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章节: 正名篇第二十二
书名: 荀子
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前-393年  至  公元后256年
视频: 正名篇第二十二_荀子
音频: 正名篇第二十二_荀子
  异形离心交喻,异物名实玄纽,贵贱不明,同异不别;如是,则志必有不喻之患 ,而事必有困废之祸。故知者为之分别制名以指实,上以明贵贱,下以辨同异。贵贱明,同异别,如是则志无不喻之患,事无困废之祸,此所为有名也。
  君子之言,涉然而精,俛然而类,差差然而齐。彼正其名,当其辞 ,以务白其志义者也。彼名辞也者,志义之使也,足以相通,则舍之矣。苟之,奸也。故名足以指实,辞足以见极,则舍之矣。外是者,谓之讱,是君子之所弃,而愚者拾以为己宝。故愚者之言,芴然而粗,啧然而不类,誻誻然而沸,彼诱其名,眩其辞,而无深于其志义者也。故穷借而无极,甚劳而无功,贪而无名。故知者之言也,虑之易知也,行之易安也,持之易立也,成则必得其所好,而不遇其所恶焉。而愚者反是。诗曰:“为鬼为蜮,则不可得。有腼面目,视人罔极。作此好歌,以极反侧。”此之谓也。

  • New Sinology Title:
    a Xun Zi of the 22nd _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    renown piece the 22nd

    New Sinology BookName:
    Xun Zi

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    Wang Zhi becomes famous after: Punishment name from business, name of the rank of nobility from, article name from the ceremony, medicinal powder the person be added at everythings on earth of the name, criterion the music becoming custom from Zhu Xia period, the countryside of distance different common,
    Medicinal powder of the name in the person person: Unripe like that person calling sex; Place of sexual the sum is strange, essence of life adds up to an induction, not thing and the sex that calls naturally. Good, evil, happy event of the gender, anger, sad, Le Weizhi affection. Affection however the heart does it the Lv that choose calls. Heart Lv and can move calling bogus for it; Lv accumulates Yan, can Xi Yan, become calling puppet after that. benefit and the thing to call. Justice and the travel to call. Know so in the person person call know; Know those who call to close somewhat wisdom. So can in the person person call can; Can close somewhat call can. The gender hurts calling disease. The section receives calling order: It is to come loose of the name in the person person also, be hind Wang Zhi becomes famous also.
    Of reason Wang Zhe make a name, the name is decided and solid differentiate, path go and annals is connected, criterion careful rate civilian and one Yan. Arrogate to oneself of reason analyse demit makes a name, with chaos renown, make civilian interrogative, bring a case to court of person much differentiate, the great illicit sexual relations that calls. The blame that its blame still is magnanimity of accord with section also. Reason its civilian Mo Gan is held in the palm for strange demit with chaos renown, reason its civilian Que; Que makes easily, make easily fair. Its civilian Mo Gan is held in the palm for strange demit with chaos renown, reason one Yu Daofa, and make at abide sincerely. So criterion its mark is lasting. Slash long meritorious service is become, treat extremely also. It is the work that arranges at defending a name sincerely also. Today holy king is done not have, the name is defended slow, strange demit rises, renown fact is random, the form of dispute is unidentified, criterion although abide by the law official, song counts Confucianism, also all random also. If Wang Zhe rises, be sure to have follow at old name, have Yu Xinming. Place ining that case is famous, with place predestined relationship in order to be the same as different, want with the center that makes a name, cannot not examine also.
    Abnormity is centrifugal make analogy, black tie of eyewinker name fact, gentle and simple is unidentified, do not fasten with different; So, criterion annals has surely not Yu Zhi suffers from, and the thing has the disaster that abandons tiredly surely. The person that reason knows makes a name respectively for it in order to point to solid, go up with bright gentle and simple, fall to be the same as different with differentiate. Gentle and simple bright, fasten with different, so criterion Yu Zhi of annals all without exception suffers from, the thing does not have the disaster that abandons tiredly,
    He Yuan ining that case and in order to be the same as different? Say: Along weather official. Every is congener sympathizer, meaning content also is the same as its Tian Guanzhi. The doubt of reason example is like and connect, be so in all its make an appointment with a name with photograph period also. Body, color manages with eye different; An ancient wind instrument of sound clear chaotic, attune, strange sound with ear different; Pleasant, suffering, salty, weak, laborious, acerbity, strange flavour with buccal different; Sweet, smelly, fragrance, of gloomy, raw meat or fish, foul smell, leakage, strange smelly with nose different; Disease, urticant, , hot, slippery, Beryllium, light, heavy with body different; Say, reason, happy event, anger, sad, happy, love, evil, desire with heart different. The heart has proof know. Proof know, know sound along ear but also, the predestined relationship looks and know form but also. Ask for those who know to be sure to wait for weather official however when book its kind, next but also. Of facial features book and do not know, heart ask forring knows and do not have say, criterion person there's no one who doesn't or isn't calls like that do not know. This predestined relationship and in order to be the same as different also.
    Be followed next and of the life, be the same as together, of different criterion different. Odd enough analogy is odd, odd can't Yu Zejian; Sheet and hold the photograph that do not have place concurrently to avoid criterion in all; Although be in all,be killed. The different name of the person that know different fact also, name of different of there's no one who doesn't or isn't of the person that incident makes surprise real also, cannot random also,
    Although reason everythings on earth is numerous, from time to time is about to have those who lift, the content that friend says; Content also person, big in all renown also. Push and in all, have in all in all, as to without stop next in all. From time to time is about to slant those who lift, the birds and beasts that friend says. Birds and beasts also person, big alias also. Push and fasten, do not have not, as to without do not come next.
    The name does not have solid appropriate, make an appointment with with the life, the appropriate that established by usage calls, what different calls at making an appointment with is unfavorable. The name does not have solid fact, make an appointment with with life fact, established by usage, calling real name. The name has solid kind, way is easy and not stroke, name of calling be apt to.
    The person that content has with shape different place, discrepant shape and the person that be the same as place, can fasten also. The person that shape is the same as and be different place, although can close, those who call is solid. Shape changes and solid without the person that fasten and be different, call change. Have change and do not have not, call one of fact. This matter check solid destiny also. The center that this makes a name wants also. Wang Zhi becomes famous after, cannot not examine also.
    "See bully not disgrace " , "The sage does not love oneself " , "The blame that kill pilfer commits murder also " , this be puzzled at using a name with random name person also. The place of check is famous, and watch its what travel, can ban. "Shan Yuanping " , "Passional few " , "Haying Huan does not augment of one's own accord, big clock is not added happy " , this be puzzled at using solid, with random name person also. The place predestined relationship of check in order to be the same as different, and watch its what key, can ban. "Be not and call on principle columns of a hall " , "Oxen and hores-beeasts of burden is not Ma Ye, " this be puzzled at using a name with random fact person also. The name of check is made an appointment with, be sufferred with its, be contrary to its place demit, can ban.
    Fan Xie says the author of from correct path arrogate to oneself of monarch character, all without exception kind at 3 be puzzled person. Reason Ming Jun knows his to divide and not with differentiate also. Husband civilian is easy one in order to, and cannot with in all reason. Reason Ming Jun faces with , of the path in order to, shen Zhi with the life, zhang Zhi in order to talk, those who ban with punishment. Of reason civilian change also be like a god, differentiate says evil with! Today holy king is done not have, the world chaos, evil character rises, gentleman does not have with facing, without punishment with banning, reason differentiate says also. Solid not analogy, next life, life not analogy, next period, period not analogy, say next, say not analogy, next differentiate. Differentiate of reason period life says also person, used big language also, and Wang Yezhi only then also. The name is heard and solid analogy, of the name with also. Tired and existing writings, of the name beautiful also. Get with beautiful all, those who call is famous. Renown also person, so period tired fact also. Demit also person, the name of fact holding different concurrently in order to discuss one idea also. Differentiate says also person, not the path of different real name with analogy activity also. Period life also person, differentiate says with also. Differentiate says also person, the elephant of the heart also. Heart also person, the labour of the path is slaughtered also. Path also person, treated director also. The heart closes at, bring two parties together at the heart, demit closes at saying. renown and period, be asked character and analogy, differentiate different and nevertheless, push kind and do not be contrary to. Listen to close civil, differentiate uses up reason. With correct path differentiate evil, still bring a cord in order to hold right and wrong. Hereat fallacy cannot random, a hunderd schools does not have a change. Have hold <> concurrently those who listen bright, and the look of the act vigorously that do not have pity; Have those who hold Fu concurrently is thick, and the color of the heart that do not have cut down. Say travel criterion the world, say to be no good a moon's path and dark is poor. The differentiate that is a sage says also. The poem says: " of Zuo Zuo , if an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions is like a jade tablet, your Wen Lingwang, younger brother gentleman, all directions is key link. " this call also.
    The section of politely decline is gotten, grow to be straightened less; Abstain from asymmetry, Dai demit does not go out. Say with benevolence heart, listen in order to learn a heart, with fair heart differentiate. Do not move the blame of everybody praise, do not control the information of the person that watch, not Lu is expensive person authority , adverse the demit of the person that pass monarch. Reason can be in and not two, fie and do not seize, benefit and do not flow, expensive just and cheap low is contended for, be person the differentiate of gentleman says also. The poem says: "Long night is overflowed, yong Saiqian, big Gu Zhi is not slow, of ceremony justice do not fault, he Xuren's character! " this call also.
    The character of gentleman, experience however essence of life, however kind, poor difference however neat. Those its name, when its demit, with Wu Bai Jizhi justice person also. Those name demit also person, of annals justice make also, enough is interlinked, abandon. Gou Zhi, evil also. Enough points to friend name solid, demit enough sees extremely, abandon. It is outside person, calling Zhu , the place that is gentleman is abandoned, and I person pick up think personal treasure. Reason I person character, fluorene however thick, click of the tongue however not kind, Zha Zha however boil, those lures its name, bewildered its demit, and without deep Yu Jizhi justice person also. Reason end borrows and do not have extremely, very work fruitlessly, corrupt and anonymous. The character of the person that reason knows also, the Yi Zhi of Lv also, the Yi An of travel also, held Yi Li also, into must its place is good, and do not encounter its place evil Yan. And I person it is instead. The poem says: "It is Yu for ghost, cannot get. Have Mian look, inspect a person not extremely. Make this good song, with extremely turn over side. " this call also.
    Every language is treated and wait for go desire person, without strand with path desire at having desire person also. The person that every language is treated and wait for few desire, without strand with section desire at how desire person also. Have do not be about to have desire, alien also, life and death also, blame treat chaos also. Desire few, alien also, of affection also, blame treat chaos also. Desire prep before can be gotten, and the person that beg from place but. Desire prep before can be gotten, be sufferred day also; The person that beg from place but, be sufferred heart also. Be sufferred one of days desire, make suffer at place of the heart, solid is difficult kind be sufferred day also. The person's place is about to be born very, of the person evil dead very; However the person has from generate the dead, blame not be about to be born and be about to die also, can not be born and can die also. Reason is about to pass and move not as good as, the heart stops also. The place of the heart but in manage, criterion desire although much, why to hurt at treating? Desire not as good as and had moved, the heart makes also. The place of the heart can lose put in order, criterion desire although few, xi Zhi at chaos? The place that reason governs chaos to depend on a heart but, die the place at affection desire. Its seat that does not seek, and its place that demand dies, although say,I get, break.
    Quality person, of the day also; Affection person, of the gender qualitative also; Desire person, of affection should also. It is what can be gotten and beg with place desire, the place of affection needs unavoidable also. Think but and of the path, know place to go out surely also. Although reason is keep goal, desire cannot go, of the gender also. Although be the emperor, desire cannot use up. Desire although cannot be used up, can use up nearly also. Desire although cannot go, beg but section also. Although place desire cannot be used up, the person that beg still is used up nearly; Desire although cannot go, be begged must not, lv person desire the section is begged also. The person that, into use up nearly, retreat a section to beg, the world Mozhi if also.
    Laic there's no one who doesn't or isn't from its place but, and go its place cannot. Known Mozhi if also, and not from the person that, not have have also. False somebody and desire south, without many; And evil north, without few, it is a husband south cannot use up also, from south go and north goes also! Today person place desire, without many; Place is evil, without few, it is a husband of place desire cannot use up also, leave desire path, and take place evil also! Reason can and from, of Xi Yi caustic and random? Cannot and leave, of Xi Yiyi and treat? The person that reason knows is talked just, the person that the place that small precious says wishs all declines. Laic extraction also, place desire have not pure and come also; Its go also, place is evil have not pure and toward also. Old friend is not had move and not need not with authority all. Judge frame-up, heavy county at admiring, and the person feels light; Light county at , and the person feels heavy; This person so be puzzled at weight also. Authority is frame-up, criterion disaster is held in the palm at desire, and the person thinks blessing; Blessing is held in the palm at evil, and the person thinks disaster; This also person so be puzzled at misfortune good fortune also. The person that, gu Jinzhi is counterpoising also; Leave and inside from choose, the place that does not know misfortune good fortune is held in the palm. Easy person, with one easy one, the person says: Do not have so that also do not have funeral also, with one easy 2, the person says: Do not have funeral and have also. With two easy one, the person says: Be not had and have funeral also. Plan person take place much, the person that seek from place but. With two easy one, person Mo Zhi is, bright its number also. From and go out, still with one easy two also, why funeral! Leave and inside from choose, be still with two easy one also, why to get! Its are tired of hundred years desire, easy temporarily ill will, like that and do it, unidentified its number also.
    Have the attempt watchs its concealed greatly and difficult person: Annals manages gently and not clog person, those who not have have also; Outside clog and not inside care person, those who not have have also; Leave the person that manage and high nothing more than all right, not have have also; High outside and not inside the person that fear, not have have also. Heart care fears, the mouth holds haying Huan and do not know its ingredient, ear listens to the bell is roused and do not know its sound, visual decorative pattern and do not tell its state, warm gently make the same score Dian and install doesn't body know his. Reason to everythings on earth beautiful and cannot also. False and and of , cannot leave also. Reason to everythings on earth beautiful and Cheng You, hold the beauty of everythings on earth concurrently and fill kill, such person, its try thing also, preserve one's health also? Congee birthday also? Reason is about to raise its desire and vertical its affection, be about to raise its sex and high its form, be about to raise its happy and attack its heart, be about to raise its name and random its go, such person, although seal Hou Chenjun, its and husband pilfer are not had with different; Wear Jian by a small room, its and without sufficient without with different. The husband is call with oneself be content battle.
    The heart makes the same score cheerful, lubricious not as good as commission and can raise eye, sound not as good as commission and can raise ear, a thick soup of cooked food dish and can raise a mouth, the garment of Zuo cloth, the carry out of Zuo Ji , and can raise put oneself in another's position. Shade of bureau room, reed, draft straws mat or mattress, our machine banquet, and can raise form. Although reason does not have the beauty of everythings on earth and can raise happy, list without and can raise a name. So and add the world Yan, its are the world much, its illicit is happy little. The husband is call other people of heavy oneself service.
    The character of unfounded, the travel that disappear, not Wen Zhimou, gentleman Shen Zhi.

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