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章节: ·五言集
书名: 名贤集
类目: 国学启蒙
写作年代: 约公元前-22年  至  公元后1050年
视频: ·五言集_名贤集
音频: ·五言集_名贤集


  • New Sinology Title:
    ·Name of _ of 5 character collect virtuous collect

    New Sinology Chapter:
    ·5 character collect

    New Sinology BookName:
    Renown virtuous collect

    New Sinology Catalog:
    The country learns illuminative

    New Sinology Content:

    Gold float world is in, white hair old friend is rare. Much Jin Fei is expensive, peace and happiness is costly much.

    Cease contend for 3 inches of gas, white teenager head. Hundred years pass at any time, all things turns the head is empty.
    Farm cattle does not have Su Cao, hamster has surplus grain. All things cent already was decided, float unripe sky from busy.
    The knot has De Zhipeng, do not have Yi Zhiyou absolutely. Chang Huaike already heart, law wants to be defended sincerely.
    Gentleman is magnanimous swing, relative of Lilliputian Chang Qi. See the thing knows accident, person face knows on any account.
    Heart tall block very thing, current of ground tall cease. Shedding of depth of water goes slow, noble language word is late.
    Gyro wheel of path tall dragon, admire of heart heavy ghosts and gods. The person talks high today ancient, object height price comes forward.
    Cease the force with which sth breaks out when depending on, when beware of last year. Chinese wistaria circles a tree to be born, the tree falls Chinese wistaria to die.
    The official withers like the flower completely, situation bully defeating a slave advocate. Ghost of bully of life strong person, carry declines ghost gets a person.
    The person is nice without 1000 days, the flower does not have 100 days red. The person has 10 years strong, ghosts and gods dare not draw near.
    There is leftover in hutch, there is be hungry person on the road. Rao Ren is not crazy, get petty gain afterwards.
    Measure small blame gentleman, avirulent not the husband. Time reveals a person's heart, time reveals a person's heart.
    Live forever gentleman path, must have gratified when. Wild goose does not fly to be in, the person is pulled by fame and gain.
    The ground has 3 rivers water, the person does not have heart of the four seas. Money is used, all in vain after dying.
    For benevolence not rich, be rich but cruel. Gentleman Yu Yuyi, lilliputian Yu Yuli.
    Deficient and without it is difficult to complain, rich and without arrogant easy. Hundred years be in completely life, the least bit not by the person.
    Parents is respected in the home, why to need far burn joss sticks? The home and deficient it may not be a bad idea, disloyal rich how?
    The fine strikes lode, when must preventing rainstorm. Cold pupil is expensive child, bai Wu goes out fair dear.
    Will not have originally kind, manhood is become self-improvement. Be about to want master travel, without but a day of Qing Dynasty.
    3000 apprentice are numerous stand, 72 a person of virtue. The adult is uneasy, comfortable do not grow up.
    Country Tian Xinshun, guan Qingmin is installed oneself. Wife virtuous husband disaster is little, child heart of filial piety father is wide.
    White Yun Chaochao passes, spare time of green light sun. Oneself comes without camel, it is difficult to complain the world however.
    Money can be solved language, do not listen without Qian Yu. Time wind bad temper, burned year old of winter clothing.
    Life is malcontent 100, often conceive 1000 years old of care. The person that often say dispute, it is dispute person.
    Accumulate be apt to to have cable of be apt to, accumulate sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. Nemesis has time, misfortune good fortune from pretty good.
    The flower does not have reopen day, the person is fugacious teenager. The person is harmless tiger heart, the tiger has person idea.
    Hill captures a tiger on easy, it is difficult that the mouth tells a person. Official loyal to his sovereign is not afraid of death, be afraid of dead disloyal official.
    Once upon a time how many thing, past all in vain. Be full of confidential thing, all be in not call the turn.
    Fall in short brim already, dare not lower his head how. Domestic deficient tells a dutiful son, the country knows official loyal to his sovereign in disorder.
    But the person that ascend road, it is blessing poor person. Clumsy of domestic deficient gentleman, children comes when strong.
    It may not be a bad idea of life good intention, riches and honour until old; Life good intention is bad, die on the vine;
    Heart life is bad, poverty-stricken until old. Aged heart is not old, person poor keep in mind is not poor.
    All have dead since ancient times, civilian do not stand without the letter.
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