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章节: 卷十三
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-201年  至  公元后1063年
视频: 卷十三_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十三_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷十三          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  内則后王命冡宰降徳于衆兆民 司徒掌邦敎而内則使冢宰布之者冢宰掌王后之 内治六宫之陰禮王后世子之服羞故兆民之家禮 亦使布焉不曰敷敎而曰降徳者凡子婦孝敬之事
 皆王后世子所躬行而以為民則者也櫛縰筓總 朱軾曰以縰韜髪四周乃可豎其餘而盤之斂枕簟 正晝長者或欲自偃息少壯則不得晝寢故晨興即 斂之由命士以上父子皆異宫 子為命士則宜與父異宫以治公事僚屬朝夕講肄
 於父起居之適親友之交必有閡也若父為命士則 子無為異宫設有子衆多安得每人别為之宫乎昧爽而朝慈以㫖甘日出而退各從其事日入而夕慈以㫖甘 此下乃凡為子婦者之通禮也若命士以上則同宫 者辨色而入君朝其自家出正當昧爽時宜先朝於 父母若父母未寤則問安否於御者而行羣子婦以 時進㫖甘即異宫亦然退朝乃歸侍也凡耉老多好
 早起若無子婦在旁則所求難致故初起必以雞鳴 為度將衽長者奉席請何趾少者執牀與坐御者舉几 夜臥有常所有定向此晝臥也席與牀臥具也坐與 几備其時起坐而憑之也老者惟所便安臥起無常 故有此禮斂席與簟縣衾篋枕斂簟而襡之 晝臥無常處故起則縣衾篋枕斂簟而襡之以是知
 長者夜臥之枕簟無縣斂篋襡之法朝夕恒食子婦佐餕 尸賓之食必侑朝夕恒食無所用侑子婦在旁時其 温凉節其多少皆所謂佐也父没母存冢子御食羣子婦佐餕如初 冢婦不與者主饋也進退周旋慎齊升降出入揖遊 尊者之側進退周旋固當慎齊至升降於階出入於
 門或見同等而揖或從尊者而遊亦無在而不慎齊 也寒不敢襲癢不敢搔 退襲而復進侍也不敢當父母姑舅之前而襲於癢 亦然其無篚則皆坐 皆當作背坐當作立不相授器以逺嫌也若皆跪則 轉使迫而相向之久其義何居
男女不通衣裳 特言男女别於内外也寢席之類獨内外不通衣裳 則雖夫婦不通也父母有婢子 婢子侍女也陳乾昔命其子使二婢子夾我 朱軾 曰大夫二妾士一妾有定數外此曰婢舅沒則姑老 疏舅沒姑未老則其婦不得專知家事與則字義不
 協當以慶源輔氏不以年計之說為優舅沒則姑老 葢使子專之而婦從其夫也先王之閑有家其嚴如 此况國政而可寄之婦人哉此古者冢宰攝政之制 所以非後世所能及也子弟猶歸器衣服裘衾車馬則必獻其上而后敢服用其次也若非所獻則不敢以入於宗子之門不敢以貴富加於父兄宗族 上節適子庶子祗事宗子宗婦謂大宗也此别言子
 弟者謂共祖禰以别於大宗也大宗宗子之家不敢 衆車徒以入而已器服車馬不先獻也若弟於適兄 諸子於世父則人有饋不敢私焉非所獻不敢以入 焉葢恩近而義隆且同居未嘗異財也上節曰宗子 之家此曰宗子之門者同居而異宫故獨言門不敢 以貴富加於父兄宗族則大小宗之所同也葢總結 二節之意若富則具二牲獻其賢者於宗子夫婦皆齊而宗敬焉
終事而后敢私祭 適子庶子始為士大夫而欲致敬於大宗之祖廟則 必獻上牲於宗子使主其事而夫婦徃助焉詩曰于 以奠之宗室牖下誰其尸之有齊季女葢謂此也終 事而後私祭者以得致敬於大宗之祖廟為榮而歸 告其祖禰也若祖禰常祭已所得專不必告於宗子 知必適子庶子為大夫士者非大夫士則私家無廟 且具牲非庶人之事也 不舉爵而曰富何也古之
 仕者舍田祿君賜無由得富若舉大夫士則似中士 下士皆然曰富則知必命士以上矣知必始為大夫 士者如時祭皆然則嵗得祭上祖與天子諸侯無異 且族大而有爵命者多㑹時祭宗子且日不暇給矣  疏謂事小宗子亦然非也大夫士祖禰之廟皆立 於宗子之家其祭本宗子主之無所為私祭也繼髙 曽之宗子苟為庶人則自祭祖禰於寢不得上及髙 曽也支子之為士大夫者有大勲勞而請於君乃得
 干祫及其髙祖則四時之祭不得干明矣且有君命 偶於祫及之則合祭於己所立祖禰之廟大夫三廟/亦立於繼 曽祖適/子之家而非於繼髙祖之宗子家明矣又安有所謂 宗敬乎大宗之逺祖得祭而髙祖不得祭何也大宗 之祖别子也非君之兄弟則有勲勞於國者故其廟 得不毁然亦惟子孫之冠者婚者告焉女子之將嫁 者敎焉始為大夫士者得用牲而特祭焉其餘四時 常祭不敢干也
大夫燕食有膾無脯有脯無膾士不貳羮胾 當為燕居常食若燕饗備物以養賓無膾脯不兼羹 胾不貳之義下文所云自諸侯至於庶人無等謂羹 與食耳若膾胾之類則有等也疏謂燕食非朝夕常 食誤羮食自諸侯以下至於庶人無等 貴賤之等辨於鼎簋之多少庶羞之有無至於羮食 則所用之物製作之方上下同之不容有異也
大夫無秩膳大夫七十而有閣 天子諸侯朝夕膳品有常大夫則惟所便七十而有 閣非秩膳也恐不時需食故庋置於其旁天子之閣左達五右達五公侯伯於房中五大夫於閣三士於坫一 疏以閣為庖廚所庋為三牲魚腊非也君子逺庖廚 未聞置正室之序外也葢非朝夕常膳乃果蔬飴餌 脯醢之屬所以備不時之需耳據上文大夫七十而
 有閣則士亦當然 以文義測之似天子除中央正 室外自左右房達左右夾室皆有閣數各五諸侯則 於一房之中設五閣而不論左右大夫於房中設閣 三士設坫一承諸侯於房中之文皆設於房中也無 以見大夫之閣於夾室士之坫於室中也室中正寢 不宜庋食物 注達夾室以最逺故云達樂其心不違其志 統言之曰樂其心凡其心之所樂者必務稱也不違
 其志則以心之偶發者言之以付豚 注疏以前言豚若牂此獨言豚遂謂豚全羊解析非 也曰豚若牂或豚或牂也曰以付豚則牂可知矣如 曰以付豚若牂則豚牂共鼎之辭也先儒所以為是 說者謂牂為牡羊則其體大耳不知曰小鼎薌脯於 其中則羊亦以羔可知矣不曰羔而曰牂兼辨其牝 牡耳
深宫固門閽寺守之 内則后王命冢宰所降也故舉宫廷之制以示則焉夫不在斂枕篋簟席襡器而藏之 斂枕篋與簟席襡䙝器而藏之也䙝器虎子之屬夫婦之禮惟及七十同藏無間 及七十則無專妬之嫌故可同藏無間若夫年方盛 則宜御妾□以廣嗣續釋幽怨妻不得專寢也先王 制禮後宫進御之夕皆掌於内小臣而冢宰授以節
 制雖天子不得專君不就后夫人之寢而后夫人各 以所當之夕進御於君之内寢則專妬害嗣之禍何 由而作哉妾雖老年未滿五十必與五日之御將御者齊潄澣慎衣服櫛縰筓總拂髦衿纓綦屨 媵妾將御恒情所用為燕私狎昵也而敎之以齊所 以輯男女之邪心而使謹於禮也必如是然後内和 而家理
妻將生子及月辰居側室夫使人日再問之作而自問之妻不敢見使姆衣服而對 將娠而夫婦異居夫不自問而使人問及作而自問 妻不敢見而使姆對所以彰羞惡之原存人道以别 於禽獸也男子不死於婦人之手婦人不死於男子 之手義亦如此君子之道造端乎夫婦盖主敬去私 謹㣲慎獨必始於此詩負之
 詩負謂以手維持而承奉之義長所以别於背負也 謂之負者子面嚮君而背負抱者之懷也於特牲饋 食禮詩懷亦可通不可以本於緯書而廢之妻抱子出自房 房即側室於燕寢則為東房也妻得有其室故子生 於側室即於側室以子見妾不得有其室而綂於妻 故見子於妻之燕寢夫及女君臨視焉以夫就妾子 於側室則與妻無别也
子師辯告諸婦諸母名 注謂後告諸母欲名成於尊者迂晦難通命士以上 父子異宫而必同都宫諸婦盖子之期親同在都宫 内者諸母則或異居故告先近而後及遠耳宰告閭史閭史書為二其一藏諸閭府其一獻諸州史州史獻諸州伯州伯命藏諸州府 周官鄉遂無府史胥徒而此記有閭史州史何也二 十五家不應别設史閭史即閭胥也其職聚衆庶既
 比則讀法書其敬敏任䘏者則兼掌史事可知矣州 史必州長班序屬吏而使典司焉者故府史胥徒之 數不見於周官世子生則君沐浴朝服夫人亦如之皆立于阼階西鄉世婦抱子升自西階君名之乃降適子庶子見於外寢撫其首咳而名之禮帥初無辭 士大夫名子有辭而君無辭何也辭即欽有帥記有 成之謂也家人情親而事近故夫婦以相朂世子之
 事守大矣君不得以欽有帥命夫人夫人亦不敢以 記有成答君也命世子無辭則適子庻子不得有辭 此禮之所以曲當也 君之燕寢對夫人正寢稱外 非對側室稱外也觀此則世子見於路寢明矣盖國 君尊以子見而就夫人之内寢於義未安故世子以 外皆見於外寢先儒謂庶子實見於側室以與世子 之弟連文故曰見於外寢記禮者不宜鹵莽滅裂至 此
公庶子生就側室 䟽謂公見庶子於側室據此不知此言庶子就側室 而生非謂公就側室以見子也大夫尚不可就側室以 見庶子而見於妻之内寢况國君而就妾子於側室 乎上文庶子見於外寢下文又曰其母沐浴朝服見 於君則見於外寢明矣若在側室則何為朝服乎庶人無側室者及月辰夫出居羣室其問之也與子見父之禮無以異也
 禮不下庶人而夫婦之禮則與士大夫同盖必閨門 有禮而後三族和非然則婦始勃豀家人詬誶其流 不可禦矣先王之所以一道徳而同風俗恃有此也祖亦名之禮如子見父無辭 曰祖亦名之者謂父既名子以見於祖祖因以命之 也夫婦名子既有辭祖不復申之故無辭禮如子見 父謂姆相及執子之右手咳而名之也家統於尊而 孫之名不主於祖何也相戒勉以教子夫婦為切又
 恐子孫衆多不敢以煩尊者公庶子使有司名亦此 義也且舅姑不必並存設舅以欽有帥命而婦獨置 對不可也子婦各置對而别為禮辭無謂也即舅姑 並存必舅姑别為禮辭以命子婦而後子婦交相命 亦無謂此先王制禮所以曲當人情也冡子未食而見必執其右手適子庶子已食而見必循其首 未食未朝食也盖見子而後與后夫人禮食也適子
 則王后君夫人各朝食而後見子不舉禮食所以别 於世子也禮食為見子也未見子而先與后夫人禮 食非義所安十年出就外傅居宿於外 始十歲居宿即於外而臨以師傅視聽言動無由接於 非禮養徳養身之要也衣不帛襦袴 非為太温也自孩提至毁齒或以帛為之及就外傅
 則宜示以素樸俾無紛華之慕禮帥初 帥初謂帥循古先相承出就外傅之禮而不敢變易 弟子職所載是也疏謂帥循初日所為義無所著陳 氏集説謂初教之方則書計幼儀非禮帥初之謂也 前記適子庶子見於外寢禮帥初亦謂帥循古先相 承衆子見父之禮疏謂帥循世子見於路寢之禮非 也適子庶子之見事事與世子懸殊而謂帥世子見
 之禮可乎請肄簡諒 請肄業則授以篇章而不煩敎以語言必信蓋所肄 者簡則誦數歷久而不忘所以為精知之本也所主 者諒則言動不欺其本志所以為力行之本也孫友視志 友以明道輔仁故志常以友而定友之性資學行髙 下大小不一視其所順之友則可以知其志矣
方物出謀發慮 方與義以方外伺義蓋有物必有則其理一定不易 而又隨時異形必遇物而以此方之然後不踰矩也 方物而出謀乃無過計方物而發慮乃無邪心    禮記析疑卷十三

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 13Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenInside King life is slaughtered after fall at Xiao million civilianSitu Zhangbang and inside makes grave slaughters cloth person grave slaughters palm queenThe later ages of Zuo Die king that 6 palace treat inside child serve be ashamed on purpose the domestic Die of million civilianAlso make cloth Yan does not say apply and say fall person the thing of give presents of Fan Zi
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    All queen world child bend forward go and with civilian person also Jun of Jun Geng Bright red Zuo says with Jun Zuo Zuo all around therefore but Zuo its Zuo and of Bao pillow Dian Zuo person or do not be about to get Ning of morning of reason from of cease breath little namelyOf By the life person above father and son all palaceChild life study of Zheng of a very short time of of an associate in office of public affairs of Gong Yizhi of of father of Ning of person appropriate
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    At father Yin hands in the Zuo of daily life friendlily to surely Zuo also is like person of father lifeChild Yu of palace of has child how does Xiao get a surname that fastens each moreBright of be ignorant of and Chao Ci with? Pleasant sunrise and retreat each its work day is entered and evening mothersWith? PleasantThis you every child person connect Die to also be like of life person above to be the same as palacePerson differentiate is lubricious and into Jun Chaoji oneself goes out Xian Chaowu of appropriate of of bright of be ignorant ofParents is like parents to awake installs the person that deny Wu Yu and did not go Li child with Zuo ? Pleasant namely Gong Yiran retreats face to be Shi Yefan Long is old much better
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    If,rise early child beside place begs Zuo to cause cause rise first surely with Zuo Zuo is spent Ren Zuo person the Zha that give seat why foot is little person Ning sits drive person Ning a fewNocturnal Ning has constant all and directional this Ning also Ning Ning provides banquet to also sit Ning Sit since its of a few and of also place of old man alone installs the since Ning constantReason has this Die Dian of of pillow of Ha of quilt of Jun of Dian of banquet Ning and of Yao Dian of of pillow of Ha of quilt of Jun of the since reason of constant Ta of Ning and of Yao know in order to be
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo person the law of the Yao of Ha of of Jun of pillow Dian of nocturnal Ning Constant of a very short time is fed child assist Zuo Of cadaver Zuo feed press surely constant of a very short time feeds place to use press child is in by itsWen Liang Geng its how many all place Zheng assist alsoFather does not have a mother to put grave child drive feeds Li child assist Zuo if firstGrave not Ning person advocate Zuo also Zuo retreats deal with careful Zuo rises fall discrepancy bows with hands clasped to Zuo Honour person Zuo retreats careful Zuo of of deal with solid to come litre fall to come in and go out at Zuo at
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo or Yao are coequal and bow with hands clasped to or honour person and Zuo also is in and inadvertent Zuo AlsoCold not dare Yao dare be not scratchedRetreat Yao and Zuo serve also not dare before parents father's sister husband'ses father and Yao at Yi Ran of its Fei all sitsAll makes a back sit is made stand to be not awarded implement disrelish with Zuo also be like all genuflect Zuo makes approach and why does its Li reside photograph Xiang Zhijiu
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The men and women is illogical clothesSpecial character men and women is fastened at inside and outside also inside and outside of of Zuo of Xi Zhi is illogical clothes of Zuo husband is illogical alsoParents has slave-girl childSlave-girl child lady-in-waiting also life of Zuo male former times its child make 2 slave-girl child Zuo of my bright redSay doctor 2 concubine person one concubine has outside deciding , this says slave-girlMother's brother does not have aunt is oldDistant uncle did not tentatively its of not old does not get to know Li of word of housekeeping Ning not
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    with source Zuo not with year the mother's brother of Zha of Yin does not have aunt is old Qu makes child of and its husband also first be like,Wang Zhi Zuo has its This besides politics and the person that can send this is ancient person grave slaughters politics makeSo blame later generations can be reached alsoChildren implement of Zuo of Zuo of quilt of dress fur coat needs dare be taken after that on itsNext also of of if not place not dare in order to enter Wu Zongzi's Zuo not dare with Zuo Clan of Fu Jiawu father and elder brothersOn Geng Zuo child bastard venerates thing Zheng of Zong Zizong a large amount of also this fastens character child
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Younger brother person Zheng in all ancestor Die in order to fasten Wu Dazong also a large amount of Home Zong Zizhi homes not dare Xiao Zuo apprentice in order to enter just implement the Zuo that take Zuo not first also is like younger brother at Zuo elder brother Zheng child person of Wu Shifu has Zuo not dare of illicit Yan Fei place not dare in order to enterYan Qu favour is close and Li grand and live together not Zuo also go up Geng says Zong Zithis says Zong Zizhi Zuo person live together and Zuo of character of of palace reason not dareWhat with Zuo Fu Jiawu Zong Zhi is the same as size of of clan of father and elder brothers also Qu Jun Jian The meaning of 2 Geng If rich provides of 2 animal sacrifice its Zuo Zhe Wuzong child husband all Zuo and Zong Jingyan
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Jian thing after that dare illicit hold a memorial ceremony for Zuo child bastard only then scholar-bureaucrat and be about to greet ancestor of Wu DazongNeed the animal sacrifice on makes at Zong Zi advocate its thing and husband aids Yan Yu to say atThe imperial clan with establish windows next Zha the Zheng of Qu of Ji Nv having Zuo of its cadaver this also Jian Thing and after illicit hold a memorial ceremony for person the of ancestor with greet Wu Dazong and Accuse its ancestor Die also is like ancestor Die constant hold a memorial ceremony for already earning need not accuse Wu ZongziKnow to need Zuo child bastard Dr person person be not of of home of illicit of doctor person And the thing of person of be the concubine of the blame that have domestic animal also not Ning the rank of nobility and say Gu Zhi of rich He Ye
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Be an official person of Zuo of abandoning field Mr Dai by the rich doctor that be like Ning person is like sergeantCorporal all says like that rich knows to need life person above know to need only then Dr Person person the hold a memorial ceremony for that be like all like that gets hold a memorial ceremony for to go up of of Hou of Zheng of ancestor Ning the emperorAnd a group of things with common features big and is the person that is there lot of the rank of nobility much? Zong Zi of hold a memorial ceremony for and Jian of day have no timeSmall Zong Zi also is not scanty Zheng thing like that also the of ancestor Die all establishs doctor personBen Zongzi of its hold a memorial ceremony for advocate hold a memorial ceremony for of illicit of place also Kui Zuo The of person of be the concubine of Zong Zigou of from hold a memorial ceremony for ancestor Die is not gotten at on reach Zuo also the scholar-bureaucrat of stand person have big and Zha Wu Jun is
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    The hold a memorial ceremony for of 4 of ancestor of dry Dai and its Zuo must not work bright Ju Youjun lifeThe 3 of Dr that add up to hold a memorial ceremony for to establish ancestor Die at personal place at the that Dai reachs occasionally / Yi Liwu Kui ancestor Zuo / child domestic and rather than Home Zong Zi at Kui Zuo ancestor bright install again somewhat Zheng Zong Jing a large amount of Zuo ancestor gets hold a memorial ceremony for and Zuo ancestor does not get He Ye of hold a memorial ceremony for a large amount ofancestor not child also be not of Jun Zhi's brother to have at person reason its Must not destroy also but like that child the coronal of person marriage person the of the woman that accuse Yan is marriedPerson Yan only then Dr person person Yan of special with animal sacrifice hold a memorial ceremony for 4 of its Zuo Constant hold a memorial ceremony for dare not work also
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    Doctor swallow feeds chest of having Mo to have chest Mo person not Zuo Li Man Yan Juchang feeds content of of the Zuo that be like swallow not to hold a thick soup concurrently with chest of Mo of Zuo Zuo Man not the cloud of place of Li later development of Zuo comes to wait for Zheng a thick soup at of person of be the concubine from Zheng HouThe Zuo that Ning feeds ear to be like Mo Man has wait for swallow of scanty also Zheng to eat blame a very short time constantFeed Zha Li is fed come to wait at of person of be the concubine below from Zheng HouOf the be ashamed of little be the concubine of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles of Wu Ding waiting for differentiate of Zuo Zuo comes to be fed at Li The square fluctuation that the content Xuan that place uses makes is the same as not allow to have also
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    Doctor of board of doctor order 70 and have Zuo Board of a very short time of Hou of the emperor Zheng is tasted have place of alone of constant doctor 70 and haveBoard of Zuo blame order also fears not needs to feed Wu Jipang of reason shelfing buyThe Zuo left Zuo of the emperor 5 right Zuo the 5 doctors in Bai Wufang of 5 fair Hou at Zuo 3 person at Dian oneScanty with what of Zuo cook shelfs Zuo dried meat is not 3 animal sacrifice of also of gentleman Zuo cookNot Long buy outside the foreword of the room also constant board is Qu blame a very short time Zuo of fruit vegetables Zuo The of chest Hai so not the doctor of above paragraphs of wanting ear of 70 and
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    having Zuo person also like that with article Li be like the emperor to divide in the center of room is controlled to all have Zuo from Zuo of or so room outdoor of Hou of each 5 Zheng In Wu Yi room Yu 5 Zuo and not Zuo of Wu Fangzhong Yu of doctor of Zha left and right sidesDian of 3 person Yu one bear the article in Zheng Hou Wufang all Yu Wu Fangzhong also The Zuo with Dr Yao at the Dian of room person at in the room also in the room Unfavorable shelfing food notes Zuo room with most Zuo of Zuo reason cloud its heart not Zuo its annalsOf Jian character say the place of Fan Jixin of its heart person surely Er also not Zuo
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    Its annals with the heart occasionally person of characterIn order to pay pigNotes and commentaries to be like with introductive pig pig of this character satisfies analytic blame of Zheng pig complete sheepAlso say pig is like or pig or also say in order to pay pig knowable be likeSay to be like of pig in order to pay pig in all the Zuo of the vessel also first Confucianism so is Zha person big on both sides of its Zuo of of sheep of male of Zheng does not know chest of little vessel Shu atAmong them Yang Yi with kid knowable do not say kid and say holds differentiate concurrently its femaleMale ear
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    Temple of Zuo of Zuo of deep Gong Gu defendsGrave of life of the king after slaughters place to fall inside also of reason Ning palace make in order to show YanThe husband is absent Yao of banquet of Dian of pillow Ha implement and of Tibet Yao of banquet of Dian of Ning of pillow Ha ? Implement and of Tibet also? Implement Hu Zizhi The Die alone of husband reachs Zuo of the 70 that be the same as TibetThe ill will that reachs of of 70 reason can hide Zuo together Refunian just is filled□ of concubine of appropriate drive with Zuo of heir Kui hidden bitterness wife does not get also first kingThe evening of drive of Zuo of palace of the after that make Die all palm at inside small official and grave is slaughtered award with Geng
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    The emperor that make Zuo does not get Mr not hind the madam's after that madam eachThe Dai that the evening Zuo drive with place kills heir at of of of the inside Jun Zhi whyBe made byConcubine Zuo is senile not 50 surely Ning drive drive of 5 days person Zuo careful of Qi of Kui of Jin of children's hair of stroke of Jun of Geng of dress Jun Maid accompanying a bride to her new home place of affection of constant of concubine drive uses be improperly familiar with of swallow illicit also and of with Zuo placeThe evil thought with Zuo men and women and make Zheng also needs be mixed inside after like that so at Die And the home manages
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    Wife parturient Ji Yuechen resides room husband to make person day again of make and from wife not dare Yao makes Mu dress and pregnancy and Ju Fu of husband does not make person is reached from and from Wife not dare Yao and make Mu so of of clear be ashamed put formerly humane in order to fastenWu Qin also the man is not dead the hand person at person is not dead at the manthe path that hand Li also is like this gentleman begins husband is built advocate respect go illicit Zheng ? Careful needs only then at thisOf Yu Zuo
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    Yu Zuo Zheng is held with hand Jin and Zuo of Cheng Fengzhi Li is fastened so at back Zuo alsoThe Zuo of Zheng person child face Mr and the that carries the person that Zuo is held in the arms on the back also Zuo of Wu Te animal sacrificeIt is not OK that Yi Ke of of the Yu that feed Die is connected of this at Jin Wife hold in the arms child out roomRoom namely room of of of of of room Wu Yan also wife has its room friend child unripeAt room namely at room with child Yao concubine must not have its room and Jian at wifeReason Yao child husband of of Wu Qizhi swallow and Yan Yifu of Yao of female gentleman Ning with respect to concubine childAt Ning of room wife is fastened also
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    Child Zuo tells name of mother of Zheng Zheng The after that note Zheng accuses Zheng Zuo of dark of circuitous of the person that mother desire name becomes Wu Zun connects life person abovePalace of of father and son and be the same as surely the period Yin of cap of palace Zheng is in together palaceInside person Zheng mother or house reason are accused first close and after and Zuo earSlaughter accuse of history of Zuo history Zuo government office of one of 2 Zuo Tibetan Zheng one of Zheng cities historyBai Zhoubai life hides city of Zheng of city history Zheng state seat of governmentWeek official Zuo satisfies person of all of government office history and this Yin has Shi He of Zuo history city also 215 not fastens Yu history Zuo history namely Zuo Xu Ye its Long gets together Xiao ofs or by the concubine already
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    Does than of Zhu law its Jing Min hold the post of? Person holds palm history thing concurrently knowable cityOfficial of of foreword of class of Shi Bizhou Zuo and make be in charge of Si Yan person of apprentice of Shi Xu of friend your home not Yao Wu Zhou's officialWorld child face of bath of unripe Jun Mu takes madam Yi Ruzhi to all stand at Zun Zuo on the west Zuo World is held in the arms child litre from Zuo Jun Mingzhi falls therefore on the west Zuo child bastard Yao at outside its head cough and Zuo of the at the beginning of the Die of the nameScholar-bureaucrat name child have Zuo and gentleman Zuo of Zuo He Ye namely has Yin Become Zheng also family situation Yin and of husband of thing close friend with photograph world child
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    The thing is defended big gentleman must not have madam of life madam with also not dare with Yin has Da Jun also life life child Zuo of Zuo child child must not have Zuo This Die music also Jun Zhiyan Mrs. outside Er Outside Er of room of the that be not also world of Yin this child of Yao Wu Lu bright build Gentleman honour with child Yao and did not install die at Li in the madam child withOutside all Yao at outside first Confucianism Yao of Zheng bastard at room with Ning world childfriend of article of younger brother Zuo says Yao at outside Yin Die person of unfavorable Zuo rank grass is cracked toThis
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    Fair bastard is born with room? Bastard of Zheng fair Yao at room this does not know this character bastard with respect to roomAnd unripe blame Zheng is fair with respect to room with Yao child also doctor still cannot with respect to room with Yao bastard and the inside Yao Wu Qizhi besides Mr and with respect to concubine child at room Yao of above paragraphs bastard at outside article says again face of its mother bath takes Yao Yao of Wu Jun at outside Ming Yire is in room why face is takenRoom of of of person of be the concubine person the Chen Fu that reach a month gives the room that reside Li of its also Ning child Yao The Die of father with also
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    Die does not lay person of be the concubine and the scholar-bureaucrat of Die Ning of husband needs with the lid Zuo Zuo Have Die and after 3 a group of things with common features and blame like that only then its shed Zha of Yu of suddenly Zuo familyCannot Die first Wang Zhi so a and depend on of the common that be the same as Zuo has this alsoZu Yiming's Die if child Zuo of Yao father Say of Zu Yiming person Zheng father already renown child with Yao Wu Zuzu because with the lifeAlso husband name child have Zuo ancestor already not Die of Zuo of of reason of Shen Zhi if child Yao Photograph of father Zheng Mu and child the right hand coughs and of the name also domestic Jian Wu Zun andThe name of not advocate exert oneself of give up of photograph of Wu Zu He Ye is cut with of godchild husband
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    Fear child Xiao is much not dare with honour person fair bastard makes have department name also this Li also and mother's brother tentativelies need not puts Yu mother's brother has lot with and buy cannot also child of each buy and Zheng of of Zuo of the Die that fasten also husband'ses father namely aunt is put need uncle aunt fastens Die Zuo with the life child and after child makes photograph lotAlso Zheng this first king make Die so music favor also child was not fed and Yao needs Zuo of its right hand child bastard already was fed and Yao needs abideIts headDid not feed not face is fed also build Yao child and Die of the madam after after Ning is fed also Zuo child
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    Each face feeds queen Jun Fu's person and after Yao child not Ning Die is fed fasten soWu Shizi also Die feeds Yao child also not Yao child and first Die of the madam after Ning Install to feed the place that be not Li Go out 10 years outside outside teach Ju SuwuOnly then 10 house is old namely at outside and Ning with of of character of Long of teach Yao by receive atOf body of Zuo of of the Zuo that be not Die want alsoThe garment does not silks Ru Xuan Blame is too lukewarm also come from childhood destroy Zuo or with silk reach outside teach
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    appropriate shows the admire with Qu of Ji of element ining order toAt the beginning of Die Gu Xianxiang of abide of of the Zheng at the beginning of bear piece outside Fu Zhi Die and not dare Zhu is easy Zuo of child Long place is place of of Li of of place of the day at the beginning of abide of of scanty also Zheng write Zuo Young is not the Yin of square that teachs at the beginning of Zheng of Zha of family name collect the Zheng at the beginning of Die alsoBefore Yin Zuo child bastard Yao at outside at the beginning of Die also Gu Xianxiang of Zheng abideBear Xiao child the world of abide of of Die scanty Zheng of Yao father child the Die blame of of Yao Wu LuAlso Zuo child the world of Ning of Yao at every turn of bastard child different and Zheng world child Yao
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    Die but Zha of Zha study Ha of Zha study is awarded with canto not believes San institute study surely with Zha characterPerson of of Ha Zha is long and do not forget so essence knows this also advocatePerson of Zha character not bully its this annals so force goes this alsoAnnals of friendly Yao Friendly the sexual Zuo that with bright path Zuo benevolence reason annals often decides friend with friend goes Zuo Next size are differ the friendly of Zuo of Yao its place can know its keep in mind
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    Honest other people goes Zheng Square Ning Li with square outside wait Li San has content to have surely its manage scarcely is easyAnd form of Zuo treats matter surely and with this Fang Zhiran after not Zuo quadrature alsoHonest other people and give Zheng to be honest other people of Zuo Yin and is evil thought    Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 13

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