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章节: 天论篇第十七
书名: 荀子
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前-251年  至  公元后607年
视频: 天论篇第十七_荀子
音频: 天论篇第十七_荀子


  • New Sinology Title:
    The day talks a Xun Zi of the seventeenth _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    The day is talked piece the seventeenth

    New Sinology BookName:
    Xun Zi

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    The day has all right constant, do not be Yao Cun, do not die for the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty. Answer in order to treat an auspicious, answer with chaos fierce. Strong this and husband, criterion day cannot deficient; When raise equipment and be being moved, criterion day cannot ill; Ascetic and not two, criterion day cannot disaster. The be hungry that reason water drought cannot make, the disease that cold hot weather cannot make, what Xian cannot make quite is fierce. This barren and with wasteful, criterion what the day cannot make is rich; Raise slightly and move rarely, criterion what the day cannot make is complete; Times and absurd goes, criterion the auspicious that the day cannot make. Reason water drought did not come and be hungry, cold hot weather is not poor and disease, xian did not come quite and fierce - - when sufferring, be the same as with times of peace and prosperity, and disaster disaster and different of times of peace and prosperity, can not blame a weather, its like that also. Reason the cent of bright Yutian's person, criterion it may be said comes person.

    Be and become, be not begged and get, the husband is call bounden duty. So person, although deep, its person does not add Lv Yan; Although big, do not add can Yan; Although essence of life, do not add examine Yan, the husband is call not to contend for duty with the day. The day has meantime, the ground has its money, the person has his to treat, the husband is call can join. Abandon its to be joined so, and wish its are joined, criterion be puzzled.
    Row star is followed come back, life is given according to, four timeses drive, yin and yang is changed greatly, harships rich is applied, everythings on earth is gotten each its and in order to be born, each get its to raise in order to become, do not see its thing, and see its result, the husband is call god. All know its to be become so, mo Zhi its are aeriform, the husband is call weather meritorious service. Only the sage is not curious day.
    Bounden duty stands already, weather meritorious service is become already, form provide and the god is unripe, zang Yan of feeling of likes and dislikes, the husband is call weather situation. Information nose degree of lip-rounding can have each receive and not can also, the husband is call weather official. Empty of heart be placed in the middle, in order to treat facial features, the husband is call Tian Jun. Money is not his kind in order to raise its kind, the husband is call the day is raised. Arrange its kind person calling blessing, go against its kind person calling disaster, the husband is call day politics. Dark its Tian Jun, random its weather official, abandon its day to raise, go against its day politics, carry its weather situation on the back, with funeral weather meritorious service, the husband is call big fierce. The wise man is quiet its Tian Jun, its weather official, have its day is raised, arrange its day politics, raise its weather situation, with complete its weather meritorious service. So, know its place to be, know its place to be; Criterion official of heaven and earth and battle of everythings on earth. Its travel music is treated, its raise Qu Kuo, its are born to be not hurt, the husband is call know a day.
    Reason is in place opportunely greatly, big wisdom in place not Lv. Place annals Yu Tian person, already what its see an elephant is OK period person; Place annals at the ground person, already its see the person can cease of appropriate: Place annals at the four seasons person, already what its see number is OK thing person; Place annals at yin and yang person, already its see the mixed person that can treat. Government-owned person observes a day, and to defend oneself also.
    Treat chaos, tian Xie? Say: All previous of luck of the heavenly bodies, the place that is Yu Jie is the same as also, yu Yizhi, the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty with chaos; Day of the blame that treat chaos also.
    When unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease? Say: Numerous open luxuriant to grow Yu Chunxia, cultivate accumulating receives Zang Yuqiu winter, the place that is Yu Jie is the same as also, yu Yizhi, When the blame that treat chaos also.
    Ground evil? Say: The land is raw, lost territory is dead, be Yu Jie's place is the same as also, yu Yizhi, the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty with chaos; Ground of the blame that treat chaos also. The poem says: "The day makes a high mountain, of king barren. Those is made, of Wen Wangkang. " this call also.
    The aversion to cold that the day is not a person also stops winter, the evil distance that the ground is not a person also stops wide, the chest chest that gentleman is not Lilliputian also stops row. The day has constant way, the ground has constant, gentleman has constant system. Gentleman its constant, and Lilliputian plan its result. The poem says: "Of ceremony justice do not fault, he Xuren's character! " this call also.
    Hunan queen car 1000 by, blame know also; Gentleman sip beans waters, blame I also; It is a section like that also. If husband annals meaning is repaired, the mitzvah is thick, know Lv bright, unripe nowadays and annals ancient, it is its in me person also. Reason gentleman respects his to be in oneself person, and not its are in admire day person; Its are in Lilliputian fault oneself person, and its are in admire day person. Gentleman respects his to be in oneself person, and not its are in admire day person, be enter with day also; Its are in Lilliputian fault oneself person, and its are in admire day person, be retreat with day also. Reason gentleman day is entered, with Lilliputian day is retreated, one also. Gentleman as person of low position photograph county person, in this ear.
    Astral group wood cries, compatriots all fears. Say: Be He Ye? Say: Without He Ye! Be heaven and earth change, of yin and yang change, the person that the rarely of content comes also. Strange, but also; And of Wei, blame also. Of husband life have corrode, of harships often, the party of strange star sees, it is seldom without the world those who have. Go up bright and politics smooth, although,be and the world rises, without the injury also; Go up Zuo and politics danger, although do not have the person that come,be, profitless also. The team of husband star, mu Zhiming, be heaven and earth change, of yin and yang change, the person that the rarely of content comes also; Strange, but also; And of Wei, blame also.
    The person already came of content, person Xian criterion but Wei also: hurts sow n cultivated land, weedings hoe break year old, politics danger is broken civilian; Cropland Shu sow is evil, buy in is expensive civilian be hungry, road has a the dead: The husband is call person Xian. Government order is unidentified, lift a fault often, skill is paid no attention to, exert oneself force often, criterion photograph of oxen and hores-beeasts of burden is unripe, domestic animals makes Xian: The husband is call person Xian. Ceremony justice is not repaired, inside and outside is not had not, the men and women is licentious, criterion doubt of photograph of father and son, fluctuation is good from, kou Nan comes: The husband is call person Xian. Xian is to be born at chaos. 3 person wrong, without bring a country. Its say very Er, its Qia is very miserable. Exert oneself force often, criterion photograph of oxen and hores-beeasts of burden is unripe, domestic animals makes Xian, can blame also, and Yi Kewei also. Pass: "The strange book of everythings on earth does not say. " useless argue, not urgent examine, abandon and do not treat. Those who be like husband official justice, of father and son close, of the couple not, day cuts and do not abandon also.
    Yu and rain, he Ye? Say: Without He Ye, still not Yu and rain also. Life is fed and save, day drought and Yu, predict Shi next definitely important matter, blame think so that beg also, with Wen Zhi also. Reason gentleman thinks civil, and common people feels magical. Think Wen Zeji, think the god is fierce also.
    In the day person Mo Ming at life, mo Ming of the person that be in the ground at extreme misery, in content person Mo Ming Yu Zhuyu, in the person person Mo Ming Yu Liyi. Reason life is not tall, bright not hertz; Extreme misery is not accumulated, criterion sunshine embellish not rich; Bead jade is not seen outside, criterion princes and dukes does not think treasure; Ceremony justice is not added at the country, criterion the scholarly honour and official rank is not white. The life of old friend is in day, national life is in ceremony. Gentleman person person, long Lizun virtuous and king, serious way cherishs his fellow citizen and bully, good profit much bluff somebody into giving information and danger, tactics capsize hidden danger and die.
    Big day and think of, what makes with content cultivate! Of from the day eulogy, what and control destiny and use! Hope from time to time is waited for, what and in season and make! Much because of content, what and gallop can and those who change! Think thing and of content, what and reason other people and do not break also! Wish to be born at content, what and content is become! Reason wrong person and think a day, lose the favour of everythings on earth.
    Of 100 king without change, enough is be linked together. Abandon one case, answer in order to a string of 1000 cash, manage be linked together is not random. Do not know native place, do not know meet an emergency. The cardinal principle of be linked together has not die also. Give birth to its to differ in disorder, manage its minute. The place be apt to that reason, in criterion but from, abnormal cannot is, conceal criterion big be puzzled. Watch of the person that water goes is close, the watch is unidentified a defect. Treat civilian person watch line, the watch is unidentified random. Ceremony person, express also. Incivility, faint world also; Faint world, big chaos also. Cause course all without exception bright, outside inside different watch, concealed is shown have constant, civilian defect goes therefore.
    Everythings on earth is one-sided, one content is one-sided of everythings on earth. I person for one content one-sided, and flatter oneself knows, ignorant also. Shen Zi has see after, without see at first. Father has see at Qu, without see at the letter. Mo Zi has see Yu Qi, without see Yu Ji. Song Zi has see at little, without see at many. After having and without first, criterion masses does not have the door. Have Qu and do not have a letter, criterion gentle and simple is not divided. Have neat and without abnormal, criterion government order is not applied, have little and without many, criterion masses is not changed. The book says: "Without it is good to have, abide by Wang Zhi; Without have do evil, the road of abide by king. " this call also.
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