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章节: 为政第二
书名: 论语
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-232年  至  公元后870年
视频: 为政第二_论语
音频: 为政第二_论语


  • New Sinology Title:
    For politics the analects of confucius of the 2nd _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    For politics the 2nd

    New Sinology BookName:
    The analects of confucius

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Child say: " for politics with heart, celestial bodies of for example north, occupy its place and numerous star in all. "

    Child say: " " poem " 300, to sum up in a word, say: "Think of cherubic. " "
    Child say: " of the path with politics, neat with punishment, civilian avoid and shameless. Of the path with heart, neat with the ceremony, have shame and case. "
    Child say: " me 10 have 5 and annals at learning, 30 and stand, 40 and not be puzzled, 50 and know destiny, 60 and ear is suitable, 70 and from heart institute desire, do not even more quadrature. "
    Meng Yi child ask filial piety. Child say: " without violate. " fencing Chi Yu. Child those who accuse say: " Meng Sun asks filial piety at me, I am opposite, without violate. " Fan Chi says: " what is meant by also? " child say: " unripe, of the thing with the ceremony; Dead, of bury with the ceremony, of hold a memorial ceremony for with the ceremony. "
    Meng Wubai asks filial piety. Child say: " parents only the care of its disease. "
    Child You Wenxiao. Child say: " today filial piety person, it is to call can raise. As to canine horse, all can have raise. Irreverent, why be fastened? "
    Child Xia Wenxiao. Child say: " look is hard. Occupied, child takes its work; Have food and drink, gentleman food, be ever to think filial piety? "
    Child say: " I and answer character all day, do not violate, be like I. Retreat and save its illicit, also enough hair, time also not I. "
    Child say: " inspect its so, watch its place by, what its install examine, person Yan ? Person Yan ? "
    Child say: " lukewarm know so new, can be division. "
    Child say: " gentleman not implement. "
    Child tribute asks gentleman. Child say: " go ahead of the rest its character, after that from. "
    Child say: " gentleman week and unlike, lilliputian is compared and not. "
    Child say: " learn and do not think of criterion not; Think of and do not learn to danger. "
    Child say: " attack heretical, this kill also already. "
    Child say: " by, instruct daughter knows? Those who know to know, do not know to be do not know, it is to know also! "
    Child Zhangxue does salary. Child say: " hear leave the question open more, careful Yan Jiyu, criterion few blame; See faulting danger more, careful Hang Jiyu, criterion few regret. Character few blame, travel few regret, salary amid. "
    Sad fair ask: " He Wei criterion civilian take? " Confucius is opposite: " lift straight fault all crooked, criterion civilian take; Lift crooked wrong Zhu Zhi, criterion civilian refuse to obey. "
    Season Kang Zi asks: " make civilian respect, faithful in order to persuade, those who be like why? " child say: " face with the village, respect; Filial piety mothers, criterion faithful; Raise kind and teach cannot, persuade. "
    Or call Confucius says: " child why be politics? " child say: " " book " the cloud: "Filial piety alone filial piety, friendly at brother, apply at having politics. " it is to also be politics, xi Jiwei is politics? "
    Child say: " person and without the letter, do not know its but also. Cart does not have □ , the car does not have Zuo , why its go? "
    Child Zhang Wen: " are 10 worlds knowable also? " child say: " Yan Yin Yu Xiali, place increase and decrease is knowable also; Zhou Yin Yu Yanli, place increase and decrease is knowable also. Its or afterwards Zhou Zhe, although 100 worlds are knowable also. "
    Child say: " be not its ghost and of hold a memorial ceremony for, flatter also. See justice do not be, without brave also. "
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