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章节: 不苟篇第三
书名: 荀子
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前222年  至  公元后413年
视频: 不苟篇第三_荀子
音频: 不苟篇第三_荀子


  • New Sinology Title:
    Clean-fingered a Xun Zi of the 3rd _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Clean-fingered piece the 3rd

    New Sinology BookName:
    Xun Zi

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    Gentleman travel is not costly Gou Nan, say examine of not expensive careless, not expensive careless passes the name, only its become for expensive. Reason conceives negative stone and cast a river, it is the person be a hard job to of travel also, and explain apprentice Di Nengzhi; However gentleman is not expensive person, in incivility justice also. "Shan Yuanping " , "Heaven and earth is compared " , "Qi Qin is raided " , "Enter ear, beyond mouth " , "The hook has beard " , "Egg hairiness " , it is the saying person that hold hard also, and benefit applies Deng Xi can. However gentleman is not expensive person, in incivility justice also. Pilfer Zhi is had an insatiable desire for fierce, fame is like life, with Shun Yu all is passed and do not cease; However gentleman is not expensive person, in incivility justice also. Friend says: Gentleman travel is not costly Gou Nan, say examine of not expensive careless, not expensive careless passes the name, only its become for expensive. The poem says: "Its have thing, alone meantime. " this call also.

    Gentleman knows easily and difficult be improperly familiar with, yi Ju and difficult coerce, wei suffers from and do not avoid justice dead, desire benefit and do not be not for place, hand in close and unlike, character argue and not demit, swing swing its have with different Yu Shiye.
    Gentleman can also good, cannot also good; Lilliputian can Yi Chou, cannot Yi Chou. Gentleman can be good-tempered Yi Zhi with leaving person, cannot deferential Jun inadequates with Wei thing person; Lilliputian can haughty be proud out-of-the-way is violated with arrogant excessive person, cannot criterion be jealous of complains slander with capsize person. Friend says: Gentleman can criterion person Rong Xueyan, cannot criterion the person is happy those who accuse; Lilliputian can criterion person cheap learns Yan, cannot criterion person be ashamed accuses. The cent that is gentleman Lilliputian also.
    Gentleman is wide and not , cheap and not cut, argue and do not contend for, examine and do not stimulate, erect and deeply, firm and not cruel, soft do not flow thereby, respect is careful and look. The husband is call to civil. The poem says: "Wen Wengong's person, alone De Zhiji. " this call also.
    Gentleman esteems the person's heart, the beauty of raise person, blame flatter also; Justice points to continuously, of a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties over- , blame destroy defect also; Character personal light is beautiful, draft Yu Shunyu, enter Yu Tian ground, be not boast birth also; With when Qu Shen, reed of Rou Congre cattail, the cowardly that be not be awed also; Doughty fierce firm, place of blown away by wind is not believed, blame arrogant is cruel also; With justice change should, know to become reason of right and wrong also. The poem says: "Zun Zhi is left, of gentleman appropriate; Right right, gentleman has. " this character gentleman with justice Qu Xin changes should reason also.
    Gentleman as person of low position turn over also: Gentleman big heart respects a day and, caution criterion Wei justice and section; Know criterion bright connect and kind, I carries Que and law; See You Zegong and stop, see Bi Zejing and neat; Happy criterion is mixed and manage, care is static and manage; General rule Wen Erming, be made an appointment with thoroughly and detailed. Lilliputian criterion otherwise: Big heart is slow and cruel, caution criterion excessive and bend; Know a seize pilfer and gradually, I criterion poisonous thief and random; See by criterion add and haughty, see shut be complained and danger; Happy event is light and Long , care criterion defeat and be awed; General rule arrogant and slant, be abandoned thoroughly and . Pass: "Gentleman two into, lilliputian two useless. " this call also.
    Gentleman is treated, blame treat chaos also. Does how call unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease? Say: Of ceremony justice call treat, of incivility justice call random also. Reason gentleman person, the person that treat ceremony justice also, be not the person that treat incivility justice also. Will chaos of country ining that case not treat with? Say: The country is random and those who treat person, be not case chaos and treat call also. Go random and by in order to treat. Person corrupt and repair person, blame case corrupt and Xiu Zhizhi calls also, decontamination and Yi Zhi in order to repair. Die random and rather than treats chaos also, decontamination and rather than is repaired corrupt also. Those who treat for the name, still say gentleman is treat and not be chaos, to repair and be corrupt also.
    Gentleman Jian its body and the person that be the same as Yan closes, be apt to its character kind of Yan person answer. Reason horse cries and Ma Yingzhi, lowing and Niu Yingzhi, blame know also, its like that also. Reason new bath person Zhen Jiyi, xin Mu person play its coronal, the person's affection also. Its who can with of oneself, the person that suffer of the person!
    Gentleman raises Yu Cheng of heart Mo Shan, send sincere do not have its thing. Of alone benevolence to defend, of alone justice to go. Sincere Shou Renze form, form is magical, the god can be changed. In earnest travel justice manages, manage criterion bright, bright can change. Metabolic generation is promoted, calling day heart. Day not character and the person pushs its Gao Yan, the ground not character and the person pushs his thick Yan, the four seasons not character and Yan of common people period. This has the husband constant, down to its sincere person also. Gentleman comes heart, hey however analogy, was not applied and kiss, not angry and power: This arranges the husband life, with careful its alone person also. The be person of be apt to, not sincere criterion not only, not only criterion not form, not although form criterion is made at the heart, see at color, stem from character, civilian You Re not from also; Although from surely doubt. Heaven and earth is big, not sincere cannot change everythings on earth; Emperor knows artificially, not sincere cannot change 10 thousand civilian; Father and son is kiss, not sincere scanty; It is on gentleman honour, not sincere criterion low. Husband sincere person, the place of gentleman is defended also, and of government affairs this also, be resided only with its kind to. Hold get, abandon break. What hold and get is light, go gently alone, go alone and do not abandon, criterion aid. Aid and material is used up, grow change and do not turn over its first, be changed.
    Gentleman honour and annals respectful, the heart is little and the way is old; What listen the person that inspect close, and what hear the person that see far. Be He Xie? Do tactics like that also. Reason the affection of 10 thousand people of 1000 people, the affection of one person also. Heaven and earth only then person, now is also. The path of 100 king, hind king be also. The Wang Zhi after gentleman careful, and before talking 100 king, if carry,be done obeisance to and discuss. Turn the interconnected system of ceremony justice, separate the branch of dispute, of total the world should, those who rule within the country is numerous, if make one person. Reason holds cover to make an appointment with, and job cover is big. 5 inches quadrature, those who use up the world is square also. Reason gentleman does not leave room hall, and the affection of within the country lifts the person that accumulate this, do tactics like that also.
    Have person person, have fair person person, have straight person person, the person that have Que person, have the person that a person of low position. Go up criterion can honour gentleman, fall to be able to cherish his fellow citizen, content comes and answer, the thing rises and differentiate, if criterion it may be said is connected person. No less than comparing go up with Zuo , do not go up to fall with disease together, cent is contended for at in, not with illicit kill, if criterion it may be said is fair person. The strong point of the body, although do not know,go up, not in order to be contrary to gentleman; The place of the body is short, although do not know,go up, do not admire in order to take; Accident is not acted the role of, with affection from exhaust, if criterion it may be said is straight person. Need character is believed surely, commonplace needs all right Shen Zhi, wei law prevalent custom, and not dare with its place alone very, if criterion Que of it may be said person. Character is fugacious letter, travel is fugacious chastity, only benefit place, without place not bend, if criterion it may be said as person of low position.
    Fair unripe bright, slant unripe Zuo , upright Que is unripe, cheat bogus gives birth to a place of strategic importance, sincere letter gives birth to a god, boast is born be puzzled. This 6 person that be born, gentleman Shen Zhi, and Yu Jie is divided so also.
    Desire evil the authority that accept or reject: See its but desire also, need around Lv its are abhorrent also person; See its but benefit also, need its can kill around Lv also person, and those who hold authority concurrently, of what plan, decide next its desire evil accept or reject. So criterion constant not fall. Suffer from laicly, those who slant also. See its but desire also, criterion not Lv its are abhorrent also person; See its but benefit also, criterion not its can kill Lv also person. Be need in order to move defect, to need disgrace, be slant suffer from also.
    The person's place is evil person, I also evil. Husband riches and honour person, criterion kind be proud; Husband poor and lowly person, beg soft. The affection of dispute benevolence person also, it is serpent general with pilfer name at world person also, danger is greatest Yan. Friend says: Pilfer name is inferior to pilfer goods.  of Tian Zhong history is inferior to pilfer also.
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