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章节: 商书·咸有一德
书名: 尚书
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-489年  至  公元后475年
视频: 商书·咸有一德_尚书
音频: 商书·咸有一德_尚书


  • New Sinology Title:
    Business book · is salty have minister of one heart _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Business book · is salty have one mind

    New Sinology BookName:
    A high official in ancient China

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Yi Yin Zun " salty have one mind " .

    Yi Yin Jifu politics faint monarchs, will accuse return, it is Chen Jieyu heart. Say: " die! Day difficult a surname, the life noes constant. Chang Juede, protect faint. Faint heart nots constant, 9 have in order to die. Xia Wangfu captures commonplace heart, slow god cruel civilian. Huang Tianfu is protected, inspect at all places, edificatory has a lot, family dependant begs one heart, in order to god advocate. Alone Yin bend forward and soup, salty have one mind, the gram enjoys day heart, get dawn lot, in order to have the division that 9 have, whencing change Xia Zheng. I have the illicit that be not a day business, yu Yide of alone day bless; Blame business is begged at falling civilian, alone civilian is attributed to one heart. Heart only, move not ill-fated; Heart 23, move not not fierce. Alone good or ill luck does not overstep his authority in the person, alone sky falls calamity auspicious in heart. Today heir king takes faint lot newly, alone Xin Juede. Eventually only then only, day is when new. Hold the post of Guan Weixian material, the left and right sides buts its person. I are to go up heart, it is to fall civilian. Its are difficult its careful, alone and only. Heart is fugacious master, advocate be apt to is division. Be apt to is fugacious advocate, assist Yu Ke one. In order to Xian Yue of 10 thousand surnames: "Big Wang Yan. " say again: "One Wang Xin " . The salary of Ke Suixian king, always civilian unripe. Alack! The temple of 7 worlds, can watch heart. The length of 10 thousand husbands, can watch politics. Blame civilian not makes after; After civilian blame not thing. Without from wide with narrow person, ordinary man be equal to Fu, do not capture take one's own life, democratic not with Cheng Juegong. "
    Bo of Yin Yu of Yi of bury of fertile Ding Ji, blame sheet satisfies thing of example Yi Yin, make " Vandin " .
    [salty ]
    Yi Zhixiang big the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, bo has Yu Chao of accrete of auspicious mulberry cereal. Yi Zhizan at Wu Xian, make " salty " 4.
    [Yi Zhiyuan life]
    Too Yu Yizhi of assist of the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, make " Yi Zhi " , " original order " .
    [Zhong Ding]
    Intermediate fourth change at clamour, make " Zhong Ding " .
    [river armour]
    Photograph of house of river armour, make " river armour " .
    [Zu Yi]
    Zu Yi bridges Yu Geng, make " Zu Yi " .
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