalog:
    The country learns illuminative

    New Sinology Content:

    Yi Yue: " weather channel is filled with fortunately and beneficial modest; The tunnel changes to be filled with and shed modest; Ghosts and gods is killed be filled with and Fu Qian; Humane evil be filled with and good modest. " one of hereat modest divinatory symbols, 6 Yao all auspicious.

    The book says: " full court damage, modest is benefited. " grant to be the same as repeatedly all fair should try, every see cold person will amount to, have Guang Keju of a paragraph of modest surely.
    Xin Wei (the Christian era 1571) plan in the company of, my fine be apt to altogethers with gown 10 people, alone man respects Yu Bin, year least, extremely modest.
    Fei Yue: " why see? "
    Grant: " alone modest beatification beatification. Elder brother sees 10 people in, have Xun Xun money, not dare forefathers, the person that be like Jing Yu? Respect is arranged bear, careful modest Wei, the person that be like Jing Yu? Have suffer bully not to answer, hear slander not argue, the person that be like Jing Yu? The person can be such, namely ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, still bless, have the person that do not send? "
    Reach a list of names posted up, fourth fruit Chinese style.
    Ding Chou (the Christian era 1577) be in Beijing, be in together with Feng Kaizhi, see its theory personal assume a serious expression, change greatly the be used to of its childhood. Helpful friend of straight forgive of Li Ji cliff, the face attacks his to be not when, but see its make the same score Huai Shun to suffer, have not have cable of one character photograph. Grant to accuse say: " Fu Youfu only then, disaster has disaster first, modest of this heart fruit, the day needs of the photograph.
    Zhao Yufeng, light is far, person of Shandong coronal county, childhood is lifted at countryside, jiubudi. Its father is fine be apt to 3 Yin, hold the post of subsequently. Admire Qian Mingwu, and hold Wen Jianzhi, ming Wu all wipes its article, zhao nots only not angry, and be convinced and fast change Yan.
    Ren celestial bodies year old (the Christian era 1592) , grant present oneself before, interview summer establishs institute, see meaning of its person deficiency of vital energy falls, modest light is threatening, return and accuse friend to say: " Fan Tian will be sent this person also, did not send its blessing, send first its intelligent; This intelligent one hair, criterion float person from solid, the person that shop from collect; The Wenliang that establish institute is like this, apocalyptic. " reach a list of names posted up, fruit Chinese style.
    Cliff of river shade Zhang Wei, accumulate article learning skill, phonic art circles. Armour midday (the Christian era 1594) , nanjing countryside tries, contain in one temple, announce anonymous, tongue-lash try an official, think narrow one's eyes looks. From time to tome the one person that, in draw near smile, piece hurriedly moves the angry person that. The person that says: " photograph archives needs not beautiful. "
    Zhang Nu says: " you do not see my article, does black know not beautiful? "
    The person that says: " hear a composition, expensive heart enrages peace, listen today fair scold Li, rough very, must Wen An be versed in? "
    Piece do not become aware succumb, because consult Yan with respect to.
    The person that says: " in complete a nuisance; Life ought not to in, although article is versed in, profitless also. Him beard makes a change. "
    Zhang Yue: " since life, how to transform? "
    The person that says: " day of the person that make a lot, the person that establish a lot I; Thing of force do good works, wide accumulate a good deed to the doer's credit in the next world, cannot be He Fu begged? "
    Zhang Yue: " my deficient person, he Neng is? "
    The person that says: " result of back of job of be apt to, all build by the heart, often put this heart, boundless beneficence, ju Ruqian empty, not costly, how are you scolded instead oneself try an official? "
    This folds Zhang You section control oneself, day of be apt to is added long, derijia is thick. Ding You (the Christian era 1597) , the dream comes one tall room, get rehearsal copy, be short of more in row. Ask other people, say: " this today division rehearsal. "
    Ask: " does He Duo lack a name? "
    Say: " division Acheron take an examination of 3 years relatively, need the person that accumulate virtue does not have blame, square famous. The place before be like is short of, all be old this Chinese style, go because of having thin travel newly person also. "
    One rack points to after: " you come 3 years, hold a body quite careful, or should fill this, favour self-love. " it is division fruit in 105.
    Watch from this, cite a 3 rule, have deities definitely; Hasten auspicious avoids fierce, absolutely by me. Must make I am made on purpose row, displease ghosts and gods of Yu Tian ground none, and modest Qu Ji, make ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, constantly pity I, just have beatification beatification base. Those enrages the person that be filled with, be not surely far implement, even if send,also do not have benefit from. Have knowledge and experience a bit person, cannot bear surely from narrow its are measured, and from refus its blessing also, kuang Qian suffers religion have the land, and take kind boundless, blame study at school person place is indispensable person also.
    Archaism cloud: " have keep in mind at the scholarly honour and official rank person, must scholarly honour and official rank; The person that have annals Yu Fugui, must riches and honour. " of the person have keep in mind, those who be like a tree have a root, halt this annals, must read aloud read aloud modesty, dust dirt is convenient, touch scope of activity naturally, and benefit by me. Today beg ascend division person, there has not be true keep in mind first, nevertheless temporarily enthusiasm ear; Promote beg, xing Lan stops.
    The Mencius says: " Wang Zhi is very happy very, neat do its so that? " grant at family name Yi Ran.
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