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  • New Sinology Title:
    Roll _ of jail of 4 · bring a case to court young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Roll jail of 4 · bring a case to court

    New Sinology BookName:
    Young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Catalog:
    The country learns illuminative

    New Sinology Content:

    Common people buts where there is injustice, the sage is with having bring a case to court expensive. There is compensate punishment on advocate, embellish of joist poplar rain; Injustice does not have below civilian, lobar stone wind is clear. Although jail is blessing hall, and the Yi Ke that paint the land is jail. With person compose bring a case to court, say of horn of rat tooth sparrow contend for; Malefactor moan, have grab the ground to sigh of the day miserable.

    Bi elk bandog and can defend, reason jail door draws the contrast of Bi elk; Be pricked outside spine wood and in straight, reason hearing is under spine wood. The department that countryside wells balanced has a bank, the department of the imperial court has case, who dare violate the law and commit crimes; The dead cannot resurgent, punishment person cannot answer add, be duped former condition convictions. Jail is Zhou Yu, business prison is in Li . Of fetters and handcuffs set, of malefactor you arrest; In Lei Xie, do not have virtuous person bad luck. Two contend for do not put, calling sandpiper mussel be locked in a stalemate; Innocent embroil, calling pool fish fall victim.
    Please fair enter earthen jar, zhou Xing makes its evil oneself; Get off sob blame, summerly Yu Shen is painful its civilian. Good bring a case to court says be good at bring a case to court, hang solicit involve in a criminal case. For person breath bring a case to court, call commentate confused; Be grown bad luck, calling impute. Apprentice matchs city day, dispatch defend is to ask army. 3 feet are the law of the imperial court, 3 wood are the punishment of malefactor.
    Gu Zhi the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China, chinese ink, cutting off the nose, , palace, capital punishment; Today law exemple, cane, bastinado, capital crime, apprentice, flow. Go up to cut Mu Weili in ancient times, the Chun Fengan now is in; Tang Taizong vertical convict puts in jail 's charge, the sincere letter of the ancients is laudable. The flower falls between front courtyard of bring a case to court, careless unripe jail is static, why is the song treated easily civilian between; Official from ice stand, the person goes in lens, eulogy Lu Huan folds the Qing Dynasty of jail. Treat random medicines and stone needles for acupuncture-remedies it is thus clear that, penalty is attached most importance to; Promote smooth bridge pork,
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