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章节: 哀公问政
书名: 孔子家语
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前-85年  至  公元后995年
视频: 哀公问政_孔子家语
音频: 哀公问政_孔子家语


  • New Sinology Title:
    Sad fair ask politics language of _ Confucius home

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Sad fair ask politics

    New Sinology BookName:
    Confucius home language

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    Sad make public politics Wu Kongzi. Confucius says: " of civil and military politics, cloth is in square plan, its person puts its politics Ning , its person dies its politics breath. Tian Daomin is unripe, humane quick politics, tunnel quick , husband politics person, cattail Bao also, wait for change in order to become, reason politics in Wu Deren, take a person with the body, ascetic with benevolence. Benevolence person, person also, Yin Yin is big; Li person, appropriate also, honour Zuo is big. The of Yin Yin , of honour Zuo wait, Die is born so also. Die person, politics this also, be with gentleman not need not cultivate one's morality. Think of cultivate one's morality, not need not thing Yin ; Think of thing Yin , need not not tell a person; Think of tell a person, need not not know a day. The Zuo path of the world has 5, its go so person 3, say, jun Chen also, father and son also, husband also, elder brother younger brother also, friend also. 5 person, the Zuo of the world, zhi Renyong 3 person, the Zuo heart of the world also. Go so person, one also. Or be born and know, or and know, or strand and know, reach its to know, one also. Or install and go, or benefit and of travel, or exert oneself and of travel, reach its to succeed, one also. " fair say: " child character is beautiful come, the sovereign originallies, can't become also. " Confucius says: " good close to wisdom, force goes close to benevolence, know close to brave, know this 3 person, knows so cultivate one's morality; Know so cultivate one's morality, knows to treat a person so; Know to treat a person so, the person that can become the world Home . " fair say: " politics its Bao this just? " Confucius says: " every the world Home has 9 Jian , say cultivate one's morality also, honour Zuo also, Yin Yin also, Jing Dachen also, Zuo group official also, child common people also, 100 labour also, soft Zuo person also, Zheng Hou Ye. Path of of husband cultivate one's morality stands, honour Zuo not be puzzled, younger brother of father and elder brothers of Zheng of Yin Yin is not complained, jing Dachen does not dizzy, Zuo group official person Die is heavy, child of common people of common people , Zuo of 100 labour uses sufficient, of of all directions of of soft Zuo person, of Wei of the world of of Zheng Hou. " fair say: " the how of ? " Confucius says: " Zuo rich dress, blame Die not , so cultivate one's morality also; Go Zhu Zuo color, Zuo Zuo and Zuo heart, so honour Zuo also; The rank of nobility its can, weigh its Dai , good with its , so Ha Yin Yin also; Guan Cheng allows to make, respect chancellery so also; Faithful letter weighs Dai , so person also; makes thin , so child common people also; Day saves lunar take an examination ofing, already Er thing, so 100 labour of also; Send to greet , fine be apt to and pity cannot, so Jian Zuo person also; Kui Jian world, Ning state, treat to manage high, face is hired with , thick and thin , so Zheng Hou Ye. Treat the world Home to have 9 Jian , its go so person, one also. Everything pleaseds stands, do not pleased , is decided before character not Zuo , beforehand decides to be not stranded, calm does not remorse before travel, is decided before the path not Fu . Falling not at going up, civilian not to be able to be gotten and be treated; has at going up, do not believe Yu You, not at going up; Believe Yu Youyou to, not Zuo at Yin , do not believe Yu You; Zuo has at Yin , the body that turn over Zheng not Zha , not Zuo at Yin ; Zha body has, unidentified at be apt to, not Zha at the body. Zha person, of the day come also; Of Zha person, the person's path also. Husband Zha nots exert oneself and in, be not thought of and get, the path in look, Long person Zuo is decided also; Of Zha person, be apt to and of solid person also. " fair say: " child teach the sovereign , dare the place that goes only then. " Confucius says: " establish from Yin only then, teach civilian harmonious also; Stand respect from Zuo only then, teach civilian Zuo also; Taught Ci Mu, and civilian Zuo has Yin ; Teach in order to respect, and civilian Zuo uses a lot. Civilian already filial piety at Yin , Zuo with Long life, place of of arrange Zheng the world cannot. " fair say: " the sovereign gets Long already this character also, cannot go if really and fault fault. "

    Slaughter my Wu Kongzi to say: " the name of my Long ghosts and gods, and do not know a Zheng , dare Yan. " Confucius says: " life has to have spirit, person, the person's Cheng Ye, the husband is born to die surely, need to death earth, this Zheng ghost, day of fetch this Zheng god, combine ghost Ning look and enjoy, teach to also. Fraud of flesh and blood at below, turn wild land, of its at going up person, this is written magically also. Long person because the essence of content, make the of , bright life ghosts and gods, with the of civilian, and in order to be not sufficient also, room of of reason Ha , Yu ancestor be or become heir to, year is fete, with Yin scanty, religion civilian turn over ancient only then, dare not forget its place by unripe also. Bao person is taken from this Long and fast Yan, teach with two-terminal, two-terminal stand already, with 2 Die , propose Yu government issue, Shu of Fan burn Li , so soul also. This teachs civilian long this, instead only then esteem , use situation up and down, of Die to also. Gentleman turns over ancient only then, do not forget its place by unripe, it is its respect as a result, its affection, do one's utmost thing, not dare not from Bao also. This Zheng teachs greatly. Former times person Wen Wangzhi hold a memorial ceremony for also, the thing is born like the thing to death, be thought of dead and not be about to be born, of the anniversary of the death of a parent needs sad, Er Zheng is like Yao , Yin offers sacrifices to faithful also, the is like Yao Yin greatly place that think of, color of Zuo of Yin of Yao of desire of hold a memorial ceremony for person, its only article king Ning . Yu cloud: "Bright does not sleep, have 2 people, Ning of Wen Wangzhi Zheng . " the tomorrow of hold a memorial ceremony for, bright does not sleep, have 2 people, respect and send, and think of, the day Ning of hold a memorial ceremony for sad half, of Zuo surely , already came surely sad, the affection of the dutiful son also, article king can get. "
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