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章节: 虞书·尧典
书名: 尚书
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-198年  至  公元后816年
视频: 虞书·尧典_尚书
音频: 虞书·尧典_尚书


  • New Sinology Title:
    A high official in ancient China of _ of Yao Dian of anxiety book ·

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Yao Dian of anxiety book ·

    New Sinology BookName:
    A high official in ancient China

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Former times is in Di Yao, clever the thread of ideas in writing, smooth curtilage the world. Will inferior at, let Yu Yushun, make " Yao Dian " .

    Say the Gu Diyao that be like check, say put merit, admire, bright, article, think of, An An, respectful gram allows permit, smooth by 4 watches, case falls at going up. Overcome Ming Junde, in order to kiss 9 a group of things with common features. 9 a group of things with common features already harmonious, make the same score chapter common people. Common people clear bright, assist He Mobang. The common people at changing Shi Yong.
    Xi you a life and, admire is like Hao Tian, all previous resembles the heavenly bodies, when Jing Shoumin. Divide life Xi intermediate, curtilage smooths, say cereal. The third of the twelve Earthly Branches guest gives day, ping Zhidong is made. Meridian, astral bird, with Yan Zhongchun. Faint civilian analyse, end of propagate of birds and beasts. Shen Mingxi father's younger brother, curtilage south hand in. It is south smooth order, jing Zhi. Day always, spark, with midsummer. Faint civilian because, birds and beasts hopes change. Divide life and intermediate, curtilage on the west, say cereal of be ignorant of. Day of accept of the third of the twelve Earthly Branches give a farewell dinner, smooth order is become on the west. In night, astral empty, with Yan Zhongqiu. Faint civilian smooths, of wool of birds and beasts. Explain life and father's younger brother, curtilage new moon square, say deep and remote. Smooth in new moon easy. Day is short, xing Mao, with Zhong Dong. Faint civilian Zuo , wool of sandpiper of birds and beasts. The Supreme Being says: " consult! Ru Xi and and. Period 300 have 6 a period of ten days have 6 days, decide the four seasons with the intercalary month, into year old. Allow li 100 labour, xian Xi of accomplishment of be the concubine. "
    The Supreme Being says: " farmland is consult like Shi Dengyong? " put Qi Yue: " offspring child Zhu Qiming. " the Supreme Being says: " why! Clamour bring a case to court but? "
    The Supreme Being says: " farmland if consult grants to collect? " joyous bag says: " ! Be versed in in all result of square turtledove . " the Supreme Being says: " why! Jing Yanyong is violated, resemble respectful monstrous. "
    The Supreme Being says: " consult! 4 high mountain, soup soup flood just is cut, swing Shan Xiangling swinging a bosom, grand grand is monstrous. Below civilian its consult, have can you in order to ? " Qian says: " at! Gun. " the Supreme Being says: " why! , honest life collapses a group of things with common features. " Yue Yue: " different! Try can be already. "
    The Supreme Being says, " toward, qin Zai! " 9 carry, accomplishment is used not.
    The Supreme Being says: " consult! 4 high mountain. My v/arc be on the throne 70 carry, ru Nengyong life, xun sign? " Yue Yue: " deny heart purple n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor. " say: " obviously raise side is ugly. " Shi Xidi says: " have wifeless falling, say Yu Shun. " the Supreme Being says: " Yu? Grant to hear, how? " Yue Yue: " blind child, father dense, mother clamour, resemble be proud; Ke Xie with filial piety, , not case evil. " the Supreme Being says: " I its try! Female at when, the punishment that watch faint at 2 female. " li falls 2 female at Gui , yu Yu aing concubine of an emperor. The Supreme Being says: " Qin Zai! "
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