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章节: 卷一
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前58年  至  公元后430年
视频: 卷一_礼记析疑
音频: 卷一_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷一          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  曲禮毋不敬儼若思安定辭安民哉 貌肅言乂敬之徴也外貌斯須不莊不敬而慢易之 心入之言不昭則無守氣又所以制於外而養其中 也 事無不敬則天地明著應之不違其則民所以
 安之本也儼若思則見者莫不敬安定辭則聞者莫 不信自修篤謹非以求民之安而民自安矣 安者 言有序而不迫促也定者言有物而無游移也安安而能遷 安安者安其所安也處境者每安於所便習而自頺 務學者每安於所已得而自畫故能遷者鮮子路終/身誦雄 雉之末章安於所已得/也夫子抑之欲其遷也狠毋求勝
 已無以狠接人之禮而人以狠來亦不可求勝也疑事毋質直而勿有 有為人所疑之事苟無惡於已志久將自明不可急 於質辨以求伸也直雖在已若據而有之則形人之 曲君子所不敢 先儒或謂質為成言之或謂决而 正之苟事為衆人所疑而已實有見何妨决正何妨 成言若己心有疑又無從决正而成言之矣此以知 為質辨也
禮從宜使從俗 聖人制禮乃從義之所宜而使民行禮則必因其俗 而利導之居山以魚鼈為禮居澤以鹿豕為禮君子 謂之不知禮義所必革則因其俗而變通之可也禮不踰節 踰節與踰等異義或當後者而先之當緩者而急之 皆踰節也如婦人職當縫紝而有女縫裳則風人刺 之
道徳仁義非禮不成 道徳必以禮實之然後順於性命仁義必以禮逹之 然後察於倫物老莊之道徳楊墨之仁義所以自賊 而禍天下者不知有禮故也教訓正俗非禮不備 衆不可以徧告俗不可以相通先王制禮事舉其中 物為之節故惟是為能備行役以婦人
 疏云本國廵行役事蓋謂四方之事不宜以婦人從 但地近時暫尚慮供養有闕况逺役乎七十不與賓 客之事則㑹盟聘弔自不宜使老大夫其或致女問 省姑姊妹宜用姆傅則亦可以内御者從與七十雖/喪可處 於内謂篤/老無嫌自稱曰老夫於其國則稱名 藍田吕氏謂石碏告陳自稱老夫得禮荀罃對荀偃 士匄自稱老夫失禮非也叔彭生對仲遂吾子相之
 老夫抱之彭生賢者必無越禮之稱盖對他國君大 夫皆得自稱已國則於君名於大夫得稱耳謀於長者必操几杖以從之 謀非講問之比或長者欲避人而語不可煩他人代 操几杖也冬温而夏凊 冬室嚴密則皆可温若夏室之凉必寛閒深静非窶 人所能構故於夏曰凊如蚊虻咋膚貍蟲毒物之潛
 隙青蠅之汚几席非除窒薰洒使潔净清虚則寢興 不能安靖也三賜不及車馬 不曰不受而曰不及何也君之命賜雖固辭終不能 不受特不敢乗耳内則支子有歸服器車馬則必獻 其上而後敢服用其次也如非所獻則不敢以入於 宗子之家况父母乎不言車服何也服王事與國事 必以命服惟車可不乗覲禮侯氏乗墨車春秋傳魯
 叔孫婼聘於周王賜以三命之路季孫使勿以葬杜 洩曰若生不敢服死又不以將焉用之此受而不乗 之明徴也其兼言馬何也卿乗夏縵則馬之纓勒各 有等級明矣羣居五人則長者必異席 公食大夫禮蒲筵常加萑席㝷四人共席必倍尋始 可容然則三尺三寸三分有竒者蓋獨坐之席也祭祀不為尸
 父主祭則子不得為尸也不然祭必有尸安得盡孤 子為之祭統夫祭之道孫為王父尸所使為尸者於 祭者子行也曰子行則知不用主祭者之子矣其曰 父北面而事之謂世父叔父也古者伯叔父統稱父 文侯之命父義和是也祭禮拜獻者惟主人加爵者 惟長兄弟一人衆兄弟不與故為尸者得避其父聽於無聲視於無形 父母愛子委曲周悉或憫其力之不足或慮其心之
 不安有意所欲而不忍發於言所不欲而不肯形於 色者子不能曲體而微察之則父母幽隠中有不能 自適者矣孤子當室冠衣不純采 古者三十而後娶子踰三十而除喪則父母必以耆 老終矣雖純采可也故未滿三十則謂之孤負劍辟咡詔之 佩劍者斜繫於背辟咡詔之則斜俯童子之背形如
 負劍也客至於寢門則主人請入為席然後出迎客客固辭主人肅客而入 客已至門俟拚除而後出迎則比於慢矣故至寢門 然後請入為席客固辭不敢重煩主人出入也主人 必先入或人有宜避物有宜徹必入視然後無失禮 也主人肅客而入者肅以為禮而自入為席也主人 請入為席二句連讀義始可通
凡為長者糞之禮必加帚於箕上以袂拘而退其塵不及長者以箕自鄉而扱之 按少儀汜埽曰埽埽席前曰拚此曰為長者糞則席 前也拚席不用帚加於箕上示不用也少儀拚席不 以鬛即此篇所謂以袂拘而退也執箕膺擖即此篇 所謂以箕自鄉而扱也其義相表裏但據少儀則凡 拚席皆然據此篇則専用之長者所傳㣲異耳 鄭 任鑰曰加帚於箕上者始進兩手奉箕以為恭也繼
 則置箕於地一手舉帚一手舉袂以拘塵終則弛袂 一手取箕一手舉帚而扱之奉席如橋衡 卷席之法宜與縳幣畧同卷其兩端而中稍穹横奉 之則左右如衡之平而中穹者如橋將即席容母怍 不㛠於禮即席之頃必有怍容蓋心不安定故外若 無所措宋李文靖云後生新進相見之頃尚至愧怍
 失容是也下文執爾顔正恐其怍兩手摳衣去齊尺 齊裳下緝也摳衣去裳之下齊尺便坐而整飭以為 儀也若齊去地尺則當曰攝齊去地尺玉藻圈豚行 不舉足齊如流席上亦然則登席不攝齊明矣 或 疑衣之長若與裳相差則裳之章恐為所掩然寗戚 之歌曰短布單衣適至骭韓退之銘辭曰佩玉長裾 不利走趨則衣必覆裳而不逹其下齊可知矣古者
 衣裳之外尚加鞸則不以相掩為病明矣先生書䇿琴瑟在前坐而遷之戒勿越 古者席地而坐故有此戒執爾顔 凡坐暫為矜莊久則不能自持故以執戒之長者不及毋儳言 周官㕓人注立而以物求市者曰儳儳者急於求市 徃徃人不與言而强攙以言故以為比
毋雷同 雷聲或小或大或疾或徐或震或洊隨地皆然終古 不易故曰雷同燭不見跋 舊説炬將盡則藏其餘恐客見以夜久辭非也易炬 不愈見夜久而速客之退乎此承上燭至起而言即 主人固留亦不見跋而必退也詩曰厭厭夜飲燕禮 無算樂後有執燭為燭之文故以不見跋為之節
遊毋倨立毋跛坐毋箕 嬉遊之時易至傲慢其立易跛其坐易箕若禮法之 地則不必用此為戒矣斂髪毋髢 以纚韜髪有定制無事以垂為戒也婦人寡髪益以 髢若男子則第斂其髪不得施髢嫌為婦飾也莊子 曰秃而施髢亦謂婦人若男子雖秃不得施以秃者 不免知之也施髢則可免矣
就屨跪而舉之屏於側 長者就屨則跪而舉之以適長者屏於側待長者著 屨也下節乃鄉長者而屨之儀諸母不潄裳 舊説敬父之道亦所以逺别非也曰諸母則非以例 父之羣妾也蓋體兄弟之心而逹其敬爾姑姊妹女子子已嫁而反兄弟弗與同席而坐弗與同器而食
 逺同等之嫌第曰女子已嫁而反可矣列言姑姊妹 女子子者見踰等及尊卑懸絶者不必嫌也故買妾不知其姓則卜之 卜之以决其為同姓與否非决其吉凶古者有姓有 氏氏者庶姓之别於下者也魯之姬姓也季孟臧展 氏也齊之姜姓也崔慶欒髙氏也周道繋之以姓而 不别雖百世而婚姻不通若第知其氏則數世以後 有同姓而通婚者矣惟門祚顯赫姓與氏始並著單
 㣲轉徙則氏存而姓失者多矣故妻之姓氏並著者 為多而妾或但知其氏其出㣲也喪服小記復與書 銘男子稱名婦人書姓與伯仲若不知其姓則書氏 為氏存而姓失者多故禮文備此 或曰知其氏則 知其姓矣不知古以王父之字為氏最易相混如晉 有欒氏齊亦有欒氏齊有國氏鄭亦有國氏魯卿同 時有二叔氏若式㣲轉徙安知其氏之所從出乎主人未辯客不虚口
 客雖已飽而主人未辯必㣲有所食而不虚口嫌於 憎棄主人之品味也共飯不澤手 與人飯則先自盥濯不可使有汗澤非當食而摩手 也古人於事尊親賓長之禮無㣲不逹而坐則以席 飯則以手非智不若後人也其體驗於天理者蓋詳 而所以便其口體則有不暇悉也 按飯黍毋以箸 似餘食皆用箸毋摶飯及此條又似専用手未詳何
 故毋放飯毋流歠 放飯者餘粒散布流歠者餘瀝沾濺也卒食客自前跪徹飯齊以授相者主人興辭於客然後客坐 禮無不報飯齊主人所親設雖敵者亦宜自徹惟降 等乃自前跽以致其恭主人興辭辭其跪非辭自徹 也主人辭而客坐時相者已受所徹而降也若敵者
 則自徹而不跽主人無所用其辭故禮無其文不得 據為不自徹之徴至公食大夫乃君臣之禮故賓自 取粱與醬以降而不敢以授人徹時亦不跽乃事之 體宜然注疏重複倫類舉彼以證此多所發明然必 各就其事分别觀之然後輕重之差見焉侍飲於長者酒進則起拜受於尊所 疏謂此記與燕禮合與士相見玉藻違而燕及鄉飲 酒禮不聞拜受於尊所疑文不具非也禮以義起各
 縁其事經所舉乃國政官司之守記所傳乃鄉黨燕 私之儀其事夲異不可比而同燕者君飲其臣之典 禮也士相見玉藻所稱則偶值君之稍事而賜之飲 非獻酢正禮故越席以拜卒爵而俟其義比於司正 舉觶者之導飲宰夫之先嘗若燕則宰夫為獻主自 宜待君之卒爵而後飲猶侍食於君有嘗羞者則俟 君之食然後食也此記乃私家偶然之飲長者酌於 尊所自宜就其所拜受若燕及鄉飲酒禮則賓之受
 爵有席位主人酌致有常儀安得羣就尊所樊然淆 亂而漫無統紀乎記特舉卑者之拜受於/尊所則敵者無此儀侍飲於父 兄師長異於君臣不宜有宰夫先嘗有司導飲之義 則俟長者之釂而後飲宜也若祭祀旅酬子弟舉觶 於父兄則有先父兄而飲者亦取導飲之意禮之各 以義起而即乎人心類如此 祭禮惟見尊彝與酌 數而五齊三酒之寒温無文竊疑尸賓主人正爵必 四五舉雖春秋仲月不能凍飲况嚴冬乎儐尸之俎
 猶燅而後進楚辭挫糟凍飲惟盛夏為然竊意齊酒 必經火齊而後以注於尊罍器大有盖幂/可久而不寒及三貳再 貳則仍以温者益之其法必已見於天子諸侯祭饗 之禮故卿大夫以下文略耳循數推理祭祀饗燕正 禮有酌數者必就尊彞酌獻其餘卿大夫士相飲雖 陳尊而未必皆於尊酌之故韓奕之詩曰清酒百壺 必酌於尊則安用百壺此記曰酒進則起拜受於尊 所則并非士大夫相飲之正禮也若正禮不宜有少
 者先列坐之事必偶然㑹聚少長皆坐及時而陳尊 故曰酒進其當受爵者至是始起敵者則立而待獻 卑者乃趨尊所以拜受耳雖祭祀之嚴主人所獻不 過祝侑長賓長兄弟衆賓之長則㝷常燕飲主人酌 獻不過所為設飲及為客者公父文伯飲南官敬/叔酒以路堵父為客至 衆賓則獻敵者宜使人代酌如冠禮使贊者/酌而後賓受之降等之 客别有行爵者如無/算爵其拜受於尊所必長者加禮而 欲親酌故就拜而辭焉若衆人皆然亦不勝其擾矣
 或曰齊酒理固宜温而周官食醫職飲齊視冬時何 也彼謂六飲食後用以潄演無妨於寒非獻酬之飲 也餕餘不祭 按饋食禮餕餘皆祭此云不祭者疑朝夕恒食子婦 佐餕父母舅姑既祭則子婦不更祭也宗廟之祭尸 亦餕鬼神之餘尸祭故其下餕者皆祭若朝夕恒食 而餕是以人之餘事鬼神先炊雖卑亦不敢以䙝也
父不祭子夫不祭妻 此自為一莭與上文不相䝉不祭謂不親饋獻也父 祭子則使其子主之無子則使其兄弟或兄弟之子 主之夫祭妻畧同蓋饋獻必拜非尊者所宜親也舊 説妻子所進不祭而食未安舍賓祭而外人之恒饌 無非妻子所進者 祭法王下祭殤五蓋使人舉其 事喪服小記婦之喪虞卒哭其夫若子主之謂無子 又無兄弟之子者不得不以夫主然必無拜而饋獻
 之義若有子則夫雖與事而不主也言不惰 父母有疾必志氣明清乃能虚中以體事言而惰是 無守氣也於侍養之莭必多疎忽矣有憂者側席而坐 兄百川有言未有禮變於外而内行不變其常節者 豈惟天屬之疾身家之患哉凡國邑侵削師旅撓敗 荒祲札厲以及三黨閔凶師友在難皆宜揆其分誼
 寢處飲食以喪禮差之獻田宅者操書致 采地君所賜不當私獻諸人或受君之賜久而復歸 諸公或前人受之子孫不敢専而歸之如春秋傳所 載伯石歸邑子尾多受邑而稍致諸君子産為豐施 歸州田之類尊卑垂帨 雖尊卑異等彼此皆垂帨故特表而出之舊説尊卑
 相等則然非也此主賓授受之禮雖有尊卑其儀則 同若尊卑懸絶君於士大夫之獻則無親授之禮矣飾羔鴈者以繢 禮所謂執鴈奠鴈皆舒鴈也觀與羔並列而可覆以 繢則為家禽可知雉用死以難生得也夏用腒以死 者亦難以時得也若鴻鴈則必以機弋罻羅致之豈 能生得而聽人之畜擾且隨地可立具哉已受命君言不宿於家
 出車之詩至于牧而曰自天子所謂我來矣則不宿 於家三代之逹禮也聘禮必待使者告禰載旜而後 入朝受命正以君有命即不得更至於家耳禮曰君子抱孫不抱子此言孫可以為王父尸子不可以為父尸 疏引春秋傳晉祀夏郊以董伯為尸尚書傳帝乃稱 王而入唐郊以丹朱為尸謂祭天亦有尸非也曰夏 郊曰唐郊蓋配享者之尸也董伯夏之未裔丹朱堯
 之子即此可知祭天無尸矣張子謂周官節服氏郊 祀送逆尸從車不害為后稷之尸得之君知所以為尸者則自下之 君致齊則不出齊宫尸亦宜然不宜道遇此散齊時 事也祫祭尸非一人或以家故入齊宫有先後卿大/夫散 齊於家以官政家事不可曠也尸無他故散齊/皆宜在公宫有故則未及致齊之前皆可入也而散 齊期内或有朝賓聘客君亦不容不出故有與尸相 遇之禮曰知者既卜而知其為尸則自此見之必下
 也尸必式乗必以几 君自下以其將為神像也尸不下以其既攝尊位也 惟式而不見君之下為安猶聘使見主君/迎拜則旋辟疏謂廟門 之外尸尊未伸不敢亢禮似未得其義 舊説几尊 者所憑以養安故尸之乗車用之似用之車上車上 無用几法昏禮婦乗以几從者二人坐持几謂登車 時用之也凡登車皆以綏尸貴安重舒泰故用几婦
 人始嫁用几恐於壻前失容也 坐而後憑几尸式 則立乘可知矣以是知用以登車也 周公有事於 泰山以太公為尸五嶽視三公姜姓乃四嶽裔胄也 以是推之外祀之尸非其苖裔則疇以爵等不勝喪 喪雖主哀而視聽少昏則附身附棺之事悔無可追 筋力既困則含禭賻贈君長親賓之臨禮不能答皆 所謂不勝喪也
知生者弔知死者傷知生而不知死弔而不傷知死而不知生傷而不弔 弔而不傷謂與死者不相知雖弔其子哀情不可作 而致也傷而不弔乃禮之變蓋或與死者相知於異 國同事於異時其子未之或知而往弔則嫌於以父之 行自居而使主人心愕焉故心則傷之而不行弔禮 耳若親交鄰里雖不識其子可不弔乎注以所致之/辭別弔與傷 而所舉弔辭義皆/傷死未足為據
送喪不由徑送葬不辟塗潦 送喪謂死於他國而族姻朋友送其柩以歸者不由 徑不辟塗潦互相備也 送葬必執紼若避塗潦恐 柩因之傾側國君撫式大夫下之大夫撫式士下之 撫問其人而式以禮之非式齊牛入里必式之類刑不上大夫 刑不上大夫賈誼所謂造請室而請罪聞命而自裁
 是也乃罪之猶可寛假者至九伐之法雖國君不免 於殘况卿大夫乎故周官有爵者與王之同族刑殺 於甸師氏其義並行不悖士載言 周官土訓掌道地圖以詔地事道地慝以辨地物誦 訓掌道方志以詔觀事道方慝以詔辟忌以知地俗 王廵狩則夾王車所謂載言應主此類其不指名何 官之屬而統之曰士者如朝覲㑹同太史協禮事太
 師抱天時師有功大司馬執律以先愷樂士師掌軍 旅㑹同之誓誥王廵狩殷國大行人辨其位正其等 協其禮其屬士必皆載故籍以待事疏専以盟㑹之 辭釋恐未安前有車騎則載飛鴻 趙武靈王變服以習騎射則要荒二服之有騎法舊 矣周官四翟之隸於王官者使各服其服執其兵則 王廵狩征伐戎夷君長散處并雍河淮間者必與庶
 邦君同㑹時事有車有騎宜也朝㑹者衆必各以其 班序之故載飛鴻以示其義前有士師則載虎皮 士師在前無警備之理蓋太師之誤也注疏皆以士/師為兵衆或 爾時尚/未譌雖天子征廵或所過之地正值蒐閲築城鑿 池而衆聚焉或諸侯奉王命討不庭而師屯焉亦宜 舉類以示衆招摇在上急繕其怒
 偏戰必備三軍有主有輔决機制勝挫鋭乗瑕或先 用左右或先用前軍招摇所指則將士奮勇推鋒而 前或敦陳鏖戰以守所謂急繕其怒也父之讎弗與共戴天 周官調人有辟諸海外之法蓋過誤而殺傷或在八 議不得已而宥之以逺者然正其名曰辟則孝子必 伸其志亦不復加罪也逮事父母則諱王父母不逮事父母則不諱王父母
 此即子與父同諱之禮蓋諱王父母所諱也王父之 諸父兄弟王母之父母兄弟皆父母所諱而已所不 必諱也故於父母之前亦不敢舉其名若王父母則 恩隆義重豈以父母之存沒間哉大功小功不諱則 旁期皆諱矣况王父母乎大功小功不諱 大功小功以同等言如外祖父母之小功則諱矣與 從祖昆弟名同則諱豈國俗或有異耶
外事以剛日内事以柔日 内外不宜以國中郊外為斷社稷在庫門之内天子 大學在國中皆不得為内事惟王宫之五祀或不得 為外事耳卜筮不過三 陳從王曰再三之凟易所明戒記者豈専據春秋傳 郊三卜禮四卜非禮而言與卜筮者先聖王之所以使民信時日敬鬼神畏法令也
 古者立法施令必降命於社稷宗廟山川五祀正祭 之後而祭之時日必决於卜筮故民知敬鬼神信時 日則益知法令之可畏三者合而為一其義乃著離 之則畏法令與卜筮全無交渉易曰聖人以神道設 教亦謂此類耳所以使民决嫌疑定猶與也 决嫌疑如買妾不知其姓之類疑而筮之則弗非也
 既問於筮不可復以私意擬議謂占者所决為非也若僕者降等則受不然則否若僕者降等則撫僕之手不然則自下拘之 僕者降等雖可受然必撫其手以示不敢當敵者雖 不可徑受而僕終不可以不授故自下拘取之乗路馬必朝服載鞭䇿不敢授綏左必式 曰乗路馬蓋始以馬駕路而閑習之所以别於乗路 車也必朝服僕與車左右之所同也載鞭䇿不敢授
 綏謂御者也蓋不敢授左右以綏而使自登乗君之 乗車不敢曠左左必式已前見而覆舉左必式者明 不獨陪乗必式調駕時亦必式也右不式者時視險 易而登下無常也 舊説自馭以行不敢使車右以 綏授已似據周官有自左馭之文然惟太僕前王則 然非乗倅車者之常儀也果自左馭尚可以式乎歩路馬必中道 曰歩路馬所以别於乗也謂無事時行之以逹其氣

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils oneFang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenMusic Die Not if irreverent thinks of stable Zuo An Minzai of Jing Zhi of of appearance Man character also appearance this Zuo not Qia is irreverent and slow Yi ZhiThe talk that the heart enters not clear defends to be made so again at outside and Zuo among themAlso heaven and earth of thing irreverent bright those who write not Zuo its civilian so
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    An Zhi this also the person that there's no one who doesn't or isn't of the person that is like the Yao that think of respects Long of stable Zuo notDo not believe self-educated Ha Zheng to be not civilian of in an attempt to install and civilian from An Yian personCharacter is orderly and not character of the person that approach hurried also is decided has thing and vacillate alsoHow be installed and can Zuo The person that how to install installs its place also Ta condition person every are installed at place Li and from Zuo person how were every already gotten at place and from reason can Zuo person Zuo child road Jian / body Zha is maleHow was the end chapter of pheasant already gotten at place / also the master ors desire its Zuo alsoFirm not begs
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    Already receives the person's Die with firm and the person also cannot beg with firm alsoDoubt thing not Zuo is straight and do not haveThe Wu Yizhi of of thing careless of doubt of place of person having is long is axiomatic cannot urgentExtend straight also Zuo to be in at Zuo differentiate in an attempt to of the entity person that already was like and hasMusic gentleman place not dare first Confucianism or of Cheng Yan of Zheng Zuo or Zheng definitely anddoubt of place of person of Xiao of careless thing just has Yao might as well definitely might as wellInto Yan Re personal heart has doubt definitely and of Cheng Yan this in order to know Zuo differentiate also
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    Die appropriate makes commonThe place appropriate that Long person makes Die be Li and make because of, of civilian travel Die needs its commonAnd the house hill of benefit resides to pig with the deer with Die of Zuo Zuo Die gentlemanOf Zheng do not know Die Li place to need because of its common Zhu connects change but also Die not Zuo Geng The Li such as Zuo of Zuo Geng Ning or latter and first Jin person and urgentAll Zuo Geng also is like Ji of Jun of of person Long and have thorn of person of Zuo of of female Jun skirt
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    Path benevolence Li is not Die to won't doPath needs with Die like that after Zuo at life benevolence Li needs with Die Zuo Like that the after examine path at content old Qia Mo Zhiren Li so from Zuo And Dai the world person do not know to have Die friend alsoTeach Yin common is not Die not Xiao cannot accuse common can not be interlinked with first king Ning of the thing that make Die among themThe Geng reason alone of content is can Travel service with person
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    The thing of all directions of Zheng of San of work of service of travel of of Shu Yunben is unfavorable with person But of ground close still has service of Zuo condition Zuo for Zuo 70 not Ning Zuo Thing of the guest? Alliance hires to should not be oneself olden doctor its or send female Ning of of the person that appropriate of the sister that visit husband's mother uses drive of less than of Yi Ke of Mu teach 70 Zuo / but Ta At inside Zheng Ha / old is disrelishedSay from Er name of Er of of of Wu Ji of an old fellow like me Chu of stone of Zheng of Shu Tian Lv accuses Zuo to get a surname of of Kui of Die a surname to fall on one's back from Er an old fellow like mePerson breaks Die to be not from Er an old fellow like me also Zhong Suiwu of of Peng Sheng of father's younger brother child of the photograph
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    The Er that the person that the Peng that an old fellow like me holds in the arms gives birth to Zuo needs jumps over Die builds his Mr is bigThe husband all derives from Er already gets Er side at Dr Jun Mingwu Zheng at Zuo person hold a few bastinado surely with Of of Zheng blame Zheng compare or Zuo person be about to avoid person and Zha cannot other is actingHold a few bastinado alsoThe winter is lukewarm and summerly Close of wintry room all but of Wen Rexia room cool surely Fu of Zuo deep Jing FeiPerson can reason is like midge horsefly at Xia Yue how the of poison of Mo Zuo Xi
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    A few banquet are not the of unoccupied place green Xi to a kind of sweet grass except obstruct asperse make Ning of of of defecate emptyCannot bring peace also3 Zuo not as good as Zuo Zuo Do not say not to suffer and say not as good as Jian of Zuo of solid of life Zuo Zuo cannotDo not suffer special not dare stand of the inside ear has to take implement Zuo Zuo needs Its go up and after dare be taken also be like of the that be not place next not dare in order to enter atHome Zong Zizhi besides parents not character Zuo takes He Ye to take job of of king thing Ning Take alone Zuo with the life surely but not Zuo of of age of Zuo of Chinese ink of of Yin Die Hou
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    of of father's younger brother is hired at Zhou Wang Zuo the road season with 3 lives makes not with bury preventIf be born to dare be not taken dead, says do not use with Yan again this suffers and not bright also the Kui that its hold Zuo of of Jun of summer of character Zuo He Yeqing concurrently straps eachHave wait for Ji brightThe person that Li resides Zuo of 5 people needs banquetFair feed banquet of doctor Die cattail to often add Huan seat? 4 people in all banquet needs times only thenCan allow like that the place that of San of 3 inches of person that have Fu 3 minutes takes 3 foot of alsoSacred not cadaver
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    Father officiant child do not get dead body also otherwise hold a memorial ceremony for has cadaver how to get Bao Gu surelyChild the place of cadaver of Wang Fu of path of the hold a memorial ceremony for of husband of Jian of hold a memorial ceremony for of makes cadaver person atHold a memorial ceremony for person child also say all right child travel knows need not officiant person child its sayFather in and the father's younger brother of Zheng generation father of the thing is ancient also father of Er of Jian of Zhe Baishu fatherLife father Li of Wen Hou is mixed is also the person that host of alone of the person that Die of hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to increases an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handleOne person of alone Zuo brother Xiao brother not cadaver of Ning reason person avoid its father Long at Long Yao at formParental child of its heart of the inadequacy of its force of winding week all or or
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    Disturbed and intended place desire and cannot bear place of Wu Yan not desire and do not agree form atColor person child cannot music Zuo and the parents of small examine has in deep and remote Zuo cannotFrom Zuo personGu child garment of room coronal not Ji is collectedAncient person 30 and after is married child Zuo 30 and parents of the that divide needs with over sixty years of ageOld Jian Zuo Ji is collected but also reason not 30 of the Gu of Zheng Of Yu of of Zuo monarchAdmire person the back form of the boy of inclined Fu at Yu of back monarch is like inclined Kui
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    Zuo alsoThe customer comes to enter Zuo of firm of customer of stranger of go out to meet of after of Xi Ran at master Zha of Zuo advocatePerson Man guest and intoThe guest already was divided to Zuo wait Pan and of after go out to meet compares Wu Man reason comes Zuo Like that after Zha dare not weigh host into Zuo of firm of dinner customer discrepancy is master alsoBe entered first surely or the person has appropriate to avoid content has appropriate to enter Yao surely like that after breaks Die Guest of master also Man and Man of the person that enter with Die enter place oneself master also Zha enters place Li of 2 Zuo Zhu only then can connect
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    Every Zuo person the Die of Ji adds broom Wu Jishang surely in order to sleeve arrest and retreat its notThe person that reach Zuo with dustpan of from Zuo Say by Sao of little Si Pan says before Sao Sao banquet this says Zuo person Ji banquetBefore also Pan banquet need not be shown on broom Jia Wuji need not banquet of Pan of little also notWith Zuo namely this place Zheng in order to sleeve arrest and retreat also of dustpan bear namely thisPlace Zheng with dustpan from Zuo also its Li photograph expresses Xuan but of little altogethersThe Zuo that this uses Pan Xi Jieran person place ? ear Zuo Hold the post of Zuo to say the person that add a broom to go up at dustpan only then Zuo hand gives loop with respectful also Kui
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    buy dustpan sleeves at Ning of skill of broom of ground skill Ning with of arrest Jian relax sleevesTake broom of dustpan skill Ning single-handed and of Feng Xiru judgeRoll the of of Jun of law appropriate Ning of banquet coils together its is carried and in vault the horizontal stroke is acted according to a bit left and right sides is medium like Heng Zhiping the person that vault is like allows mother Zun extemporarilyNot? At Die extemporaneous Zuo needs unrest of heart of San of look having Zun is like outside reasonThe Zuo that after of cloud of pacify of article of Songli of place arrange gives birth to Yao of new Zuo photograph still comes ashamed Zun
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    Losing a look is also Zuo of of later development is fearing its ZunGarment of hand goes Zuo feet Zuo skirt issues Jin to Zuo feet sits under Yi Quchang and also rectify Zuo with also is like Zuo to go to the ground feet says alga of jade of feet going to the ground encircles Zuo pig goesNot if Ning sufficient Zuo sheds of the Yi Ran on banquet to enter place not Zuo bright orThe Zuo of doubt garment is like Ning skirt to differ the chapter of skirt fears place attack by surprise like that relativethe song says the Zuo Zuo that Zuo of garment of short cloth retreats to Zuo Zuo says admire jade Zuo thes full front of a Chinese gownAdverse garment of walking along Zuo needs Fu skirt and not its issue Zuo Zuo is knowable ancient person
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    Zuo still is added besides clothes not with disease of of photograph attack by surprise brightGentleman ? Musical instrument a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument sits afore and the give up of Zuo is not jumped overAncient person on the ground and sit reason has this drop Zuo Every sits Qia of pity is long cannot control oneself reason with give up Zuo person not as good as not characterWeek official? The person notes the person that stand and beg city with content to say person urgent at beg city person not Ning character and strong is compared with with character reason
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    Wu Lei is the same asThunder Long or small or big or disease or Xu or shake or Zuo ground all like that Jian is ancientInvariable cause says duplicate not Yao postscript of Bao of of Ning Zha fire hides its Zuo to fear guest Yao with night long Zuo is not easy also fireDo not heal Yao night is long and of fast guest retreat this bear on comes case namelyMaster solid stays also not Yao postscript and retreat surely also Yu says Die of swallow of Zuo of nightThe article reason that calculates after to have of with not the Geng of Yao postscript
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    Zuo Wu Juli not limp sits not dustpanThe Yi Zhiao of play Zuo is slow its establish Yi Boji to take what easy dustpan is like Die lawGround need not use this drop Zuo not Zuo Have custom-built thing with Kui Zuo Zuo in order to hang down give up also beneficial of Zuo of person few with Zuo is like man its Zuo must not apply Zuo to disrelish Zuo also Qia childSay bald and apply Zuo also Zheng person if man Zuo is bald must not inflict is bald personUnavoidable know also apply Zuo to be able to be avoided
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    The screen of with respect to genuflect Ning at Zuo person of with respect to genuflect Ning with Zuo Zuo person the person that screen waits for Zuo at is writtenThe person that also issues Geng to be Zuo Zuo and the of Zheng mother not skirtThe path of Ning Zha Jing Fu also so Zuo is not also say Zheng mother is not with exempleThe Li concubine of father also the heart of San Zuo brother and its respect Zuo Aunt sister woman child already was married and turn over brother to not to Ning is the same as banquet and sit not Ning is the same asImplement and feed
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    The ill will with coequal Zuo say to the woman already was married and be turned over but sister of the aunt that list wordWoman child person the person reach Jian of honour low such as Yao Zuo need not be disrelished alsoReason Zuo concubine does not know his to surname Bo ZhiBo Zhi with definitely Ning of its of the same surname is denied blame definitely its good or ill luck is ancient person have a surnameFamily name family name person be the concubine surnames not at the person that fall also the female singer of Zuo is surnamed also Ji Mengzang is exhibitedFamily name also the ginger of Zuo is surnamed also Cui Zuo also of Zhou Dao Jun with the surnameDo not fasten 100 worlds of Zuo and if,marriage is illogical know after of world of of of its family nameHave of the same surname and intermarriage person surname of conspicuous of Zuo of alone Zuo Zun Ning only then writes
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    ? The person that Zuo move from one place to another is put and the surname is broken is much the surname author of reason wifeIs much and concubine or but know its do its give the family name? Also takes of Ning of small Yin If almost the same of Ning of surname of of person of of name of Zuo man Er does not know his to surname of article of Die of much reason of the person that is put and the surname is broken this or say know of its family nameKnow its to surname do not know ancient word with Wang Fu is the easiest interblend is like Zuo of family name having also has Zuo to Zuo also has Zuo Qing TongDoes have family name of 2 father's younger brother to be like type? The place that how Zuo move from one place to another knows its family name beyondMaster not Zuo guest not empty mouth
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    Guest Zuo already Zuo and master not does Zuo need? Be fed somewhat and not empty mouth is disrelished atAbhor is savoured masterly alsoIn all Zuo not hand of Ning person Zuo cannot make from washing wash having sweat is not first is fed and rub handAlso the ancients the Die of Zuo of Zuo of Wu Shizun Yin ? Not Zuo and sit with banquet Zuo with the hand blame wisdom is not like after person also Yu of San of the person that Wu Tian of its Zuo Zuo managesAnd place so that of its mouth Zuo has all of have no time to also press Zuo millet not with chopsticksBe like Zuo to feed all use chopsticks not Zuo and this are like to use a hand again not Yu why
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    ReasonWu Fang Zuo not sheds Bead of Zuo of the person that put Zuo is dispersed of Zuo of the person that shed touchs alsoSoldier deadbeat from before Zuo of genuflect Zuo in order to award person Wu Ke of master Ning Zuo like that afterThe guest sits Die not Zhe Yiyi of of Zuo of Yu of Yin of master place of Zuo Zuo falls from aloneEtc therefore from before Ji as a result its its genuflect of Zuo of Zuo of respectful host Ning is not Zuo from Master also Zuo and the guest sits photograph person the person that already sufferred a and fall to also be like
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    from not place of Ji master uses his its article of of Zuo reason Die is not gotten not the from comes fair the Die reason Zuo that feeds a doctor to be Jun Chen from Zuo of Ning extraction choice food with falling not dare in order to award person also not Ji is a thing Zuo appropriate noteses and commentaries like that those of Ning of Zuo of heavy Xuan with Zhu these many bright need like thatEach part with respect to its thing of Yin like that the poor Yao Yan with after heavy Zuo Serve Zuo at Zuo person do obeisance to since wine Zuo get Wu Zun place Die of swallow of Ning of scanty Zheng this Yin adds up to Zuo of Yu Zao of Yao of Ning person photograph and swallow and Zuo Zuo Wine Die not Long is done obeisance to suffer article of doubt of Wu Zun place to be not provided blame also Die removes each with Li
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    Ning of place of Jian of Jun its thing is the of the place that defend Yin of politics lawsuit to be Zuo Zuo swallow Zuo of gentleman of the person that of its thing cannot compare the of illicit and be the same as swallow the allusion of its official Die also of Ou Zhijun of of Er of place of alga of jade of person photograph Yao a little and the Zuo of Zuo The vinegar that be not Die reason jumps over banquet to wait with Bai Cujue its Li compares Wu Sizheng Ning Yin person of Zuo Zai Fu first is like of of swallow Zai Fu advocate from of the person that appropriate waits for Jun Zhicu the rank of nobility and serve of after Zuo feeds Wu Jun to have be ashamed waitsJun Zhi is fed like that after is fed also the person that this Yin is the Zuo Zuo with illicit accidental home drinks atWhat honour place does obeisance to those who if swallow reachs Zuo of of Die of Zuo Zuo wine,suffer to suffer with respect to its from appropriate
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    The rank of nobility has chair host to drink send how constant gets Li with respect to confuse of honour place Fan Ran and Ji of the Jian that overflow low of Yin spy Ning person do obeisance to suffer at / of honour place person Wu Fu of Zuo of serve of this Wu Junchen of of Zuo of elder brother is unfavorable the Li that Zai Fuxian has department Zuo wait Zuo person Zuo and after Zuo appropriate also is like Yin of Ning of children of sacred brigade fulfilHave at of father and elder brothers first father and elder brothers and Zuo person of the meaning Die that also takes Zuo eachRise with Li and namely Ning of honour Yi of Yao of alone of Die of such hold a memorial ceremony for of popular feeling Zuo drinks and the Zuo of cadaver of doubt of Fu of article of cold lukewarm of 3 wine of 5 Zuo is master the rank of nobility needsMonth of intermediate of age of 45 Ning Zuo cannot Zuo besides winter an ancient sacrificial utensil of cadaver
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    and of midsummer of alone of Zuo of of flooey of defeat of Zuo of after Zuo Hunan like that wine of Fu meaning Zuo Surely Jian fire Zuo and after in order to note Wu Zun Kui implement have Gai Mi greatly / but long and not cold reach 3 Zuo again Zuo still with lukewarm person its law of beneficial needs already Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for of Hou of Yao Wu Tianzi Zheng Die reason dear the doctor is the following civil inference of of summary ear abide is sacred Zuo Yan Zheng Die has drink person drink with respect to honour surely its Zuo dear Zuo of Zuo of doctor person photograph Zuo honour and may not all the Yu of the reason Zuo Yi that Wu Zun drinks says 100 of clear wineDrink how to use 100 this Yin to say at honour surely do obeisance to since wine Zuo suffer Wu ZunPlace is not scholar-bureaucrat photograph Zuo Die also is like Die is unfavorable have little
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    Person list the job that take to need first accidental? Get together little Zuo all sits reach and Zuo honourFriend says the person that wine Zuo its gets an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle comes is only then of the person that remove stands and wait for Low person it is Zuo honour to do obeisance to the of master place with sacred Zuo standing side so notDoes Zuo wish to press the Zuo of Zuo of Xiao of brother of Zuo Zuo Zuo ? Host of Chang Yan Zuo drinks not Na Guanjing of Zuo of Wen Bai of fair father of the person that Zuo of Yu of Zuo place reachs settle or live in a strange place / wine of father's younger brother blocks father guest up to with the road of of Xiao Zuo person appropriate makes if coronal Die makes,person generation drinks Zuo person / drink and of the demote that after Zuo suffersThe person that the guest does not have an an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle is like / calculate the rank of nobility its are done obeisance to suffer Wu Zun place to need Zuo person add Die andDesire Yin drinks reason is done obeisance to and Zuo Yan is like Xiao person all like that also not its
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    Or say appropriate of firm of Zuo wine grain is lukewarm and of winter of Yao of Zuo of Zuo of Long of Zhou Guanshi Zuo whyAlso the Zuo that 6 Zuo of those Zheng feed of after in order to to perform hamper to propose a toast at cold blame Also Zuo Zuo not hold a memorial ceremony forFeed Die Zuo Zuo by Zuo all hold a memorial ceremony for this cloud not hold a memorial ceremony for person constant of doubt a very short time is fed child Mother's brother of assist Zuo parents tentativelies already of hold a memorial ceremony for child not more hold a memorial ceremony for also ancestor the cadaver of hold a memorial ceremony for of Also its leave the reason of Zuo cadaver hold a memorial ceremony for of Zuo ghosts and gods Zuo person all hold a memorial ceremony for is like constant of a very short time to feedAnd is Zuo the Zuo thing ghosts and gods with the person first low of Zuo of cook a meal also not dare with? Also
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    Father not hold a memorial ceremony for child husband not wife of hold a memorial ceremony forThis from above paragraphs of one Qia Ning not? Not Zheng of hold a memorial ceremony for not Yin Zuo also fatherHold a memorial ceremony for child makes its child advocate child makes of its brother or brother childAdvocate wife is the same as husband hold a memorial ceremony for Yin of appropriate of place of the person that San Zuo does obeisance to blame honour surely also Ning Zuo of Zha wife place not hold a memorial ceremony for and feed how to abandon Zuo hold a memorial ceremony for and the constant Zuo of alien of the hold a memorial ceremony for below king of law of hold a memorial ceremony for of the person that is not wife place Zuo 5 San make person Ning itsThe Yu Cu that thing takes small Yin cries its husband if child advocate Zheng childOf brother child person must with the husband advocate need is done obeisance to like that and Zuo
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    if Li has child thing of Ning of husband Zuo and not advocate alsoCharacter not indolentParents has disease to need annals Mingqing is can the with Zuo thing character indolent in empty is defends also the Qia at serve Zuo needs much ignoreBanquet of of the person that have and sitElder brother 100 plain character has no Die Zhu at outside and adept not Zhu its constant Geng personOf the disease body home of of Zuo alone day suffer from every city invades of of the brigade that cut Friend of fierce of of barren Dai thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China and 3 Zuo Zuo is in Zuo all appropriate conjectures its divide Zha
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    Ta Zuo feeds what differ with Die Tian Zhai person hold to send Zuo of place of the gentleman that adopt the ground not person of Zheng of illicit or the Zuo that bear gentleman are long and Zheng fair or forefathers suffers child not dare and of be like age placeCity of of Zuo Bai Shi child end gets city more and send Zuo of of Zheng gentleman to apply a bitThe Zuo of state fieldHonour low hangs down of Zuo honour low the Ning Zha that each other all hang down to reason is expressed especially and go out honour low
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    Equal is not like that also this advocate the Die Zuo of Zuo give and accept has honour low its The Die that the Yin of that is like Jian of honour low Dr Jun Wushi together awards Zuo kid Zuo person with Kui Zuo of establish of Zuo of of Die place Zheng all easy Zuo also of Yin Ning kid is listed and but Fu withKnowable pheasant uses fowl of Kui dead to be born with Zuo also summer with Mo in order to diePerson also the Zuo that Zuo also must be like Zuo Zuo to be sent with Li of Li of a retrievable arrow with a string attached to it surely with Can be born and the cultivate of Long person and Zuo ground can stand provideAlready recieved orders Jun Yan is not old Wu Jia
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    The Yu that gives Zuo says as to herd from Zheng of the emperor place my is not oldAt the home the Zuo Die of 3 generation also hires Die to be waited for surely emissary accuses Die Zuo and afterRecieve orders to with gentleman the life is not gotten namely into face more to Wu Jiaer Die says gentleman does not hold in the arms child this character is OK cadaver of Wang Fu child cannotWith father cadaverAutumn offers sacrifices to Shu Yinchun Xia Jiao with cadaver of Dong Bai still emperor is Er King and with red into Tang Jiao day of hold a memorial ceremony for of Zheng of cadaver of bright red also has cadaver blame to also say summerOutskirt says the cadaver of the person that Tang Jiao San deserves to enjoy also of Dong Baixia not Yi Dan bright red
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    child namely cadaver of of day of this knowable hold a memorial ceremony for child Geng of Zheng week official takes family name outskirtOffer sacrifices to the cadaver that sends the that go against cadaver the millet after Zuo does not kill to getJun Zhi so cadaver person falls oneselfGentleman sends Zuo not to give Yi Yiran of Zuo palace cadaver unfavorable path encounters this to come loose Zuo Thing cadaver of Dai hold a memorial ceremony for is not one person or also enter Zuo Gong Youxian with domestic reason after dear is big / the husband comes loose Zuo Wu Jiayi government-owned politics housekeeping cannot also cadaver his reason comes loose Zuo / all appropriate all can be entered before fair palace has reason not to send Zuo also and medicinal powderInside Zuo period or Zuo having day hires guest gentleman to also do not not allow to give reason to have Ning cadaver lookEncountered Die says to the person that know is predicted already and know of its cadaver from this Yao fall surely
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    AlsoCadaver needs type needs with a fewGentleman falls oneself with God of its also cadaver does not fall with its already honour alsoAlone type and not the below Yao Jun Zhi installs to hire make Yao advocate gentleman / greet do obeisance to Zuo of of scanty Zheng of monarch coming backCadaver honour was not extended besides not dare excessive Die is like did not get Zha of its Li Ning a few honourPerson place installs what the Zuo of reason cadaver uses to be like the Zuo on used Zuo to go up with Zuo faints with a few laws Die with a few person 2 people sit hold a few Zheng to ascend Zuo uses also altogether ascend Zuo to all use a few with reason of An Chongshu peaceful of Jian cadaver Zuo
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    Person only then marry with a few fear at the look is broken to also sit before and a few cadaver of after type stands by knowable know in order to in order to be to ascend Zuo also Zhou Gong is occupied atCadaver of father-in-law aether fair surname of 3 fair ginger is 5 Yao 4 Yi Zhou alsoPush in order to be besides worshipping cadaver is not of of its Pi descendants to wait with the rank of nobilityNot Zuo advocate sad and Yao Long faints less the thing regret that adds a body to add coffin can be chased afterThe Ning Die that biceps strands to contain Zuo of Yin of Zuo of Die Zuo Mr Zuo already cannot answer allPlace Zheng not also
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    of the person that know to be born knows the dead's be born and do not know dead and not knows dead andDo not know to give birth to and not and not dead of Zheng Ning does not know each other well Zuo its child sad affection cannot be madeAnd send also and not the Zhu San that is Die or Ning dead bosom friend at works in the same place at its child not or know and disrelish Wu Yifu toward Travel pose as and make of of of heart of reason of Yan of master heart astounded and be no good Die Ear is like Yin to hand in the Zuo in Zuo not Zhu its child but not note with be caused by / of Ning of Zuo And Li of Zuo of place Ning all / is dead of not sufficient
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    Send not by funereal do not monarch Lao Zheng sending is dead friend of at his a group of things with common features marriage sends his a coffin with corpse in with person not by does not monarch Lao mutual is funereal also surely if Jian avoids Lao fearsA coffin with corpse in so Type person issues the doctor below doctor of type of Mr its person and the ox of the Zuo that be not type with Die enters type in surely the Zuo of typePunishment do not go up doctorPunishment do not go up Zheng of place of doctor Zuo Zha makes Zha room and life of Zha blame Long and commit suicide
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    It is the that also is a blame but is false person law Zuo Mr to 9 cut down is unavoidableAt Dr Kuang Qing the agnate punishment of king of Ning of the person that reason week official has an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handleAt pasture its Li is not contrary to all rightPerson Zuo character of ground of line of bottom of Zhou Guantu Yin with Yu ground thing ground Te with Zha of differentiate surface featuresLocal records of Yin bottom line with Yu Yin thing square Te monarchs with Yu avoid in order to tell ground conventionKing huntings of character of Zuo of Zheng of place of Zuo of king advocate this Zuo its not designation whyGuan Zhi and of Jian say person person the Yin that be like face? With too thing of history Die too
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    adopts rule of of Zuo of large department of have rendered great service of day with first Zuo of palm of person Brigade? The of oath Zha king that be the same as huntings differentiate of abundant big pedestrian its itsIts of its Die person surely all Zuo reason book in order to wait for thing scanty with alliance? Zuo Zuo fears was not being installedThere is Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo Zuo before Zuo king Zhu takes Zuo fierce to shoot to want be out of practice with Li Zuo the Ning of 2 law having Zuo that takethe Zuo of Zhou Guansi a surname makes at Wang Guanzhe each take its to take its arms King huntings go on a punitive expedition armies exterminate gentleman Zuo comes loose Ta and Zuo of Yong He the Huaihe River person need Ning ofs or by the concubine
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    Country supreme ruler with? Does thing have Zuo to there is Zuo appropriate also face? Person Xiao needs each with itsThe Zuo of reason Zuo Zuo of class foreword in order to show its Li There is skin of tiger of Zuo of person beforePerson advanced alarm the manage San of too the Zha of also noteses and commentaries all with person / Xiao of arms or still / not Zhu Zuo the emperor asks for or the ground of place Zuo is worth Zuo of city of San Zuo Ha Pool and Xiao gets together Yan or Yin of life of king of Zheng Hou Feng not front courtyard and collect Yan Yiyi Ning Zuo in order to show Xiao Ostentatious going up urgent Jun its anger
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    Slant needs 3 Zuo of have advocate have Zuo definitely makes of defeat Zuo defect or firstThe Zuo before use the left and right sides or be being used first is ostentatious indicate brave of person pushs Zuo andBefore or honest Zuo engaging in fierce battle in order to defend its anger of place Zheng urgent Jun alsoThe Zhu of father nots Ning wears a day in allPerson of week official Zha has the Zha of law San Zuo with monarch abroad Zheng and or in 8 Zhu must not excuse soon with Zuo person like that its name says monarch dutiful son needsStretch its keep in mind also not adds a guilt alsoWang Fu of Zheng of of capture thing parents's mother does not reachcapture thing parents not Zheng Wang Fu's mother
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    This namely child the Zheng of place of Wang Fu of Die San Zheng 's mother that Ning father is the same as Zheng also of Wang FuThe parental brother of mother of king of younger brother of Zheng father and elder brothers all parental place Zheng just notSurely Zheng also before reason Wu Fu's mother also not dare its name is like Ning of Wang Fu's motherFavour grand Li weighs Zuo with parents put do not have Zuo great merit little work not Zheng By period all Zheng besides Wang Fu's motherGreat merit little work not Zheng The Zheng of little work that great merit little work is like grandfather mother with coequal character Ning Name of brother of ancestor elder brother is the same as of Zheng Zuo common or Ye having
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    External affairs with the thing inside day with soft dayInside and outside is unfavorable it is with the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of of of the outskirts in in Zuo the emperorBig gets palace of alone of the thing inside in the neither in offer sacrifices to or do not getEar of external affairsPredict Shi not Zuo 3 Zuo Wang Yue repeatedly Yin of bright Buddhist monastic discipline of easy place person of age of Zuo Outskirt 3 predict Die 4 Bo Fei Die Ning The person that predict Shi first Long Wang Zhi makes day of civilian letter respects law of Wei of ghosts and gods so also
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    Ancient person legislation is applied make fall surely life Wu Sheji ancestor mountains and rivers-land 5 offer sacrifices to hold a memorial ceremony forafter and the day of hold a memorial ceremony for needs definitely reason of Wu Bo Shi civilian know to respect ghosts and gods to believe Day beneficial knows a law but Wei 3 person close and one its Li writes therefore Zuo Ning of Wei law predicts Shi complete to hand in person of Long of Yi Yue to with the god Yu Teach also ear of Zheng this Zuo Make so civilian definitely suspicion decides Ning alsoDefinitely the Zuo that suspicion does not know his to surname like Zuo concubineDoubt and the of Shi nots blame also
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    Already at Shi cannot place of the person that is occupied with Zheng of Zhu of illicit meaning definitely is not also of demote of the person that be like gets the hand that otherwise denies of of of demote of the person that be like Otherwise leaves limit oneself person demote Zuo can suffer need like that its hand in order to show not dare person Zuo Cannot suffers and Jian cannot take from next arrest with giving reasonDoes road Zuo need face takes Zuo whip? Dare not award Jian left surely typeSay San of road Zuo only then with Zuo Zuo road Zuo Li is fastened at roadThe place that Zuo also controls toward Zuo of the Ning that take surely is the same as also Zuo whip? Dare not award
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    Jian Zheng drive person also San dare not award the left and right sides to make with Jian ascend Mr oneself Zuo not dare Zun Zun needs type already before Yao and Fu Ning is left surely type person brightNot accompanies to need of type Zha Zuo also needs formula is right also not type person Yao Zuo Easy and ascend next constant also Ning Zha dare not make Zuo right with going from Zuo with Jian is awarded already was like week official to the Wen Ran from left Zuo buts too of the king before The constant of the person that be not Zuo like that also if really from left Zuo still OK type road Zuo needs in pathSay road Zuo is fastened so at also of Zheng thing goes with Zuo its
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    Blame like that Zuo in order to lay difficulty       
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils one

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