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  • New Sinology Title:
    clear is fair (come 18 years 20 years) _ Zun Chuan

    New Sinology Chapter:
    clear is fair (come 18 years 20 years)

    New Sinology BookName:
    Zun Chuan

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

         ◇ clear is fair 18 years
    [classics] 10 have 8 years spring Wang Sanyue, cao Bai needs soldier. Midday of Xia Wuyue Ren, the Song Dynasty, defend, old, Zheng calamity. In June, zhu person enters Zuo . Autumn, bury Cao Ping is fair. Winter, the Yu Baiyu that make change.
    [pass] 18 years spring, the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of Wang Eryue second, zhou Mao must kill what Mao Bai passes and take the place of. Chang great says: Wool must die surely, the day that is Kun Wuren also, of wastefuling reason with. And wool be able to aid wastefuls at Wang Dou, do not die why to be waited for!
    In March, cao Ping Gongcu.
    Xia Wuyue, fire only then faint see. Third child, wind. Catalpa Shen Yue: It is to call wind of be in harmony, of fire only then also. 7 days, its fire is made! The third of the twelve Earthly Branches of the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, wind very. Ren midday, big very. The Song Dynasty, defend, old, Zheng Jiehuo. Catalpa the library of family name of Shen Dengda front courtyard with looking, say: The Song Dynasty, defend, old, Zheng Ye. Several days, all will accuse fire. Secondary kitchen says: Need not my character, fire of Zheng You general. Zheng Ren uses please, child produce cannot. Child uncle says: Treasure, in order to protect civilian also. If have fire, country a few die. Can save the nation from extinction, child He Aiyan? Child produce: Tian Daoyuan, humane near, blame place and also, why know? Does kitchen Yan know day way? Be also wordy, not or letter? Then not with, also not answer fire.
    Zheng Zhi not calamity also, analyse accuses in child produce: Will have big auspicious, civilian shake, country a few die. Yan of my bodies die out, not fine and also. Country change its but? Child produce: Although but, I can't decide change. Reach fire, analyse dies in, not bury, child produce make carriage 30 people, change its a coffin with corpse in. Fire is made, child door of Yu Dong of childe of advance yield decline, a surname. Make manage bandit gives new customer, ban old settle or live in a strange place not to stem from palace. Make child wide, child on make one's rounds group screen is photographed, as to large a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale. Make a surname ascends big chelonian of move from one place to another. Make wish Shi Xizhu Dai at Zhou Miao, accuse Yu Xianjun. Make government office person, library person each admonish its thing. Business becomes palace of fair admonish department, give old Gong Ren, place of buy Zhu Huo not as good as. Minister, manage Kou Lie resides fire to, glad of □ of travel fire place. The person below the city, wu Lie enters a town. Tomorrow, make wild department bandit is protected each its are asked for. Outskirt person aids Zhu Shi to divide Yu Guobei, dark of Yu Xuan of fire averting by prayers, answer salary, pray at 4 Zuo . The book is burned room and wide its are asked for, to it material. 3 days cry, country not city. Make the pedestrian is accused at vassal. The Song Dynasty, defend all so. Old not fire fighting, make do not a string of 1 calamity, gentleman is in order to know old, Xu Zhixian dies also.
    June, paddy of Zuo person Jie. Zhu person raids Zuo , Zuo person will close the door. Zhu person sheep collect photograph its a Yan, enter then, use up captive in order to return. Zuo child say: Yu Mo returns. From state treasury at Zhu, zhu bank is state-owned the madam that turn over Zuo , and abandon its female. Autumn, bury Cao Ping is fair. The person that go to sees week of former Bai Luyan, to it language, do not say to learn. Return with horse of language Min Zi. Min Zi horse says: Is Zhou Ji random? The husband has more surely is to say, reach its to Your Excellency after that. Adult suffers from break and be puzzled, say again: OK and nescient, nescient do not kill. Be not killed and do not learn, if and but. Then replace on next hill, can you have chaos? The husband learns, breed also, do not learn to will fall, original family name do its die?
    In July, zheng Zi produces the friend that it is fire, greatly company Fu averts by prayers at all directions, brace up remove fire, ceremony also. It is Jian Bing big San , will divide for San . Child the temple of uncle is south the path, its stop in path north, its front yard is small. Expire 3 days, make divide north of the temple austral apprentice Chen Yudao, say: Child had produced female and life fast except, destroy at village therefore. Child produce day, pass and angry, destroy south the person that divide. Child produce reach strong, make follower stops say: Destroy at north.
    Of fire make also, child produce award arms ascend Pi. Child uncle says: Is advance had be denounced therefore? Child produce: I hears, xiaoguo forgets regulations highs, besides is there calamity? Of the country cannot small, reason having equipment also. Already, the Bian Lirang Zheng of advance says: Zheng state-owned calamity, jin Jun, doctor dare be not resided rather, predict Shi to go look, do not love animal sacrifice jade. Zheng Zhi has calamity, the care of few gentleman also. Award like that between deacon hand today arms ascend Pi, will with whose blame? Edge person fear dare be not accused. Child produce to saying: Be like me child character, the calamity of our city, gentleman's care also. Our city is broken politics, the calamity that the sky falls, seek between dread slander Te again, in order to start corrupt person, jian is fraud city adverse, in order to weigh gentleman's care. Luckily does not die, still all right say also. Unfortunate and die, gentleman although of care, also do not have reach also. Zheng has him unexpectedly, look. Already thing advance, dare its have disloyalty?
    Chu Zunyin prince gets the better of character to say at Chu Zi: Make Yu Zheng, philistine also, and the ground that reside Hunan, with not ceremony Yu Zheng. Advance, Zheng Fangmu, zheng Re cut down is made, and Jin Zhuzhi, hunan funeral ground. Does He change praise supreme ruler? Make not only Yu Chu. Zheng Fang has your politics. Xu Yue: Yu Jiuguo also. Zheng Yue: City of more than captive also. Xie Zaichu country, square suburban my also. Earth cannot easy, country cannot small, make cannot captive, enemy cannot be opened, of Jun Jitu. Chu Zi says. Winter, chu Zi makes prince gets the better of change Xu Yuxi, solid Bai Yu.
    ◇ clear is fair 19 years
    [classics] 10 have 9 years spring, zhu of Song Gong cut down. Celestial bodies of Xia Wuyue the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, xu Shizi stops murder its gentleman is bought. Personal the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches, earthquake. Autumn, qigao sends Ju of handsome division cut down. Winter, bury Xu Dao is fair.
    [pass] 19 years spring, shade of change of bare of Hunan labour Yin at leaving nether world, your Jia of Yin Zixia city. Clear of grandson of father's younger brother child say: Hunan is absent vassal! Its are over oneself only also, in order to run its life just.
    Chu Zizhi is in Cai Ye, mounds what this world seals a person is female those who run quickly, unripe big child build. Reach accession, make five excessive does it master. Cost does not have very little division, without bestow favor on Yan, be about to falsely charge all king, say: Build but room. Wang Weizhi hires Yu Qin, without extremely with go against, persuade Wang Quzhi, the first month of the lunar year, family name of Hunan madam a surname comes from the Qin Dynasty.
    Mrs. Zuo , of Song Xiangqu female also, reason asks division to peace. Feburary, zhu of Song Gong cut down, surround bug. In March, those who take. All put in Zuo captive 's charge therefore.
    Summer, make grieve fair impaludism. In May celestial bodies of the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, drink is big child stopping medical soldier. Big child go straight towards advance. The book says: Murder its gentleman. Gentleman says: Force of with one one's heart with thing gentleman,
    Meeting the Song Dynasty of Zhu person, Zuo person, Xu Ren is fair. Yi Hai, affined at bug.
    Chu Zi is boat division with cut down Pu. Cost does not have extremely character says at Chu Zi: Jin Zhibai also, near at Zhu Xia, and Hunan monarch is humble, reason nots can with contend for. Be like father of big city town and place is great child Yan, in order to connect north, king receive south, it is to get the world also. Wang Shui, from. Reason prince is built be on city father.
    Your Yin Zixia hires Yu Qin, the person that do obeisance to a husband also.
    Autumn, qigao sends Ju of handsome division cut down. Ju child Zhang approaching record. Make of Sun Shu cut down. First, ju has a woman, ju child kill its husband, already was Li Fu. Reach old, hold Yu Ji Zhang in the palm, spin Yan to go with spending. Reach division to come, cast all outside. Or display Zhu Zi to occupy, child occupy make division night let down with a rope and ascend. The person that ascend 60 people. Let down with a rope absolutely. Division clamour, the person on the city also a confusion of voices. Ju in all public fear, open on the west the door and piece. In July third child, neat division enters period.
    Be year old also, soldier of Zheng Si cease. Child swim marry Dr Yu Jin, raw silk, weak. Li Zixia of its father and elder brothers. Child produce abhor its are a person also, and feel not suitable, not make, yi Fu stops. Si alarm. The other day, silk husband'ses father with accusing its. Winter, advance person makes be like Zheng with money, of beg asking Si establish cause. Si dread, si beg is about to escape. Child produce not dispatch. Ask chelonian in order to predict, yi Fu grants. The doctor is sought right, child produce prep before and say to the guest: Zheng Guo not day, the official of few gentleman, thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China is recovered die young faints, today funeral I first the doctor falls on his back. Its child young weak, suzerain of one of team of dread of 2 father and elder brothers, illicit a group of things with common features grows at seek and standing close. Few gentleman and its 23 often say: Curb day fact pares chaos is, why does I know Yan? Adage says: Had not had random door. Civilian have arms chaos, still had feared, and besides is the place that dare know a day random? Today the doctor will ask his friend, fact of curb few gentleman dare not know, its whose fact knows? Make the same score Qiu Zhi to meet, gentleman searchs old alliance to say: Not have or neglect one's duty. The official of the gentleman that be like few, its namely world person, advance doctor and absolute its, the county that is advance despises also, he Guozhi is? Demit customer money and sign up for its to make. Advance person abandons.
    State of Hunan person city comes. Shen Yin Qu says: Hunan person is defeated surely. Former times destroy the city comes, child the banner asks cut down. Wang Yue: I did not stroke me civilian. Also be like today, and city state comes in order to carry, can you have be defeated? Attendant says: King almsgiving tireless, breath civilian 5 years, it may be said strokes. Qu says: My Wen Fumin person, husband at inside, and tree heart at outside, music its sex, and without Kou Chou. Today palace room boundless, be astonished of civilian person day, fatigue stops dead to turn, forget bedroom and feed, blame stroke also.
    Zheng Dashui, long Dou at when besides the door Wei deep. Compatriots is Yan please, child produce not make, say: I am fought, dragon not I meet also. Long Dou, why do I meet alone Yan? Avert by prayers, criterion those its room also. I is not had beg Yu Long, long Yi is not had beg at me. Stop therefore also.
    Your fall of Yin Zixia character says as a result of Chu Zi: Those why blame? Adage is alleged room Yu Nu, city at color person, chu Zhi calls. The angry before abandoning but also. Put in fall 's charge therefore by.
    ◇ clear is fair 20 years
    [classics] 20 years of Chun Wangzheng months. Summer, cao Gongsun can run away from Zuo the Song Dynasty. Autumn, pilfer kills elder brother Zhi of Wei Hou. Wintry October, the last of the twelve Earthly Branches of China of the Song Dynasty, Xiang Ning, China run away surely old. 10 have in January laborious the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches, cai Hou Lucu.
    [pass] 20 years spring, wang Eryue oneself is ugly, come south day. Catalpa Shen Wang atmosphere says: This today Song You is random, country a few die, put down 3 years after that. Cai has big funeral. Clear of grandson of father's younger brother child say: In that case, post also! wastefuls inurbane already very, random place also.
    Cost does not have extremely character says at Chu Zi: Build with five excessive will with square city besides betray. Flatter oneself still the Song Dynasty, Zheng Ye, neat, advance is handed in again complementary, will in order to kill Hunan. Its job market. Wang Xinzhi, ask five excessive. Five excessive is opposite: Gentleman passes much, he Yan at slander? Wangzhi five excessive. Make Sima Fenyang kills city father big child, did not come, and make of dispatch. In March, big child build go straight towards the Song Dynasty. Wang Shaofen raise, act vigorously raise makes city father person hold personal down to. Wang Yue: Character stems from more than, enter Yu Erer, who is accused build also? To saying: I accuse. Emperor life official says: Be like,the thing is built thing beyond. Official not given to flattery, cannot if two. Act according to first in order to return, the life after cannotting bear, of reason dispatch. Subsequently of regret, also do not have reach already. Wang Yue: And dare come, he Ye? To saying: Make and lose a lot, call together and do not come, be again evil also. Escape to be entered without place. Wang Yue: Return. Be like,take up a political career the other day.
    Without extremely say: Of excessive child material, if be in, surely care Hunan country, he lest of its father call together. Those benevolence, come surely. Otherwise, will be suffer from. King make of call together, say: Come, I is avoided and father. Tang Jun Shang calls its younger brother member say: Er is comfortable, my general returns dead. I knows not to reachcapture, I can be dead, er can sign up for. Hear the lot that avoids father, cannot run quickly with Mo Zhi also; Kin is join, cannot sign up for with Mo Zhi also. Run quickly dead to avoid father, filial piety also; Degree result and row, benevolence also; Choose holds the post of and go to, know also; Know to absolutely refuse to to monarch, brave also. Father cannot be abandoned, the name cannot be abandoned, of Er its exert oneself, from to heal. Wu Shang returns. The member that excessive is heard does not come, say: Its Gan feeds Chu Jun, doctor! Hunan person all kills.
    Member be like, yan Fachu's benefit at the city at. Childe light says: Be ancestor be join and be about to turn over its enemy, cannot from also. Member say: Those will have his keep in mind. More than aunt is begged for it person, and low with waiting for. See Zuo sets Zhu Yan therefore, and agrarian at low.
    Song Yuan is fair without letter much illicit, and evil China, to. China calm, Hua Hai and Xiang Ningmou say: Die more at dying, first all? Bogus of China the last of the twelve Earthly Branches has difficulty, in order to lead group of son of a feudal prince or high official. Childe asks, criterion hold. Xia Liuyue third explain, kill army of drive of childe the third of the twelve Earthly Branches, childe, son of a feudal prince or high official bright red, man of aid of childe solid, a surname, a surname, Ju Xiangsheng, to go at its granary. Gong Ruhua asks Yan, not make, rob then. The fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems, take big child ground of goldenrain tree and Mu Dichen, childe feels qualitative. Fair Yi Quhua of the last of the twelve Earthly Branches child do not have relative, Xiang Ning child collect, Hua Dingzhi child open, with Fahrenheit alliance, feel qualitative.
    Defend neat leopard of be improperly familiar with of Zhi of public the first month, the department bandit that seize and Juan, have battle criterion conversely, do not have what take. Happy event of palace of evil north of public the first month, Zhu Shipu, be about to go. Childe face connects ginger of announce of Yu Xiangfu's person, dread, and desire in order to stage an armed rebellion.
    First, qi Bao sees Zong Lu Yu Gongmeng, multiply Yan for Can. Will stage an armed rebellion, and call say: Gong Mengzhi is not good at, child be known also. Not with by, I will kill. To saying: I by child thing public the first month, child false I Yan, reason not I is far also. Although its are not good at, I also knows. Curb with benefit reason, cannot go, it is I passes also. It is difficult to be heard today and escape, it is overstep one's authority child also. Child act, of my checkmate, with Zhou Shizi, and put in dead Yu Gongmeng 's charge, its but also.
    Third celestial bodies, protect Hou Zaiping life, outside the door that thing of fair Meng You obtains at the lid, qizi curtain at the door outside and Fu Jiayan. Make wish firewood of car of frog buy Ge Yu in order to become the door, make be multiplied go out from fair Meng Yi. Make Hua Qi drive public the first month, zong Lu Can is multiplied. In Ji Hong, neat family name hits public the first month with dagger, zong Lu in order to carry on the back my, break humerus, with in Gong Mengzhi shoulder, all kill.
    Fair hear chaos, by, drive reads the door to enter oneself, celebrate fairer than drive, can of fair Na Chu is multiplied, make Hua Yin takes two car. Reach fair a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, grand Zuo Si is multiplied at fair, gong Zaibao in order to go out. A surname Shi Zishen encounters Lu Zhiqu of fair Yu Ma, then from. Pass neat family name, make leave uncovered of Hua Yin flesh, hold the lid faults with becoming its. Neat family name is shot fair, na Chuzhi is carried on the back in, fair go out then. The third of the twelve Earthly Branches shut Guo Men, even more and from fair. Fair be like dead bird, analyse Zhu Chuxiao goes out from antrum, person goes from fair.
    Qi Hou makes a surname blueness hires Yu Wei. Go out already, wen Wei is random, make what hire please. Fair say: Still be in unexpectedly inside, defend gentleman also. Therefore thing Yan. Then from all dead birds, please the thing. Decline says: Die person not given to flattery, fall the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, be in more wilderness, I child life of gentleman of the disgrace that do not have place. Bin Yue: Few gentleman lot falls official Yu Chao, say: A issues deacon. Official not dare two. Host says: What Jun Rehui considers Xianjun is good, clear faces our city, the town strokes its the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, a be or become heir to is in. Stop therefore. Defend Hou Gu to request an audience, do not obtain an order, see with its horse of fine breed, to did not cause cause also. Wei Hou thinks mount. Guest general , master decline says: Die the person's care, can not reach me child. In wilderness, can't disgrace follower. Dare demit. Bin Yue: Few Jun Zhi issues me, jun Zhimu ans enclosure for storing grain also. If do not win the battle outside , it is not to have few gentleman also. Official dread is unavoidable at crime, die in order to divide please. Close hold bell, eventually evening and Yu Liao.
    Of neat family name slaughter canal child Gong Zi of call together north. Of boreal palace family name slaughter not have a participant's knowledge of is sought, kill canal child, satisfy cut down neat family name, destroy. Fourth Si dark, fair into, be fond of alliance with boreal palace on Peng Shui. New moon of midday of Qiu Qiyue the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, satisfy allied country person. In August Xin Hai, childe face, Zhu Shipu, child Yu Xiao, child tall triangular bream runs away advance. Celestial bodies of intercalary month the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, kill announce ginger. Shi of happy event of palace of Wei Houci north says chastity child, give analyse bright red v hoe Shi says child, and the grave with neat family name grants.
    Wei Hou accuses Ning Yuqi, and Yan Zishi. Qi Hou will drink, grant a doctor to say: 23 child teach also. Yuan Heji demit, say: Admire with Yu Qingzhi, reach surely punish at its. In " Kang Gao " say: Brother of father and son, the blame is not reached. Kuang Zaiqun's official? Dare I have an insatiable desire for Jun Ci in order to work first king?
    Zong Lu of musical instrument Zhang Wen is dead, past condole. Zhong Ni says: Qi Bao's pilfer, and the thief of Zhi of the first month, female why to a string of 1 Yan? Gentleman does not feed evil, do not get chaos, do not remorse for benefit at answering, do not need a person in order to answer, do not build disloyal, do not make incivility.
    Song Hua, Xiang Zhi is random, avoid of childe city, a surname, Le She, minister armour of strong, Xiang Yi, Xiang Zheng, Chu Jian, Zuo runs away Zheng. Its the gate of a lane at ghost with Fahrenheit battle in vain, be defeated child city. Child city comfortable advance. Hua Hai and its wife the person that wash surely and feed a qualitative childe is fed after that. Fair as daily as the madam surely comfortable Fahrenheit, feed childe to return after that. Hua Hai suffers from, be about to put in childe 's charge. Xiang Ning says: Do not believe only, reason is simple its child. Be like what return again, do not have day to death. Fair satisfy at China cost please, will attack Fahrenheit. To saying: I dare not love dead, without beg therefore go care and develop! I are with dread, dare not take orders from? Fair say: Child death has a lot, beyond cannot bear its . Wintry October, fair kill China, Xiang Zhi pledges and attack. Celestial bodies of the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, china, Xiang Ben old, hua Dengben. Xiang Ning is about to kill big child, hua Hai says: Do gentleman and go out, kill its again child, its whose accept me? And those who return have need. Make manage less bandit in order to return, say: Child tine is long, cannot thing person, it is with 3 childe qualitative, avoid surely. Childe is entered already, china will go from the door. Fair hurriedly sees, hold its hand says: Beyond know and innocent also, into, answer and.
    Neat Hou scabies, satisfy , period and not Chou, the person that vassal guest asks disease is in more. Liang Qiu occupies with descendants money character at fair say: Abundant of my things ghosts and gods, yu Xianjun has add. Today gentleman disease, for vassal care, the blame that is Zhu Shi also. Vassal do not know, its call I am irreverent. Gentleman He kill Yu Zhugu, history clamour with demit guest? Fair say, accuse Yan Zi. Yan Zi says: The alliance of day the Song Dynasty, qu Jian asks Fan Huizhi heart Yu Zhaowu. Zhao Wu says: The master's housekeeping is treated, yan Yujin country, exhaust love is unselfish. Its Zhu Shi is sacred, chen Xin is worthy of. Its housekeeping is not had guess, its Zhu Shi not pray. Build with language health king, health king says: The god is not had complain, the light of appropriate master complementary 5 gentleman, feel vassal advocate also. Fair say: According to calling with the paragraph ghosts and gods of the sovereign what one is particularly good at, reason is about to put to death Yu Zhu history. Child saying is language, why reason? To saying: If have De Zhijun, outside inside not useless, get on next notting have to complain, move without violate a responsibility, its wish Shi Jian is believed, heart of feel no regret. Be use with ghosts and gods provide dinner for, the country accepts its blessing, wish Shi Yuyan. Its so luxuriant happinesses Laoshou person, the gentleman that it is a letter makes also, its Yan Zhongxin at ghosts and gods. Its are comfortable the gentleman that encounter excessive, outside inside quite unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, blame difficulty up and down, behavioral monarch is violated, from desire illicit of be disgusted with. High table deep poll, bump into bell dancing girl, financial resources of the people of behead cut down, be defeated sweep past its to get together, violate in order to become its, not compensate later generations. Outrageous excessive from, shop travel blame is spent, return avoid without place, do not think of slander Zhu does not fear ghosts and gods, magical anger civilian is painful, without repent at the heart. Its wish Shi Jian is believed, it is character blame also. Its build the beauty that break number, it is correct accuse falsely also. Advance and retreat does not have demit, criterion fawn on of empty in an attempt to. Be do not provide dinner for with ghosts and gods its country with disaster, wish Shi Yuyan. So die young faints Gu disease person, make for oppressor also. Urinate again thill sow ghosts and gods. Fair say: If,in that case why? To saying: Cannot be also: The wood of mountain forest, heng Lu defends; Lustre Huan cattail, boat shark defends; The firewood evaporate that a shallow lake overgrown with wild plants, yu Hou defends. The saline clam of the sea, pray hopes to defend. The person that the county despises, enter from its politics. Force of interpose close, cruel collect its secret. Dr Chengsi, strong easy its bribe. Cloth often is not had art, ask for collect excessive; Palace room day more, excessive is happy do not violate. The concubine that bestows favor on inside, four is seized at city; The official that bestows favor on outside, overstep one's authority makes at low. Selfish desire is raised beg, do not give answer. Civilian person suffers from disease, couple all Zu. Wish beneficial also, zu also has damage. A little, photograph to the south of, aunt, You Yixi, its humanness is much also. Although its be apt to wishs, does how could get the better of the Zu of hundred million person? If gentleman is about to put to death Yu Zhu history, long heart after that but. Fair say, make have department wide politics, destroy close, go banning, thin collect, already duty.
    In December, neat Hou Tian Yupei, the person that enrol anxiety with bend, do not enter. Envoy hold, decline says: Former times the Tian Ye of my Xianjun, zhan in order to enrol a doctor, gong Yizhao person, pi Guan suppositions with enrolling person. I do not see Pi Guan, reason dare be not entered. Abandon therefore. Zhong Ni says: Defend be inferior to defending an official, of gentleman Wei.
    Qi Hou comes from cropland, yan Zi serve at quicklying stage, child You Chi and build Yan. Fair say: Occupy only with I and husband! Yan Zi is opposite: According to also be the same as also, must Yan is and? Fair say: And with be the same as different? To saying: Different. With the Yan that be like a thick soup, plum of salt of Hai of extreme misery Xi with boil cruelly oppress, of with firewood. Zai Fu mixes, neat with flavour, aid its not as good as, with discharge its pass. Gentleman feeds, in order to make the same score its heart. Jun Chen Yi Ran. Gentleman is alleged but and have deny Yan, I display its to deny in order to become its but. Gentleman is alleged deny and have but Yan, I display its to be able to go its are denied. Be with politics smooth and not dry, civilian without contend for a heart. Reason " poem " say: Yi Youhe a thick soup, already Buddhist monastic discipline is made the same score already. Zuo Gu is reticent, blown away by wind has when contend for. First the aid the five flavors of king, mix 5 times also, in order to make the same score its heart, into its politics also. Sound also is like flavour, stretch, 2 body, 3 kinds, 4 content, 5, 6 laws, 7 sound, 8 wind, 9 songs, with be being become also. Clear chaotic, small big, short long, disease Xu, dirge, firm soft, late fast, relative superiority or inferiority, discrepancy, zhou Shu, with photograph aid also. Gentleman listens, in order to make the same score its heart. The heart is smooth, heart and. Reason " poem " say: De Yin not defect. Occupy today otherwise. Gentleman is alleged but, according to Yi Yue but; Gentleman is alleged deny, occupy Yi Yue to deny. If with water aid water, who can feed? Those who be like musical instrument a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument is concentrated, who can listen? Be the same as cannot also so.
    Drink happy. Fair say: Ancient and do not have dead, its Le Re why? Yan Zi is opposite: Ancient and do not have dead, ancient happy also, does Jun He get Yan? Family name of turtledove of former times bright only then house here, season Qu so, have Feng Bailing so, cattail aunt family name so, after that big fair so. Ancient person do not have dead, of bright turtledove family name happy, the place that be not gentleman wishs also.
    Zheng Zi is produced have difficulty, call child uncle says: I am dead, child it is surely politics. Only heart person can with wide take civilian, next it would be better is fierce. Husband fire sacrificing oneself for a just cause, civilian look and of Wei, reason delicacy dead Yan. Water is cowardly, civilian be improperly familiar with and play, much deader Yan. On purpose is broad difficult. Disease a few months and soldier. Uncle is politics, cannot bear fierce and wide. Zheng Guoduo pilfer, take a person at Huan Fu lustre. Of uncle regret, say: I is early from the master, not as good as this. Xing Tubing in order to attack the pilfer of Huan Fu, all kill, pilfer stops less.
    Zhong Ni says: Be apt to! Politics wide criterion civilian slow, slow of a correct with fierce. Fierce a civilian incomplete, incomplete applies with wide. Wide with aid fierce, fierce with aid wide, politics be in order to mix. " poem " say: Civilian also fatigue stops, qi but comparatively well-off. Benefit this China, in order to peaceful all directions. Shi Zhi with wide also. Not follow from cunning, with having fine sincerely. Cruel of type check bandit, miserable not Wei bright. Of correct with fierce also. Rou Yuanneng nears, in order to decide my king. Smooth in order to mix also. Say again: Not contest not Jian , not firm not soft. Cloth politics actors or actress, 100 salary are to powerful. Mix to also.
    Reach child produce soldier, zhong Ni hears, give tears to say: Ancient involuntary discharge of urine loves also.
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