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章节: 王言解
书名: 孔子家语
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前-248年  至  公元后1047年
视频: 王言解_孔子家语
音频: 王言解_孔子家语

  • New Sinology Title:
    Wang Yan sees sign of _ Confucius home

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Wang Yan is solved

    New Sinology BookName:
    Confucius home language

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    Confucius Zuo is resided, ever serve. Confucius says: " , today gentleman, only the character of person Dr Ning but Long also. To the character at gentleman person, hope also. At, I with Wang Yan, its do not give to window and change the world. " Ceng Zi rises, leave place and says: " dare why Zheng Wang Zhiyan? " Confucius not , ceng Zi says: " the Zuo of serve master also, Zuo , be with dare . " Confucius not . Ceng Zi Man however , garment and retreat, Zuo banquet and stand. Have Zuo , confucius ceases, Zuo Zheng Ceng Zi says: " , ru Ke Zha the path Ning of bright king? " Ceng Zi says: " blame dare with sufficient also, Zha because of place Long Yan. " child say: " house, my Zha you. The person that the husband, so Ming Deye. Heart person, so honour path also. Be in order to be not heart path not honour, blame morality is unidentified. Zuo has the fine Zuo of , do not take with its path multiply, can not in. Zuo has rich ground Bao civilian, do not treat with its path, can not send Xiang Yu the Conqueror. Hereat former times person bright king is repaired 7 religion, dilettante 3 to, 7 religion long like that after can be defended, 3 to row like that after can be asked for. Bright Wang Zhi, its are defended also discounts Xiao a long distance surely besides, its ask for to need on Xi Zhi of Zuo Ren. Friend says is repaired 7 religion, and go up not ; Dilettante 3 to, and Zuo not Zuo . This Zheng bright Wang Zhi also. " Ceng Zi says: " not not the Zheng of Zuo bright king, can you get Long ? " Confucius says: " former times person Shun Zunyu of the Supreme Being and right Gao Tao, do not leave place and the world is treated, the husband is such, he Shangzhi . Politics rough, jun Zhi suffers from also, make be no good, official's blame also. If be 11 and Die , with civilian force, not Zuo 3 days, the that enter hill with its , and ask forring, Zuo of Zuo Zhu city, neither receives Zuo , this gives birth to the road of Zuo , and of bright king Geng , why the Zuo of Zuo ? " Ceng Zi says: " dare why Zheng 7 religion? " Confucius says: " on respect filial piety of the beneficial below old , the beneficial below honour Zuo loves and respect for his elder brother on, applies of the beneficial below on, Yin Zuo leaves friend on, below superior heart not Zuo , Zuo issues on, cheap Zhu issues Geng on, this Zheng 7 religion. The 7 person that teach, treat civilian this also. Politics teach calm, this also. The every person that go up, civilian express also, express why content is frame-up. Hereat person gentleman establishs Ren Wuji first, like that after doctor faithful and person letter, uncut jade of civilian honest common, male and female Zuo , 6 person, teach send also. All directions of cloth Zheng the world and do not complain, room of Chang Zhi of Ji Zheng and do not fill in, wait with Die , stand with Li , of travel with Zuo , the of civilian, be like the Guan Xueyan of . " Ceng Zi says: " path comes, child can't bright. " Confucius says: " does stop with aunt? Have Yan again. Former times person bright Wang Zhi is treated civilian also, the law splits the land surely with Feng Zhi, cent with manage, like that Zuo of place of after Zuo civilian , dog days of mob institute. Make have what department day is saved and takes an examination of, Zuo uses Zuo fine, retreat Zuo to unworthy, like that Zuo person and of the person that unworthy. Ability of filial piety of Fu of Zuo of of Gu of sad Zuo few, Zuo , compensate, Zha , Zuo . This 7 person long, the of the four seas, punishment civilian. Below the Yin that go up also, be like brothers at true thoughts and feelings. On the Yin below also, the Wu Ci's mother that is like the youngest son. Fluctuation photograph Yin is such, reason makes , apply travel, civilian its heart, close person is taken, Zuo person is added, politics send also. Husband cloth points to know inch, cloth hand knows rule, easy ancon knows , this not the of Zuo also. make, in 300 paces , well of 1000 paces , mitsui and Lie, lie 3 and quadrature, 50 lis and seal, a hunderd li and have , Zuo of Er of blessing you begs Yan, the person that compensate goes has die. Be with summer of Xiao exterminate Zheng , Zuo hat and clothes is different, character Zha shoulds not, Zuo of of there's no one who doesn't or isn't. Friend says city and civilian there is no lack of, punishment and civilian not . Cropland overspreads a retrievable arrow with a string attached to it, blame in order to be filled with room also. Common people of of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, blame in order to be filled with government office also. Da is not worth with Xuan , Die Geng has Zuo with , be believed more and few appearance. Its Die can be defended, its character but Fu, its Zuo can be walked on. Be like Zuo and feed, like thirsty Zuo . Civilian of the letter, be like cold hot weather surely Zuo . Reason Yao Zuo is like Zuo , blame path Zuo also, Yao Ming Deye. Hereat arms change not and power, be not applied with benefit and Yin , its benefit of Qu civilian , bright Wang Zhi defends this Zheng , besides a thousand li that fold Xiao person also. " Ceng Zi says: " dare why Zheng 3 to? " Confucius says: " to Die not Zhu and the world is treated, to Zuo not Zuo and day corporal , to Long the world civilian and. Bright king Ha goes 3 to, the gentleman of friend the world, can be gotten and know, of the world person, can be gotten and official, of the world civilian, can be gotten and use. " Ceng Zi says: " dare this Li why Zheng ? " Confucius says: " Gu Zheming king, need Bao tells the world the name of fine person, know its name already, know its again, know its again, reach its to be in Yan. Like that after because the rank of nobility of the world with honour, this Zheng comes Die not Zhu and the world is treated. The Dai because of the world with rich the world person, this Zheng comes Zuo not Zuo and the person of the world. Such, of the world civilian, yan of renown Zhu Ning , this Zheng of to Long the world civilian and. Friend says: "Of place Zheng the world to benevolence person, can join the world to Yin also. Of place Zheng the world to bright person, can of Ning the world to Zuo person also. " this 3 person salty, like that after can be asked for. Hereat benevolence person greatest person, wisdom person greatest know Zuo , Zuo politics person greatest luscious. Have earthy gentleman, repair this 3 person, the of the four seas, offer a lot just. What bright Wang Zhi asks for the husband, the place that surely person also, hereat Mr Zha its gentleman and change its politics, its civilian and not its Zuo . Reason bright Wang Zhi politics, of rain fall, fall to civilian . Hereat applies rich all right, Bao of the that get Yin on Xi Zhi of this Ren of Zheng Zuo . "

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